Stop backspace when deleting a heading

Tienson Qin 2020-05-01 16:18:01 +08:00
parent f22abff6d1
commit 6595945388
3 changed files with 35 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
(let [{:keys [id dummy? value on-hide pos]} (get-state state)
heading? (string/starts-with? id "edit-heading-")]
(when (and heading? (= value ""))
(util/stop e)
;; delete heading, edit previous heading
(let [heading-id (string/replace id "edit-heading-" "")
heading (db/entity [:heading/uuid (uuid heading-id)])
@ -59,7 +60,7 @@
id (gobj/get sibling-heading "id")]
(let [heading (db/entity [:heading/uuid (uuid heading-id)])]
(handler/delete-heading! heading))
(handler/delete-heading! heading dummy?))
(when id
(let [id (uuid (string/replace id "ls-heading-parent-" ""))]

View File

@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
(transact! (state/get-current-repo) tx-data))
([repo-url tx-data]
(when-let [conn (get-conn repo-url false)]
(d/transact! conn tx-data))))
(posh/transact! conn tx-data))))
;; (new TextEncoder().encode('foo')).length
;; (defn db-size
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
(sub-key-value (state/get-current-repo) key))
([repo-url key]
(when-let [conn (get-conn repo-url false)]
(-> (posh/pull conn '[*] key)
(-> (posh/pull conn '[*] [:db/ident key])
(get key)))))

View File

@ -563,7 +563,7 @@
(let [current-length (:journals-length @state/state)]
(when (< current-length (db/get-journals-length))
(state/update-state! :journals-length inc))))
(state/update-state! :journals-length inc))))
(defn request-presigned-url
[file filename mime-type url-handler]
@ -714,35 +714,36 @@
(alter-file repo-url file-path new-content opts)))))
(defn delete-heading!
[{:heading/keys [uuid meta content file] :as heading}]
(let [file-path (:file/path (db/entity (:db/id file)))
file-content (:file/content (db/entity (:db/id file)))
after-headings (db/get-file-after-headings (state/get-current-repo) (:db/id file) (:end-pos meta))
last-start-pos (atom (:pos meta))
updated-headings (mapv
(fn [{:heading/keys [uuid meta] :as heading}]
(let [old-start-pos (:pos meta)
old-end-pos (:end-pos meta)
new-end-pos (if old-end-pos
(+ @last-start-pos (- old-end-pos old-start-pos)))
new-meta {:pos @last-start-pos
:end-pos new-end-pos}]
(reset! last-start-pos new-end-pos)
{:heading/uuid uuid
:heading/meta new-meta}))
new-content (utf8/insert! file-content (:pos meta) (:end-pos meta) "")]
;; update all headings meta after this deleted heading in the same file
[[:db.fn/retractEntity [:heading/uuid uuid]]]
[{:file/path file-path
:file/content new-content}])))
(save-heading-if-changed! heading ""
{:new-content new-content
:reset? false})))
[{:heading/keys [uuid meta content file] :as heading} dummy?]
(when-not dummy?
(let [file-path (:file/path (db/entity (:db/id file)))
file-content (:file/content (db/entity (:db/id file)))
after-headings (db/get-file-after-headings (state/get-current-repo) (:db/id file) (:end-pos meta))
last-start-pos (atom (:pos meta))
updated-headings (mapv
(fn [{:heading/keys [uuid meta] :as heading}]
(let [old-start-pos (:pos meta)
old-end-pos (:end-pos meta)
new-end-pos (if old-end-pos
(+ @last-start-pos (- old-end-pos old-start-pos)))
new-meta {:pos @last-start-pos
:end-pos new-end-pos}]
(reset! last-start-pos new-end-pos)
{:heading/uuid uuid
:heading/meta new-meta}))
new-content (utf8/insert! file-content (:pos meta) (:end-pos meta) "")]
;; update all headings meta after this deleted heading in the same file
[[:db.fn/retractEntity [:heading/uuid uuid]]]
[{:file/path file-path
:file/content new-content}])))
(save-heading-if-changed! heading ""
{:new-content new-content
:reset? false}))))
(defn clone-and-pull