Support db migration for :block/type update

Tienson Qin 2024-08-05 21:08:32 +08:00
parent 004806d63e
commit 5d2cd70142
3 changed files with 36 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"Main datascript schemas for the Logseq app"
(:require [clojure.set :as set]))
(def version 11)
(def version 12)
;; A page is a special block, a page can corresponds to multiple files with the same ":block/name".
(def ^:large-vars/data-var schema
{:db/ident {:db/unique :db.unique/identity}

View File

@ -782,7 +782,7 @@
"Component for a page. `page` argument contains :block/name which can be (un)sanitized page name.
Keys for `config`:
- `:preview?`: Is this component under preview mode? (If true, `page-preview-trigger` won't be registered to this `page-cp`)"
[state {:keys [label children preview? disable-preview?] :as config} _page]
[state {:keys [label children preview? disable-preview?] :as config} page]
(let [entity (::entity state)]
(when-let [entity (when entity (db/sub-block (:db/id entity)))]
(if (or (ldb/page? entity) (:block/tags entity))

View File

@ -92,6 +92,38 @@
[:db/add id new prop-value]]))))
(defn- update-block-type-many->one
[conn _search-db]
(let [db @conn
datoms (d/datoms db :avet :block/type)
new-type-tx (->> (set (map :e datoms))
(fn [id]
(let [types (:block/type (d/entity db id))
type (if (set? types)
(contains? types "class")
(contains? types "property")
(contains? types "whiteboard")
(contains? types "journal")
(contains? types "hidden")
(contains? types "page")
(first types))
[[:db/retract id :block/type]
[:db/add id :block/type type]]))))
schema (:schema db)]
(ldb/transact! conn new-type-tx {:db-migrate? true})
(d/reset-schema! conn (update schema :block/type #(assoc % :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one)))
(def schema-version->updates
[[3 {:properties []
@ -111,7 +143,8 @@
[8 {:fix replace-object-and-page-type-with-node}]
[9 {:fix update-task-ident}]
[10 {:fix update-table-properties}]
[11 {:fix property-checkbox-type-non-ref}]])
[11 {:fix property-checkbox-type-non-ref}]
[12 {:fix update-block-type-many->one}]])
(let [max-schema-version (apply max (map first schema-version->updates))]
(assert (<= db-schema/version max-schema-version))