fix: allow UI and validation to know what property types have :position

this is done by configuring user-built-in-allowed-schema-attributes
and then using the helper fn to check it
Fix LOG-2955
Gabriel Horner 2024-01-02 15:10:39 -05:00
parent c47b936900
commit 56a81f9671
2 changed files with 4 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -21,17 +21,14 @@
"Valid schema :type for closed values"
#{:default :number :url :date :page})
(def closed-value-property-position-types
"Valid schema :type for closed values"
#{:default :number :url})
(assert (set/subset? closed-value-property-types (set user-built-in-property-types))
"All closed value types are valid property types")
(def ^:private user-built-in-allowed-schema-attributes
"Map of types to their set of allowed :schema attributes"
(merge-with into
(zipmap closed-value-property-types (repeat #{:values :position}))
(zipmap closed-value-property-types (repeat #{:values}))
(zipmap #{:default :number :url} (repeat #{:position}))
{:number #{:cardinality}
:date #{:cardinality}
:url #{:cardinality}

View File

@ -141,8 +141,7 @@
class? (contains? (:block/type block) "class")
property-type (get-in property [:block/schema :type])
save-property-fn (fn [] (components-pu/update-property! property @*property-name @*property-schema))
enable-closed-values? (contains? db-property-type/closed-value-property-types (or property-type :default))
enable-position? (contains? db-property-type/closed-value-property-position-types (or property-type :default))]
enable-closed-values? (contains? db-property-type/closed-value-property-types (or property-type :default))]
{:on-mouse-down #(state/set-state! :editor/mouse-down-from-property-configure? true)
:on-mouse-up #(state/set-state! :editor/mouse-down-from-property-configure? nil)}
@ -252,7 +251,7 @@
(closed-value/choices property *property-name *property-schema opts)]])
(when (and enable-closed-values?
(db-property-type/property-type-allows-schema-attribute? (:type @*property-schema) :position)
(seq (:values @*property-schema)))
(let [position (:position @*property-schema)
choices (map