fix: validate property values again

caused by property pair revert 5d4ae66d86
Gabriel Horner 2024-04-30 12:25:12 -04:00
parent efcffd6e19
commit 670b46f221
2 changed files with 53 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
(:require [logseq.db.sqlite.db :as sqlite-db]
[logseq.db.frontend.malli-schema :as db-malli-schema]
[logseq.db.frontend.validate :as db-validate]
[ :as db-property]
[datascript.core :as d]
[clojure.string :as string]
[nbb.core :as nbb]
@ -83,7 +84,7 @@
(count (filter #(contains? (:block/type %) "class") ent-maps)) " classes, "
(count (filter #(seq (:block/tags %)) ent-maps)) " objects, "
(count (filter #(contains? (:block/type %) "property") ent-maps)) " properties and "
(count (filter :property/pair-property ent-maps)) " property pairs"))
(count (mapcat db-property/properties ent-maps)) " property pairs"))
(validate-client-db @conn ent-maps options)))
(defn -main [argv]

View File

@ -88,20 +88,25 @@
"Prepares properties in entities to be validated by DB schema"
[db ents]
#(if-let [property (some->> (:property/pair-property %) (d/entity db))]
(assoc % :property-tuple
(fn [ent]
(reduce (fn [m [k v]]
(if-let [property (and (db-property/property? k)
(d/entity db k))]
(update m :block/properties (fnil conj [])
[(assoc (select-keys property [:db/ident :db/valueType])
(select-keys (:block/schema property) [:type :cardinality :values]))
(get % (:db/ident property))])
(assoc m k v)))
(defn datoms->entity-maps
"Returns entity maps for given :eavt datoms indexed by db/id. Optional keys:
* :entity-fn - Optional fn that given an entity id, returns entity. Defaults
to just doing a lookup within entity-maps to be as performant as possible"
[datoms & {:keys [_entity-fn]}]
to just doing a lookup based on existing entity-maps to be as performant as possible"
[datoms & {:keys [entity-fn]}]
(let [ent-maps
(reduce (fn [acc {:keys [a e v]}]
(if (contains? db-schema/card-many-attributes a)
@ -114,23 +119,23 @@
(update acc e assoc a v))))
;; entity-fn' (or entity-fn #(get ent-maps %))
;; (-> ent-maps
;; (update-vals
;; (fn [v]
;; (let [pair-ent (when (:property/pair-property v) (entity-fn' (:property/pair-property v)))]
;; (if-let [prop-value
;; (and pair-ent
;; (= :db.cardinality/many (:db/cardinality pair-ent))
;; (get v (:db/ident pair-ent)))]
;; (if-not (set? prop-value)
;; ;; Fix :many property values that only had one value
;; (assoc v (:db/ident pair-ent) #{prop-value})
;; v)
;; v)))))
entity-fn' (or entity-fn
(let [db-ident-maps (dissoc (into {} (map (juxt :db/ident identity) (vals ent-maps))) nil)]
#(get db-ident-maps %)))]
(-> ent-maps
(fn [m]
(->> m
(map (fn [[k v]]
(if-let [property (and (db-property/property? k)
(entity-fn' k))]
(if (and (= :db.cardinality/many (:db/cardinality property))
(not (set? v)))
;; Fix :many property values that only had one value
[k #{v}]
[k v])
[k v])))
(into {})))))))
(defn datoms->entities
"Returns a vec of entity maps given :eavt datoms"
@ -142,12 +147,31 @@
;; ==================
;; These schemas should be data vars to remain as simple and reusable as possible
(def property-tuple
"A tuple of a property map and a property value. This schema
has 1 metadata hook which is used to inject a datascript db later"
[:multi {:dispatch #(-> % first :block/schema :type)}]
(map (fn [[prop-type value-schema]]
(let [schema-fn (if (vector? value-schema) (last value-schema) value-schema)]
[:fn (with-meta (fn [db tuple] (validate-property-value db schema-fn tuple)) {:add-db true})])])
(def block-properties
"Validates a block's properties as property pairs. Properties are
a vector of tuples instead of a map in order to validate each
property with its property value that is valid for its type"
[:sequential property-tuple])
(def page-or-block-attrs
"Common attributes for page and normal blocks"
[[:block/uuid :uuid]
[:block/created-at :int]
[:block/updated-at :int]
[:block/format [:enum :markdown]]
;; Injected by update-properties-in-ents
[:block/properties {:optional true} block-properties]
[:block/refs {:optional true} [:set :int]]
[:block/tags {:optional true} [:set :int]]
[:block/collapsed-properties {:optional true} [:set :int]]
@ -355,28 +379,6 @@
[:graph/uuid :string]
[:graph/local-tx :string]])
(def property-tuple
"A tuple of a property map and a property value. This schema
has 1 metadata hook which is used to inject a datascript db later"
[:multi {:dispatch #(-> % first :block/schema :type)}]
(map (fn [[prop-type value-schema]]
(let [schema-fn (if (vector? value-schema) (last value-schema) value-schema)]
[:fn (with-meta (fn [db tuple] (validate-property-value db schema-fn tuple)) {:add-db true})])])
(def property-pair
;; Not closed because property value key is different with every property
{:closed false}
[:property/pair-property :int]
[:block/created-at :int]
[:block/updated-at :int]
;; Injected by update-properties-in-ents
[:property-tuple property-tuple]
[:block/tx-id {:optional true} :int]])
(def db-ident-key-val
"A key-val map consists of a :db/ident and a specific key val"
(into [:or]
@ -417,8 +419,6 @@
(:block/uuid d)
(:property/pair-property d)
(:asset/uuid d)
(= (:db/ident d)
@ -432,7 +432,6 @@
:block block
:file-block file-block
:db-ident-key-value db-ident-key-val
:property-pair property-pair
:asset-block asset-block
:property-value-placeholder property-value-placeholder}))
@ -454,7 +453,7 @@
(string/join ", " undeclared-ref-attrs))
(let [malli-one-ref-attrs (->> (concat class-attrs page-attrs block-attrs page-or-block-attrs (rest normal-page) (rest property-pair))
(let [malli-one-ref-attrs (->> (concat class-attrs page-attrs block-attrs page-or-block-attrs (rest normal-page))
(filter #(= (last %) :int))
(map first)