fix: wrong indentation when extracting blocks

close #1785
Tienson Qin 2021-05-11 20:21:28 +08:00
parent 850d8d8c7a
commit 66c0200b51
4 changed files with 105 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -526,26 +526,30 @@
(defn with-parent-and-left
[page-id blocks]
(loop [blocks blocks
(loop [blocks (map (fn [block] (assoc block :block/level-spaces (:block/level block))) blocks)
parents [{:page/id page-id ; db id or lookup ref [:block/name "xxx"]
:block/level 0}]
:block/level 0
:block/level-spaces 0}]
result []]
(if (empty? blocks)
(map #(dissoc % :block/level-spaces) result)
(let [[block & others] blocks
cur-level (:block/level block)
level-spaces (:block/level-spaces block)
{:block/keys [uuid level parent unordered] :as last-parent} (last parents)
parent-spaces (:block/level-spaces last-parent)
[blocks parents result]
(= cur-level level) ; sibling
(= level-spaces parent-spaces) ; sibling
(let [block (assoc block
:block/parent parent
:block/left [:block/uuid uuid])
:block/left [:block/uuid uuid]
:block/level level
parents' (conj (vec (butlast parents)) block)
result' (conj result block)]
[others parents' result'])
(> cur-level level) ; child
(> level-spaces parent-spaces) ; child
(let [parent (if uuid [:block/uuid uuid] (:page/id last-parent))
block (cond->
(assoc block
@ -556,14 +560,16 @@
;; - a
;; - b
;; What if the input indentation is two spaces instead of 4 spaces
(> (- cur-level level) (if unordered 4 1))
(>= (- level-spaces parent-spaces) 1)
(assoc :block/level (inc level)))
parents' (conj parents block)
result' (conj result block)]
[others parents' result'])
(< cur-level level) ; outdent
(let [parents' (vec (filter (fn [p] (<= (:block/level p) cur-level)) parents))]
(< level-spaces parent-spaces) ; outdent
(let [parents' (vec (filter (fn [p] (<= (:block/level-spaces p) level-spaces)) parents))
blocks (cons (assoc (first blocks) :block/level (dec level))
(rest blocks))]
[blocks parents' result]))]
(recur blocks parents result)))))

View File

@ -145,23 +145,25 @@
(log/error :exception e))))
(defn extract-blocks-pages
[repo-url file content utf8-content]
(if (string/blank? content)
(let [journal? (util/journal? file)
format (format/get-format file)
ast (mldoc/->edn content
(mldoc/default-config format))
first-block (first ast)
properties (let [properties (and (seq first-block)
(= "Properties" (ffirst first-block))
(last (first first-block)))]
(if (and properties (seq properties))
format ast properties
file content utf8-content journal?))))
([repo-url file content]
(extract-blocks-pages repo-url file content (utf8/encode content)))
([repo-url file content utf8-content]
(if (string/blank? content)
(let [journal? (util/journal? file)
format (format/get-format file)
ast (mldoc/->edn content
(mldoc/default-config format))
first-block (first ast)
properties (let [properties (and (seq first-block)
(= "Properties" (ffirst first-block))
(last (first first-block)))]
(if (and properties (seq properties))
format ast properties
file content utf8-content journal?)))))
(defn with-block-uuid

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
(ns frontend.handler.extract-test
(:require [cljs.test :refer [deftest is are testing use-fixtures run-tests]]
[cljs-run-test :refer [run-test]]
[frontend.handler.extract :as extract]))
(defn- extract-level-and-content
(->> (extract/extract-blocks-pages "repo" "" text)
(mapv (juxt :block/level :block/content))))
(deftest test-extract-blocks-pages
(are [x y] (= (extract-level-and-content x) y)
"- a
- b
- c"
[[1 "a"] [2 "b"] [3 "c"]]
"## hello
- world
- nice
- nice
- bingo
- world
- so good
- nice
- bingo
- test"
[[1 "## hello"]
[2 "world"]
[3 "nice"]
[4 "nice"]
[3 "bingo"]
[3 "world"]
[4 "so good"]
[4 "nice"]
[5 "bingo"]
[6 "test"]]
"# a
## b
### c
#### d
### e
- f
- g
- h
- i
- j"
[[1 "# a"]
[1 "## b"]
[1 "### c"]
[1 "#### d"]
[1 "### e"]
[1 "f"]
[2 "g"]
[3 "h"]
[2 "i"]
[1 "j"]]))

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"[[foo]]" ["[[foo]]"]
"[[nested [[foo]]]]" ["[[nested [[foo]]]]"]))
(defn split-page-refs-without-brackets
(deftest split-page-refs-without-brackets
(are [x y] (= (text/split-page-refs-without-brackets x) y)
"foobar" "foobar"
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
"#tag1,#tag2" #{"tag1" "tag2"}
"[[Jan 26th, 2021]], hello" #{"hello" "Jan 26th, 2021"}))
(defn extract-level-spaces
(deftest extract-level-spaces
(testing "markdown"
(are [x y] (= (text/extract-level-spaces x :markdown) y)
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
"** foobar" "** "
"********************* foobar" "********************* ")))
(defn remove-level-spaces
(deftest remove-level-spaces
(testing "markdown"
(are [x y] (= (text/remove-level-spaces x :markdown true) y)
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"**foobar" "foobar"
"*********************foobar" "foobar")))
(defn append-newline-after-level-spaces
(deftest append-newline-after-level-spaces
(are [x y] (= (text/append-newline-after-level-spaces x :markdown) y)
"# foobar" "#\nfoobar"
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
"* foobar\nfoo" "*\nfoobar\nfoo"
"** foobar\nfoo" "**\nfoobar\nfoo"))
(defn remove-id-property
(deftest remove-id-property
(are [x y] (= (text/remove-id-property! :org x) y)
"hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:id: f9873a81-07b9-4246-b910-53a6f5ec7e04\n:END:\n"
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
"hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:id: f9873a81-07b9-4246-b910-53a6f5ec7e04\na: b\n:END:\n"
"hello\n:PROPERTIES:\na: b\n:END:"))
(defn test-remove-properties!
(deftest test-remove-properties!
(testing "properties with non-blank lines"
(are [x y] (= x y)
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
(text/remove-properties! :org "** hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:x: y\n\na:b\n:END:\n")
"** hello")))
(defn test-insert-property
(deftest test-insert-property
(are [x y] (= x y)
(text/insert-property! :org "hello" "a" "b")
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
(text/insert-property! :org "hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:a: b\n:END: world\n" "c" "d")
"hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:c: d\n:END:\n:PROPERTIES:\n:a: b\n:END: world\n"))
(defn test->new-properties
(deftest test->new-properties
(are [x y] (= (text/->new-properties x) y)
":PROPERTIES:\n:foo: bar\n:END:"