fix: refactor threading

Weihua Lu 2021-06-04 23:13:02 +08:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent 94a9ea4988
commit 5e46d9eb7a
1 changed files with 7 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -2796,15 +2796,6 @@
(util/forward-kill-word input)
(state/set-edit-content! (state/get-edit-input-id) (.-value input))))
(defn tree-seq-with-level
[branch? children root]
(let [walk (fn walk [level node]
(cons (assoc node :block/level level)
(when (branch? node)
(mapcat (partial walk (inc level)) (children node))))))]
(walk 1 root)))
(defn all-blocks-with-level
"Return all blocks associated with correct level
if :collapse? true, return without any collapsed children
@ -2821,22 +2812,19 @@
{:block e :level 2}]"
[{:keys [collapse?] :or {collapse? false}}]
(let [page (state/get-current-page)]
(-> page
(tree/blocks->vec-tree page))
(fn [x]
(if (and (map? x) (-> x :block/properties :collapsed))
(assoc x :block/children [])
(#(if collapse?
(fn [x]
(if (and (map? x) (-> x :block/properties :collapsed))
(assoc x :block/children []) x)) %) %))
(mapcat (fn [x] (tree-seq-with-level map? :block/children x)))
(mapcat (fn [x] (tree-seq map? :block/children x)))
(map (fn [x] (dissoc x :block/children))))))
(defn collapse-block! [block-id]