Graph dot size increases when there're more linked references

Tienson Qin 2020-08-21 11:17:02 +08:00
parent 687cb46383
commit 6d9f4cb803
3 changed files with 31 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -275,10 +275,10 @@
[repo :block/block block-id])))
[config id]
(let [blocks (db/get-block-and-children (state/get-current-repo) id)]
[ {:style {:z-index 2}}
[:code "Embed block:"]]
(blocks-container blocks (assoc config :embed? true))]))
[ {:style {:z-index 2}}
[:code "Embed block:"]
(blocks-container blocks (assoc config :embed? true))]]))
(rum/defc page-embed < rum/reactive
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
[:code "Embed page:"]
[ {:href (str "/page/" (util/encode-str page-name))}
(or page-original-name page-name)]]
(blocks-container blocks (assoc config :embed? true))]))
(defn- get-label-text
@ -310,6 +310,13 @@
(when-let [label-text (get-label-text label)]
(db/entity [:page/name (string/lower-case label-text)])))
(defn- macro->text
[name arguments]
(if (and (seq arguments)
(not= arguments ["null"]))
(util/format "{{{%s %s}}}" name (string/join ", " arguments))
(util/format "{{{%s}}}" name)))
(defn inline
[{:keys [html-export?] :as config} item]
(match item
@ -567,10 +574,10 @@
[:span.warning {:title (str "Unsupported macro name: " name)}
(util/format "{{{%s %s}}}" name (string/join ", " arguments))]))])
(macro->text name arguments)]))])
(util/format "{{{%s %s}}}" name (string/join ", " arguments))])))
(macro->text name arguments)])))

View File

@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
(defn- dot-mode
[node ctx global-scale dark?]
(let [label (gobj/get node "id")
val (gobj/get node "val")
font-size (/ 15 global-scale)
arc-radius (/ 3 global-scale)
x (gobj/get node "x")
@ -83,13 +84,16 @@
color (gobj/get node "color")]
(set! (.-fillStyle ctx) color)
(.beginPath ctx)
(.arc ctx x y arc-radius 0 (* 2 js/Math.PI) false)
(.arc ctx x y (if (zero? val)
(* arc-radius (js/Math.sqrt (js/Math.sqrt val)))) 0 (* 2 js/Math.PI) false)
(set! (.-fillStyle ctx) (if dark? "#aaa" "#222"))
(.fill ctx)))
(defn- dot-text-mode
[node ctx global-scale dark?]
(let [label (gobj/get node "id")
val (gobj/get node "val")
font-size (/ 15 global-scale)
arc-radius (/ 3 global-scale)
_ (set! (.-font ctx)
@ -102,10 +106,14 @@
(set! (.-filltextAlign ctx) "center")
(set! (.-textBaseLine ctx) "middle")
(set! (.-fillStyle ctx) color)
(.fillText ctx label (- x (/ text-width 2)) (- y (/ 9 global-scale)))
(.fillText ctx label
(- x (/ text-width 2))
(- y (/ 9 global-scale)))
(.beginPath ctx)
(.arc ctx x y arc-radius 0 (* 2 js/Math.PI) false)
(.arc ctx x y (if (zero? val)
(* arc-radius (js/Math.sqrt (js/Math.sqrt val)))) 0 (* 2 js/Math.PI) false)
(set! (.-fillStyle ctx)
(if (= (gobj/get node "id") @hover-node)
(if dark? "#A3BFFA" "#4C51BF")
@ -175,10 +183,10 @@
{:page page}))
(route-handler/redirect! {:to :page
:path-params {:name (util/url-encode page-name)}})))))
:cooldownTicks 100
:onEngineStop (fn []
(when-let [ref (:ref-atom option)]
(.zoomToFit @ref 400)))
;; :cooldownTicks 100
;; :onEngineStop (fn []
;; (when-let [ref (:ref-atom option)]
;; (.zoomToFit @ref 400)))
(fn [node ^CanvasRenderingContext2D ctx global-scale]
(case @graph-mode

View File

@ -33,4 +33,5 @@
error-files (atom #{})]
(index-files! repo files error-files)
(when (seq @error-files)
(index-files! repo @error-files (atom nil))))))
(index-files! repo @error-files (atom nil)))
(notification/show! "Importing finished!" :success))))