enhance: improve performance for rendering

Also, simplify the state for expand/collapse.
Tienson Qin 2021-03-29 21:15:03 +08:00
parent a7e867a572
commit 65ce4ec3d9
5 changed files with 39 additions and 80 deletions

View File

@ -329,20 +329,16 @@
(rum/defc page-cp
[{:keys [html-export? label children contents-page?] :as config} page]
(when-let [page-name (:page/name page)]
(let [source-page (model/get-alias-source-page (state/get-current-repo)
(string/lower-case page-name))
original-page-name (get page :page/original-name page-name)
original-page-name (if (date/valid-journal-title? original-page-name)
(string/capitalize original-page-name)
page (string/lower-case page-name)
(let [page (string/lower-case page-name)
redirect-page-name (cond
(:page/alias? config)
(db/page-empty? (state/get-current-repo) page-name)
(or (when source-page (:page/name source-page))
(db/page-empty? (state/get-current-repo) page)
(let [source-page (model/get-alias-source-page (state/get-current-repo)
(string/lower-case page-name))]
(or (when source-page (:page/name source-page))
@ -378,7 +374,7 @@
(string? label)
(not (string/blank? label))) ; alias
(get page :page/original-name page-name)))])))
(rum/defc asset-reference
[title path]
@ -972,23 +968,14 @@
(defonce *control-show? (atom {}))
(rum/defcs block-control < rum/reactive
{:will-mount (fn [state]
(let [block (nth (:rum/args state) 1)
collapsed? (:block/collapsed? block)]
(state/set-collapsed-state! (:block/uuid block)
[state config block uuid block-id level start-level body children dummy?]
[state config block uuid block-id level start-level body children dummy? *control-show? *collapsed?]
(let [has-child? (and
(not (:pre-block? block))
(or (seq children)
(seq body)))
collapsed? (state/sub [:ui/collapsed-blocks uuid])
collapsed? (and has-child? collapsed?)
control-show (util/react (rum/cursor *control-show? block-id))
collapsed? (rum/react *collapsed?)
control-show? (util/react *control-show?)
dark? (= "dark" (state/sub :ui/theme))
heading? (= (get (:block/properties block) "heading") "true")]
@ -1013,13 +1000,12 @@
(if collapsed?
(expand/expand! block)
(expand/collapse! block))
(state/set-collapsed-state! uuid (not collapsed?)))}
(reset! *collapsed? (not collapsed?)))}
(and control-show collapsed?)
(and control-show? collapsed?)
(and control-show has-child?)
(and control-show? has-child?)
@ -1530,8 +1516,14 @@
(when (or (seq @parents-atom) show-page?)
(rum/defc block-container < rum/static
{:did-mount (fn [state]
(rum/defcs block-container < rum/static
{:init (fn [state]
(let [block (last (:rum/args state))
collapsed? (:block/collapsed? block)]
(assoc state
::control-show? (atom false)
::collapsed? (atom collapsed?))))
:did-mount (fn [state]
(let [block (nth (:rum/args state) 1)
collapsed? (:block/collapsed? block)]
(when collapsed?
@ -1540,8 +1532,10 @@
:should-update (fn [old-state new-state]
(not= (:block/content (second (:rum/args old-state)))
(:block/content (second (:rum/args new-state)))))}
[config {:block/keys [uuid title level body meta content dummy? page format repo children collapsed? pre-block? idx properties refs-with-children] :as block}]
(let [ref? (boolean (:ref? config))
[state config {:block/keys [uuid title level body meta content dummy? page format repo children collapsed? pre-block? idx properties refs-with-children] :as block}]
(let [*control-show? (get state ::control-show?)
*collapsed? (get state ::collapsed?)
ref? (boolean (:ref? config))
breadcrumb-show? (:breadcrumb-show? config)
sidebar? (boolean (:sidebar? config))
slide? (boolean (:slide? config))
@ -1600,13 +1594,13 @@
:on-mouse-over (fn [e]
(util/stop e)
(when has-child?
(swap! *control-show? assoc block-id true))
(reset! *control-show? true))
(when-let [parent (gdom/getElement block-id)]
(let [node (.querySelector parent ".bullet-container")
closed? (d/has-class? node "bullet-closed")]
(if closed?
(state/collapse-block! uuid)
(state/expand-block! uuid))
;; (if closed?
;; (block-handler/collapse-block! uuid)
;; (block-handler/expand-block! uuid))
(when doc-mode?
(d/remove-class! node "hide-inner-bullet"))))
(when (and
@ -1617,12 +1611,12 @@
:on-mouse-out (fn [e]
(util/stop e)
(when has-child?
(swap! *control-show?
assoc block-id false))
(reset! *control-show? false))
(when doc-mode?
(when-let [parent (gdom/getElement block-id)]
(when-let [node (.querySelector parent ".bullet-container")]
(d/add-class! node "hide-inner-bullet")))))}
[data-refs data-refs-self] nil
data-refs (let [refs (model/get-page-names-by-ids
(->> (map :db/id refs-with-children)
(remove nil?)))]
@ -1656,7 +1650,7 @@
(when (not slide?)
(block-control config block uuid block-id level start-level body children dummy?))
(block-control config block uuid block-id level start-level body children dummy? *control-show? *collapsed?))
(block-content-or-editor config block edit-input-id block-id slide?)]

View File

@ -106,11 +106,11 @@
{:title "Filter"
:on-click #(state/set-modal! (filter-dialog references page-name))}
(svg/filter-icon (cond
(empty? filter-state) nil
(every? true? (vals filter-state)) "text-green-400"
(every? false? (vals filter-state)) "text-red-400"
:else "text-yellow-400"))]]
(svg/filter-icon (cond
(empty? filter-state) nil
(every? true? (vals filter-state)) "text-green-400"
(every? false? (vals filter-state)) "text-red-400"
:else "text-yellow-400"))]]
(let [ref-hiccup (block/->hiccup filtered-ref-blocks

View File

@ -1948,16 +1948,12 @@
(defn expand!
(when-let [current-block (state/get-edit-block)]
(expand/expand! current-block)
(state/set-collapsed-state! (:block/uuid current-block)
(expand/expand! current-block)))
(defn collapse!
(when-let [current-block (state/get-edit-block)]
(expand/collapse! current-block)
(state/set-collapsed-state! (:block/uuid current-block)
(expand/collapse! current-block)))
(defn cycle-collapse!

View File

@ -79,7 +79,6 @@
db-str (db/db->string db)
state (select-keys @state/state
[:ui/theme :ui/cycle-collapse

View File

@ -57,7 +57,6 @@
:ui/wide-mode? false
;; :show-all, :hide-block-body, :hide-block-children
:ui/cycle-collapse :show-all
:ui/collapsed-blocks {}
:ui/sidebar-collapsed-blocks {}
:ui/root-component nil
:ui/file-component nil
@ -437,39 +436,10 @@
(set-state! :cursor-range range))
; FIXME: unused function
(defn get-cloning?
(:repo/cloning? @state))
(defn set-cloning!
(set-state! :repo/cloning? value))
(defn get-block-collapsed-state
(get-in @state [:ui/collapsed-blocks block-id]))
(defn set-collapsed-state!
[block-id value]
(set-state! [:ui/collapsed-blocks block-id] value))
(defn collapse-block!
(set-collapsed-state! block-id true))
(defn expand-block!
(set-collapsed-state! block-id false))
(defn collapsed?
(get-in @state [:ui/collapsed-blocks block-id]))
(defn clear-collapsed-blocks!
(set-state! :ui/collapsed-blocks {}))
(defn set-q!
(set-state! :search/q value))