improve(plugin): api to create block uuid

charlie 2022-08-19 10:36:22 +08:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent f111ec3f8e
commit 51a9c7b2d4
1 changed files with 10 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -442,6 +442,9 @@
(editor-handler/open-block-in-sidebar! (uuid block-uuid)))
(defn new_block_uuid []
(str (db/new-block-id)))
(def ^:export select_block
(fn [block-uuid]
(when-let [block (db-model/get-block-by-uuid block-uuid)]
@ -456,7 +459,7 @@
(def ^:export insert_block
(fn [block-uuid-or-page-name content ^js opts]
(let [{:keys [before sibling isPageBlock properties]} (bean/->clj opts)
(let [{:keys [before sibling isPageBlock customUUID properties]} (bean/->clj opts)
page-name (and isPageBlock block-uuid-or-page-name)
block-uuid (if isPageBlock nil (uuid block-uuid-or-page-name))
block-uuid' (if (and (not sibling) before block-uuid)
@ -477,11 +480,12 @@
new-block (editor-handler/api-insert-new-block!
{:block-uuid block-uuid'
:sibling? sibling?
:before? before?
:page page-name
:properties properties})]
{:block-uuid block-uuid'
:sibling? sibling?
:before? before?
:page page-name
:custom-uuid customUUID
:properties properties})]
(bean/->js (normalize-keyword-for-json new-block)))))
(def ^:export insert_batch_block