fix: deleting a file outside app doesn't remove it from a file graph

fixes LOG-3053
Tienson Qin 2024-03-01 15:43:06 +08:00
parent 9ff411947c
commit 5725893595
1 changed files with 29 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -176,30 +176,32 @@
(prn ::initial-watcher repo-dir {:deleted (count deleted-files)
:total (count files)})
(when (seq deleted-files)
(let [delete-tx-data (->> (db/delete-files deleted-files)
(concat (db/delete-blocks graph deleted-files nil))
(remove nil?))]
(db/transact! graph delete-tx-data {:delete-files? true})))
(-> (p/delay 500) ;; workaround for notification ui not showing
(p/then #(p/all (map (fn [file-rpath]
(p/let [stat (fs/stat repo-dir file-rpath)
content (fs/read-file repo-dir file-rpath)
type (if (db/file-exists? graph file-rpath)
(handle-changed! type
{:dir repo-dir
:path file-rpath
:content content
:stat stat})))
(p/then (fn []
(when notification-uid
(prn ::init-notify)
(notification/clear! notification-uid)
(state/pub-event! [:notification/show {:content (str "The graph " graph " is loaded.")
:status :success
:clear? true}]))))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(js/console.dir error))))))))
(when (seq deleted-files)
(p/all (map (fn [path]
(when-let [page-name (db/get-file-page path)]
(println "Delete page: " page-name ", file path: " path ".")
(page-handler/<delete! page-name #())))
(-> (p/delay 500) ;; workaround for notification ui not showing
(p/then #(p/all (map (fn [file-rpath]
(p/let [stat (fs/stat repo-dir file-rpath)
content (fs/read-file repo-dir file-rpath)
type (if (db/file-exists? graph file-rpath)
(handle-changed! type
{:dir repo-dir
:path file-rpath
:content content
:stat stat})))
(p/then (fn []
(when notification-uid
(prn ::init-notify)
(notification/clear! notification-uid)
(state/pub-event! [:notification/show {:content (str "The graph " graph " is loaded.")
:status :success
:clear? true}]))))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(js/console.dir error)))))))))