fix: use user-property type :default for public built-in properties

Fixes a property configuration issues since configuration works with
user-property types. Also remove :entity from UI as it is an internal
property type and we can now use :default type
Gabriel Horner 2024-04-16 12:29:24 -04:00
parent 0853940a34
commit 6f5b744189
4 changed files with 4 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
{:original-name "Status"
{:type :entity
{:type :default
:public? true}
(mapv (fn [[db-ident value icon]]
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
{:original-name "Priority"
{:type :entity
{:type :default
:public? true}
(mapv (fn [[db-ident value]]

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
the hidden page and closed value blocks as needed"
[db-ident prop-name property {:keys [translate-closed-page-value-fn property-attributes]
:or {translate-closed-page-value-fn identity}}]
(let [ref-type? (contains? (set (remove #{:default :entity} db-property-type/ref-property-types))
(let [ref-type? (contains? (set (remove #{:default} db-property-type/ref-property-types))
(get-in property [:block/schema :type]))
property-schema (assoc (:block/schema property)

View File

@ -633,7 +633,7 @@
:onEscapeKeyDown #(set-open! false)}
(case type
(:entity :number :url :default)
(:number :url :default)
(select block property select-opts' opts)
(:page :date)

View File

@ -259,10 +259,6 @@
_ (assert (qualified-keyword? property-id) "property-id should be a keyword")
block (db/entity repo block-eid)
property (db/entity property-id)
v (if (and (uuid? v)
(= :entity (get-in property [:block/schema :type])))
(:db/id (db/entity [:block/uuid v]))
k-name (:block/original-name property)
property-schema (:block/schema property)
{:keys [type cardinality]} property-schema