fix: db import of collapsed block being invalid

Also cleanup infer fn which had import-specific code and add tests
for :default to :page :type change. Part of LOG-3176
Gabriel Horner 2024-07-09 14:23:22 -04:00
parent 8279205fc7
commit 60b13a525e
5 changed files with 32 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -187,7 +187,6 @@
"Infers a user defined built-in :type from property value(s)"
(coll? val) :page
(number? val) :number
(url? val) :url
(contains? #{true false} val) :checkbox

View File

@ -256,6 +256,8 @@
(and (coll? prop-val) (seq prop-val) (text-with-refs? prop-val prop-val-text))
(coll? prop-val)
(macro-util/expand-value-if-macro prop-val macros)))
@ -494,11 +496,11 @@
(select-keys block [:block/properties-text-values :block/name :block/content :block/uuid])
(cond-> (dissoc block :block/properties)
(cond-> block
(merge block-properties)
(seq classes-from-properties)
;; Add a map of {:block.temp/new-class TAG} to be processed later
;; Add a map of {:block.temp/new-class TAG} to be processed later
(update :block/tags
(fnil into [])
(map #(hash-map :block.temp/new-class %
@ -506,7 +508,7 @@
:properties-tx pvalues-tx})
{:block block :properties-tx []})
(update :block dissoc :block/properties-text-values :block/properties-order :block/invalid-properties)))
(update :block dissoc :block/properties :block/properties-text-values :block/properties-order :block/invalid-properties)))
(defn- handle-page-properties
[{:block/keys [properties] :as block*} db page-names-to-uuids refs

View File

@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
;; Counts
;; Includes journals as property values e.g. :logseq.task/deadline
(is (= 13 (count (d/q '[:find ?b :where [?b :block/type "journal"]] @conn))))
(is (= 14 (count (d/q '[:find ?b :where [?b :block/type "journal"]] @conn))))
;; Don't count pages like that have properties but no content
(is (= 5
@ -177,21 +177,22 @@
(is (= #{{:db/ident :block/schema {:type :checkbox}}
{:db/ident :block/schema {:type :default}}
{:db/ident :block/schema {:type :number}}
{:db/ident :block/schema {:type :url}}
{:db/ident :block/schema {:type :url}}
{:db/ident :block/schema {:type :page}}
{:db/ident :block/schema {:type :date}}}
(->> @conn
(d/q '[:find [(pull ?b [:db/ident :block/schema]) ...]
:where [?b :block/type "property"]])
(filter #(contains? #{:prop-bool :prop-string :prop-num :rangeincludes :url :sameas
(filter #(contains? #{:prop-bool :prop-string :prop-num :rangeincludes :sameas :startedat}
(keyword (name (:db/ident %)))))
"Main property types have correct inferred :type")
(is (= :default
(get-in (d/entity @conn [:block/schema :type]))
"Property value consisting of text and refs is inferred as :default")
(is (= :url
(get-in (d/entity @conn [:block/schema :type]))
"Property value with a macro correctly inferred as :url")
(is (= { true 5
@ -259,13 +260,25 @@
(readable-properties @conn (find-block-by-content @conn "{{query (property :prop-string)}}")))
"query block has correct query properties"))
(testing "db attributes"
(is (= true
(:block/collapsed? (find-block-by-content @conn "collapsed block")))
"Collapsed blocks are imported"))
(testing "property :type changes"
(is (= :page
(get-in (d/entity @conn [:block/schema :type]))
"property remains :page after one value is :page and the next is :date")
":page property to :date value remains :page")
(is (= :default
(get-in (d/entity @conn [:block/schema :type]))
":number property changes to :default after one value is :default"))
":number property to :default value changes to :default")
(is (= :default
(get-in (d/entity @conn [:block/schema :type]))
":default property to :page (or any non :default value) remains :default")
(is (= "[[Jakob]]"
( (readable-properties @conn (find-block-by-content @conn #":default to :page"))))
":page property value correctly saved as :default with full text"))
(testing "tags without tag options"
(let [block (find-block-by-content @conn #"Inception")

View File

@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
template:: meeting
participants:: TODO
- pending block for :num to :default
- pending block for :number to :default
duration:: 10
- test :num to :default
duration:: 20m
- test :number to :default
duration:: 20m
- test :default to :page
description:: [[Jakob]]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
- collapsed block
collapsed:: true
- child