Cleanup search-auto-complete component

Component was needlessly large and difficult to maintain. Split up
handlers to separate fns and removed duplicate get-current-repo calls
Gabriel Horner 2022-02-27 23:36:58 -05:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent 3772e67ed9
commit 5680c145cc
1 changed files with 113 additions and 103 deletions

View File

@ -89,8 +89,8 @@
[repo search-q {:keys [data type alias]}]
(search-handler/add-search-to-recent! repo search-q)
(= :block type)
(case type
;; Open the first link in a block's content
(let [block-uuid (uuid (:block/uuid data))
block (:block/content (db/entity [:block/uuid block-uuid]))
@ -99,18 +99,123 @@
(js/ link)
(notification/show! "No link found on this block." :warning)))
(= :page type)
;; Open the first link found in a page's properties
(let [data (or alias data)
page (when data (db/entity [:block/name (util/page-name-sanity-lc data)]))
link (some #(re-find editor-handler/url-regex (val %)) (:block/properties page))]
(if link
(js/ link)
(notification/show! "No link found on this page's properties." :warning))))
(notification/show! "No link found on this page's properties." :warning)))
(rum/defc ^:large-vars/cleanup-todo search-auto-complete
(defn- search-on-chosen
[repo search-q {:keys [type data alias]}]
(search-handler/add-search-to-recent! repo search-q)
(case type
(state/add-graph-search-filter! search-q)
(page-handler/create! search-q)
(let [data (or alias data)]
(route/redirect-to-page! data))
(route/redirect! {:to :file
:path-params {:path data}})
(let [block-uuid (uuid (:block/uuid data))
collapsed? (db/parents-collapsed? repo block-uuid)
page (:block/page (db/entity [:block/uuid block-uuid]))
long-page? (block-handler/long-page? repo (:db/id page))]
(if page
(if (or collapsed? long-page?)
(route/redirect-to-page! block-uuid)
(route/redirect-to-page! (:block/name page) (str "ls-block-" (:block/uuid data))))
;; search indice outdated
(println "[Error] Block page missing: "
{:block-id block-uuid
:block (db/pull [:block/uuid block-uuid])})))
(defn- search-on-shift-chosen
[repo search-q {:keys [type data alias]}]
(search-handler/add-search-to-recent! repo search-q)
(case type
(let [data (or alias data)
page (when data (db/entity [:block/name (util/page-name-sanity-lc data)]))]
(when page
(:db/id page)
{:page page})))
(let [block-uuid (uuid (:block/uuid data))
block (db/entity [:block/uuid block-uuid])]
(:db/id block)
(page-handler/create! search-q)
(route/redirect! {:to :file
:path-params {:path data}})
(defn- search-item-render
[search-q {:keys [type data alias]}]
(let [search-mode (state/get-search-mode)
data (if (string? data) (pdf-assets/fix-local-asset-filename data) data)]
[:div {:class "py-2"}
(case type
[:b search-q]
[:div.text.font-bold (str (t :new-page) ": ")
[ (str "\"" search-q "\"")]]
[:span {:data-page-ref data}
(when alias
(let [target-original-name (model/get-page-original-name alias)]
[ (str "Alias -> " target-original-name)]))
(search-result-item "Page" (highlight-exact-query data search-q))]
(search-result-item "File" (highlight-exact-query data search-q))
(let [{:block/keys [page uuid]} data ;; content here is normalized
page (util/get-page-original-name page)
repo (state/sub :git/current-repo)
format (db/get-page-format page)
block (model/query-block-by-uuid uuid)
content (:block/content block)]
[:span {:data-block-ref uuid}
(search-result-item "Block"
(block-search-result-item repo uuid format content search-q search-mode))])
(rum/defc search-auto-complete
[{:keys [pages files blocks has-more?] :as result} search-q all?]
(let [pages (when-not all? (map (fn [page]
(let [alias (model/get-redirect-page-name page)]
@ -144,104 +249,9 @@
{:class "search-results"
:on-chosen (fn [{:keys [type data alias]}]
(search-handler/add-search-to-recent! repo search-q)
(case type
(state/add-graph-search-filter! search-q)
(page-handler/create! search-q)
(let [data (or alias data)]
(route/redirect-to-page! data))
(route/redirect! {:to :file
:path-params {:path data}})
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
block-uuid (uuid (:block/uuid data))
collapsed? (db/parents-collapsed? repo block-uuid)
page (:block/page (db/entity [:block/uuid block-uuid]))
long-page? (block-handler/long-page? repo (:db/id page))]
(if page
(if (or collapsed? long-page?)
(route/redirect-to-page! block-uuid)
(route/redirect-to-page! (:block/name page) (str "ls-block-" (:block/uuid data))))
;; search indice outdated
(println "[Error] Block page missing: "
{:block-id block-uuid
:block (db/pull [:block/uuid block-uuid])})))
:on-shift-chosen (fn [{:keys [type data alias]}]
(search-handler/add-search-to-recent! repo search-q)
(case type
(let [data (or alias data)
page (when data (db/entity [:block/name (util/page-name-sanity-lc data)]))]
(when page
(:db/id page)
{:page page})))
(let [block-uuid (uuid (:block/uuid data))
block (db/entity [:block/uuid block-uuid])]
(:db/id block)
(page-handler/create! search-q)
(route/redirect! {:to :file
:path-params {:path data}})
:item-render (fn [{:keys [type data alias]}]
(let [search-mode (state/get-search-mode)
data (if (string? data) (pdf-assets/fix-local-asset-filename data) data)]
[:div {:class "py-2"} (case type
[:b search-q]
[:div.text.font-bold (str (t :new-page) ": ")
[ (str "\"" search-q "\"")]]
[:span {:data-page-ref data}
(when alias
(let [target-original-name (model/get-page-original-name alias)]
[ (str "Alias -> " target-original-name)]))
(search-result-item "Page" (highlight-exact-query data search-q))]
(search-result-item "File" (highlight-exact-query data search-q))
(let [{:block/keys [page uuid]} data ;; content here is normalized
page (util/get-page-original-name page)
repo (state/sub :git/current-repo)
format (db/get-page-format page)
block (model/query-block-by-uuid uuid)
content (:block/content block)]
[:span {:data-block-ref uuid}
(search-result-item "Block"
(block-search-result-item repo uuid format content search-q search-mode))])
:on-chosen #(search-on-chosen repo search-q %)
:on-shift-chosen #(search-on-shift-chosen repo search-q %)
:item-render #(search-item-render search-q %)
:on-chosen-open-link #(search-on-chosen-open-link repo search-q %)})
(when (and has-more? (util/electron?) (not all?))