Add missing keys

Tienson Qin 2024-06-24 23:16:30 +08:00
parent 61e7feecb8
commit 6f63aafea2
1 changed files with 26 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -41,9 +41,11 @@
:enableSorting false
:enableHiding false}
{:id "status"
:accessorKey "status"
:header "Status"
:cell (fn [^js opts] [:div.capitalize (.-status (.-original (.-row opts)))])}
{:id "email"
:accessorKey "email"
:header (fn [^js opts]
{:variant "ghost"
@ -53,6 +55,7 @@
:cell (fn [opts] [:div.lowercase (.-email (.-original (.-row opts)))])}
{:id "amount"
:accessorKey "amount"
:header (fn [] [:div.text-right "Amount"])
:cell (fn [opts]
(let [amount (.-amount (.-original (.-row opts)))
@ -87,21 +90,21 @@
[column-filters set-column-filters!] (rum/use-state {})
[column-visibility set-column-visibility!] (rum/use-state {})
[row-selection set-row-selection!] (rum/use-state {})
^js table (useReactTable #js {:columns (->js columns)
:data (->js data)
:state (->js
{:sorting sorting
:columnFilters column-filters
:columnVisibility column-visibility
:rowSelection row-selection})
:getCoreRowModel (getCoreRowModel)
:getSortedRowModel (getSortedRowModel)
:getFilteredRowModel (getFilteredRowModel)
:getPaginationRowModel (getPaginationRowModel)
:onSortingChange (fn [new-sorting] (set-sorting! (->clj new-sorting)))
:onColumnFiltersChange (fn [new-filters] (set-column-filters! (->clj new-filters)))
:onColumnVisibilityChange (fn [new-visibility] (set-column-visibility! (->clj new-visibility)))
:onRowSelectionChange (fn [new-selection] (set-row-selection! (->clj new-selection)))})]
^js table (useReactTable (->js
{:columns columns
:data data
:state {:sorting sorting
:columnFilters column-filters
:columnVisibility column-visibility
:rowSelection row-selection}
:getCoreRowModel (getCoreRowModel)
:getSortedRowModel (getSortedRowModel)
:getFilteredRowModel (getFilteredRowModel)
:getPaginationRowModel (getPaginationRowModel)
:onSortingChange (fn [new-sorting] (set-sorting! (->clj new-sorting)))
:onColumnFiltersChange (fn [new-filters] (set-column-filters! (->clj new-filters)))
:onColumnVisibilityChange (fn [new-visibility] (set-column-visibility! (->clj new-visibility)))
:onRowSelectionChange (fn [new-selection] (set-row-selection! (->clj new-selection)))}))]
@ -133,17 +136,20 @@
{:key (.-id column)
:className "capitalize"
:checked (.getIsVisible column)
:onCheckedChange #(.toggleVisibility column (not (.getIsVisible column)))})
:onCheckedChange #(.toggleVisibility column (not %))}
(.-id column))
(.-id column)))))]
(for [headerGroup (.getHeaderGroups table)]
(for [^js headerGroup (.getHeaderGroups table)]
{:key (.-id headerGroup)}
(for [^js header (.-headers headerGroup)]
{:key (.-id header)}
(when-not (.-isPlaceholder header)
(-> header .-column .-columnDef .-header)
@ -156,10 +162,12 @@
(for [^js row rows]
{:data-state (when (.getIsSelected row) "selected")}
{:key (.-id row)
:data-state (when (.getIsSelected row) "selected")}
(for [^js cell (.getVisibleCells row)]
{:key (.-id cell)}
(-> cell .-column .-columnDef .-cell)
(.getContext cell)))