fix(ux): invalid action for the block selection context menus

charlie 2024-05-21 11:26:59 +08:00
parent ee35854498
commit 685b78e2a0
3 changed files with 68 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -70,7 +70,8 @@
(.focus target))))))
(defn show!
[^js event content & {:keys [id as-dropdown? as-content? align root-props content-props on-hide] :as opts}]
[^js event content & {:keys [id as-dropdown? as-content? align root-props content-props
on-before-hide on-after-hide] :as opts}]
(let [*target (volatile! nil)
position (cond
(vector? event) event
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@
(or (instance? js/MouseEvent (or (.-nativeEvent event) event))
(instance? js/ event))
(do (vreset! *target (.-target (or (.-nativeEvent event) event)))
[(.-clientX event) (.-clientY event)])
[(.-clientX event) (.-clientY event)])
(instance? js/Element event)
(let [^js rect (.getBoundingClientRect event)
@ -87,11 +88,11 @@
height (.-height rect)
bottom (.-bottom rect)]
(do (vreset! *target event)
[(+ left (case (keyword align)
:start 0
:end width
(/ width 2)))
(- bottom height) width height]))
[(+ left (case (keyword align)
:start 0
:end width
(/ width 2)))
(- bottom height) width height]))
:else [0 0])]
(merge opts
@ -100,7 +101,8 @@
:as-dropdown? as-dropdown?
:as-content? as-content?
:root-props root-props
:on-hide on-hide
:on-before-hide on-before-hide
:on-after-hide on-after-hide
:content-props (cond-> content-props
(not (nil? align))
(assoc :align (name align)))}))))
@ -110,12 +112,16 @@
([id] (hide! id 0 {}))
([id delay] (hide! id delay {}))
([id delay {:keys [all?]}]
(let [f #(if all?
(reset! *popups [])
(detach-popup! id))]
(if (and (number? delay) (> delay 0))
(js/setTimeout f delay)
(when-let [popup (get-popup id)]
(let [config (last popup)
f #(if all?
(reset! *popups [])
(do (detach-popup! id)
(some-> (:on-after-hide config) (apply []))))]
(some-> (:on-before-hide config) (apply []))
(if (and (number? delay) (> delay 0))
(js/setTimeout f delay)
(defn hide-all!
@ -124,7 +130,8 @@
(rum/defc x-popup
[{:keys [id open? content position as-dropdown? as-content? force-popover?
auto-side? _auto-focus? _target root-props content-props on-hide]
auto-side? _auto-focus? _target root-props content-props
_on-before-hide _on-after-hide]
:as _props}]
;; disableOutsidePointerEvents
@ -153,39 +160,35 @@
"top" "bottom"))))
content-props (cond-> content-props
auto-side? (assoc :side (auto-side-fn)))
hide (fn []
(when (fn? on-hide)
;; Async so that popup closing will be in another run
(js/setTimeout #(hide! id) 0))]
hide (fn [] (hide! id 1))]
(merge root-props {:open open?})
{:as-child true}
(button {:class "overflow-hidden fixed p-0 opacity-0"
:style {:height (if (and (number? height)
(> height 0))
height 1)
:width 1
:top y
:left x}} ""))
(let [content-props (cond-> (merge {:onEscapeKeyDown hide
:disableOutsideScroll false
:onPointerDownOutside hide}
(and (not force-popover?)
(not as-dropdown?))
(assoc :on-key-down (fn [^js e]
(some-> content-props :on-key-down (apply [e]))
(set! (. e -defaultPrevented) true))
:on-pointer-move #(set! (. % -defaultPrevented) true)))
content (if (fn? content)
(content (cond-> {:id id}
(assoc :content-props content-props))) content)]
(if as-content?
(popup-content content-props content)))))))
(merge root-props {:open open?})
{:as-child true}
(button {:class "overflow-hidden fixed p-0 opacity-0"
:style {:height (if (and (number? height)
(> height 0))
height 1)
:width 1
:top y
:left x}} ""))
(let [content-props (cond-> (merge {:onEscapeKeyDown hide
:disableOutsideScroll false
:onPointerDownOutside hide}
(and (not force-popover?)
(not as-dropdown?))
(assoc :on-key-down (fn [^js e]
(some-> content-props :on-key-down (apply [e]))
(set! (. e -defaultPrevented) true))
:on-pointer-move #(set! (. % -defaultPrevented) true)))
content (if (fn? content)
(content (cond-> {:id id}
(assoc :content-props content-props))) content)]
(if as-content?
(popup-content content-props content)))))))
(rum/defc install-popups
< rum/static

View File

@ -700,14 +700,12 @@
(defn- hide-context-menu-and-clear-selection
(let [block (.closest (.-target e) ".ls-block")]
(when-not (or (gobj/get e "shiftKey")
(util/meta-key? e)
(and block
(or (= block (.-target e))
(.contains block (.-target e)))))
(when-not (or (gobj/get e "shiftKey")
(util/meta-key? e)
(some-> (.-target e) (.closest ".ls-block"))
(some-> (.-target e) (.closest "[data-keep-selection]")))
(rum/defc render-custom-context-menu
[links position]
@ -837,8 +835,11 @@
(fn [content]
(shui/popup-show! e
(fn [{:keys [id]}]
[:div {:on-click #(shui/popup-hide! id)} content])
{:on-hide state/clear-selection!
[:div {:on-click #(shui/popup-hide! id)
:data-keep-selection true}
{:on-before-hide state/dom-clear-selection!
:on-after-hide state/state-clear-selection!
:content-props {:class "w-[280px] ls-context-menu-content"}
:as-dropdown? true}))

View File

@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ Similar to re-frame subscriptions"
(get-selected-block-ids (get-selection-blocks)))
(defn- dom-clear-selection!
(defn dom-clear-selection!
(doseq [node (dom/by-class "ls-block selected")]
(dom/remove-class! node "selected")))
@ -1190,15 +1190,19 @@ Similar to re-frame subscriptions"
(set-state! :selection/mode true))
(defn clear-selection!
(defn state-clear-selection!
(set-state! :selection/mode false)
(set-state! :selection/blocks nil)
(set-state! :selection/direction :down)
(set-state! :selection/start-block nil)
(set-state! :selection/selected-all? false))
(defn clear-selection!
(defn get-selection-start-block-or-first
(or (get-selection-start-block)