refactor: diff instead a alerting when a file has been modified

Tienson Qin 2021-08-30 16:03:43 +08:00
parent f7fcffe6e4
commit 6f2a86e79d
8 changed files with 124 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -181,6 +181,11 @@ textarea {
font-weight: inherit;
letter-spacing: inherit;
text-size-adjust: 100%;
background: var(--ls-primary-background-color);
.dark-theme textarea {
background: var(--ls-tertiary-background-color);
ul {

View File

@ -230,3 +230,78 @@
[:div "No diffs"])]))
(rum/defcs local-file < rum/reactive
[state repo path disk-content local-content]
(let [content disk-content
edit? (util/react *edit?)]
[:span.cp__diff-file-header-content {:style {:word-break "break-word"}}
(when (not= content local-content)
(let [local-content (or local-content "")
content (or content "")
diff (medley/indexed (diff/diff local-content content))
diff? (some (fn [[_idx {:keys [added removed]}]]
(or added removed))
diff-cp [:div.overflow-y-scroll
[:div {:style {:max-height "65vh"}}
(diff-cp diff)]]]
(if edit?
{:default-value local-content
:auto-focus true
:style {:border "1px solid"}
:on-change (fn [e]
(reset! *edit-content (util/evalue e)))})]
(ui/button "Save"
(fn []
(reset! *edit? false)
(let [new-content @*edit-content]
(file/alter-file repo path new-content
{:re-render-root? true
:skip-compare? true})
(ui/button "Use latest changes from the disk"
(fn []
(file/alter-file repo path content
{:re-render-root? true
:skip-compare? true})
:background "green")
[ "or"]
(ui/button "Keep local changes in Logseq"
(fn []
(file/alter-file repo path local-content
{:re-render-root? true
:skip-compare? true})
:background "pink")
[ "or"]
(ui/button "Edit"
(fn []
(reset! *edit? true)))]

View File

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
(let [repo-cur (state/get-current-repo)
repo-dir (config/get-repo-dir repo-cur)
data (pr-str {:highlights highlights})]
(fs/write-file! repo-cur repo-dir hls-file data {:skip-mtime? true}))))
(fs/write-file! repo-cur repo-dir hls-file data {:skip-compare? true}))))
(defn resolve-hls-data-by-key$
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
new-fpath (str fdir "/" fname "_" fstamp ".png")
old-fpath (and old-fstamp (str fdir "/" fname "_" old-fstamp ".png"))
_ (and old-fpath (apply fs/rename! repo-cur (map #(util/node-path.join repo-dir %) [old-fpath new-fpath])))
_ (fs/write-file! repo-cur repo-dir new-fpath png {:skip-mtime? true})]
_ (fs/write-file! repo-cur repo-dir new-fpath png {:skip-compare? true})]
(js/console.timeEnd :write-area-image))

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
[frontend.config :as config]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.handler.notification :as notification]
[frontend.encrypt :as encrypt]
["/frontend/utils" :as utils]))
;; We need to cache the file handles in the memory so that
@ -54,6 +55,14 @@
(when handle
(verify-permission repo handle true)))))
(defn- contents-matched?
[disk-content db-content]
(when (and (string? disk-content) (string? db-content))
(if (encrypt/encrypted-db? (state/get-current-repo))
(p/let [decrypted-content (encrypt/decrypt disk-content)]
(= (string/trim decrypted-content) (string/trim db-content)))
(p/resolved (= (string/trim disk-content) (string/trim db-content))))))
(defrecord Nfs []
(mkdir! [this dir]
@ -155,35 +164,25 @@
(if file-handle
(-> (p/let [local-file (.getFile file-handle)
local-content (.text local-file)
local-last-modified-at (gobj/get local-file "lastModified")
current-time (util/time-ms)
new? (> current-time local-last-modified-at)
new-created? (nil? last-modified-at)
not-changed? (= last-modified-at local-last-modified-at)
format (-> (util/get-file-ext path)
pending-writes (state/get-write-chan-length)
draw? (and path (string/ends-with? path ".excalidraw"))
config? (and path (string/ends-with? path "/config.edn"))]
(p/let [_ (verify-permission repo file-handle true)
_ (utils/writeFile file-handle content)
file (.getFile file-handle)]
(if (and local-content new?
;; Writing not finished
(> pending-writes 0)
;; not changed by other editors
ext (string/lower-case (util/get-file-ext path))
db-content (db/get-file repo path)]
(when local-content
(if (and
(not (string/blank? db-content))
(not (:skip-compare? opts))
(not (contents-matched? local-content (or db-content "")))
(not (contains? #{"excalidraw" "edn"} ext)))
(state/pub-event! [:file/not-matched-from-disk path local-content content])
(p/let [_ (verify-permission repo file-handle true)
_ (utils/writeFile file-handle content)
file (.getFile file-handle)]
(when file
(nfs-saved-handler repo path file)))
(js/alert (str "The file has been modified on your local disk! File path: " path
", please save your changes and click the refresh button to reload it.")))))
(p/let [content (if (encrypt/encrypted-db? (state/get-current-repo))
(encrypt/decrypt content)
(db/set-file-content! repo path content))
(nfs-saved-handler repo path file))))))
(p/catch (fn [e]
(js/console.error e))))
;; create file handle

View File

@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
(p/resolved (= (string/trim disk-content) (string/trim db-content))))))
(defn- write-file-impl!
[this repo dir path content {:keys [ok-handler error-handler skip-mtime?] :as opts} stat]
(if skip-mtime?
[this repo dir path content {:keys [ok-handler error-handler skip-compare?] :as opts} stat]
(if skip-compare?
(p/let [result (ipc/ipc "writeFile" path content)]
(when ok-handler
@ -56,22 +56,10 @@
db-content (or (db/get-file repo path) "")
contents-matched? (contents-matched? disk-content db-content)]
;; (and (not page-empty?) (nil? disk-content) )
;; (notification/show!
;; (str "The file has been renamed or deleted on your local disk! File path: " path
;; ", please save your changes and click the refresh button to reload it.")
;; :error
;; false)
(not contents-matched?)
(not (contains? #{"excalidraw" "edn"} ext)))
(str "The file has been modified on your local disk! File path: " path
", please save your changes and click the refresh button to reload it.")
(state/pub-event! [:file/not-matched-from-disk path disk-content content])

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
[frontend.components.encryption :as encryption]
[ :as shell]
[frontend.components.git :as git-component]
[frontend.components.diff :as diff]
[frontend.fs.nfs :as nfs]
[frontend.db.conn :as conn]
[frontend.extensions.srs :as srs]
@ -152,6 +153,11 @@
(defmethod handle :page/create-today-journal [[_ repo]]
(defmethod handle :file/not-matched-from-disk [[_ path disk-content db-content]]
(when-let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(state/set-modal! #(diff/local-file repo path disk-content db-content))))
(defmethod handle :after-db-restore [[_ repos]]
(mapv (fn [{url :url} repo]
;; compare :ast/version

View File

@ -158,17 +158,20 @@
;; TODO: Remove this function in favor of `alter-files`
(defn alter-file
[repo path content {:keys [reset? re-render-root? add-history? update-status? from-disk?]
[repo path content {:keys [reset? re-render-root? add-history? update-status? from-disk? skip-compare?]
:or {reset? true
re-render-root? false
add-history? true
update-status? false
from-disk? false}}]
from-disk? false
skip-compare? false}}]
(let [edit-block (state/get-edit-block)
original-content (db/get-file-no-sub repo path)
write-file! (if from-disk?
#(p/resolved nil)
#(fs/write-file! repo (config/get-repo-dir repo) path content (when original-content {:old-content original-content})))]
#(fs/write-file! repo (config/get-repo-dir repo) path content
(assoc (when original-content {:old-content original-content})
:skip-compare? skip-compare?)))]
(p/let [_ (if reset?
(when-let [page-id (db/get-file-page-id path)]

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
(fn [path ^js data]
(let [repo ""
path (util/node-path.join path "package.json")]
(fs/write-file! repo "" path (js/JSON.stringify data nil 2) {:skip-mtime? true}))))
(fs/write-file! repo "" path (js/JSON.stringify data nil 2) {:skip-compare? true}))))
(defn ^:private write_dotdir_file
[file content sub-root]
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
user-path-root (util/node-path.dirname user-path)
exist? (fs/file-exists? user-path-root "")
_ (when-not exist? (fs/mkdir-recur! user-path-root))
_ (fs/write-file! repo "" user-path content {:skip-mtime? true})]
_ (fs/write-file! repo "" user-path content {:skip-compare? true})]
(defn ^:private read_dotdir_file
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
(p/let [repo ""
path (plugin-handler/get-ls-dotdir-root)
path (util/node-path.join path "preferences.json")]
(fs/write-file! repo "" path (js/JSON.stringify data nil 2) {:skip-mtime? true})))))
(fs/write-file! repo "" path (js/JSON.stringify data nil 2) {:skip-compare? true})))))
(def ^:export load_plugin_user_settings
(fn [key]
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
(p/let [repo ""
path (plugin-handler/get-ls-dotdir-root)
path (util/node-path.join path "settings" (str key ".json"))]
(fs/write-file! repo "" path (js/JSON.stringify data nil 2) {:skip-mtime? true}))))
(fs/write-file! repo "" path (js/JSON.stringify data nil 2) {:skip-compare? true}))))
(def ^:export register_plugin_slash_command
(fn [pid ^js cmd-actions]