enhance(ui): incorrect separator item for the property dropdown editor

charlie 2024-09-14 14:28:41 +08:00
parent 7076bfa08e
commit 681c345196
1 changed files with 18 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -550,23 +550,26 @@
(when (and (not (contains? #{:logseq.property/parent :logseq.property.class/properties} (:db/ident property)))
(and (= :default (get-in property [:block/schema :type]))
(empty? (:property/closed-values property))
(contains? #{nil :properties} (:position property-schema)))))
(let [position (:position property-schema)]
(dropdown-editor-menuitem {:icon :float-left :title "UI position" :desc (some->> position (get position-labels) (:title))
:item-props {:class "ui__position-trigger-item"}
:submenu-content (fn [ops] (ui-position-sub-pane property (assoc ops :position position)))})))
(when (not (contains? #{:logseq.property/parent :logseq.property.class/properties} (:db/ident property)))
(dropdown-editor-menuitem {:icon :eye-off :title "Hide by default" :toggle-checked? (boolean (:hide? property-schema))
:on-toggle-checked-change #(db-property-handler/upsert-property! (:db/ident property)
(assoc property-schema :hide? %) {})}))
(let [group' (->> [:<>
(when (and (not (contains? #{:logseq.property/parent :logseq.property.class/properties} (:db/ident property)))
(and (= :default (get-in property [:block/schema :type]))
(empty? (:property/closed-values property))
(contains? #{nil :properties} (:position property-schema)))))
(let [position (:position property-schema)]
(dropdown-editor-menuitem {:icon :float-left :title "UI position" :desc (some->> position (get position-labels) (:title))
:item-props {:class "ui__position-trigger-item"}
:submenu-content (fn [ops] (ui-position-sub-pane property (assoc ops :position position)))})))
(when owner-block
(when (not (contains? #{:logseq.property/parent :logseq.property.class/properties} (:db/ident property)))
(dropdown-editor-menuitem {:icon :eye-off :title "Hide by default" :toggle-checked? (boolean (:hide? property-schema))
:on-toggle-checked-change #(db-property-handler/upsert-property! (:db/ident property)
(assoc property-schema :hide? %) {})}))]
(remove nil?)
(into []))]
(when (and owner-block (> (count group') 1))
(conj group' (shui/dropdown-menu-separator))))
(when owner-block