chore: remove unused code

Tienson Qin 2021-04-06 17:21:54 +08:00
parent cab8804c24
commit 6f80796c57
2 changed files with 2 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -150,10 +150,10 @@
[parent-state parent-id]
{:on-click #(editor-handler/adjust-block-level! parent-state :right)}
{:on-click #(editor-handler/indent-on-tab parent-state)}
{:on-click #(editor-handler/adjust-block-level! parent-state :left)}
{:on-click #(editor-handler/outdent-on-shift-tab parent-state)}
{:on-click #(editor-handler/move-up-down % true)}

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@ -1495,48 +1495,6 @@
(when-let [prev-block (util/get-prev-block input)]
(util/parse-int (d/attr prev-block "level")))))
;; If it's an indent/outdent action followed by an "Enter", only adjust after inserting a block was finished. Maybe we should use a channel to serialize all the events.
(defn adjust-block-level!
([state direction]
(adjust-block-level! state direction 100))
([state direction retry-limit]
(if (= :insert (state/get-editor-op))
(if (> retry-limit 0)
(js/setTimeout #(adjust-block-level! state direction (dec retry-limit)) 20)
(log/error :editor/indent-outdent-retry-max-limit {:direction direction}))
(state/set-editor-op! :indent-outdent)
(let [{:keys [block block-parent-id value config]} (get-state state)
start-level (:start-level config)
format (:block/format block)
level (:block/level block)
previous-level (or (get-previous-block-level block-parent-id) 1)
[add? remove?] (case direction
:left [false true]
:right [true false]
[(<= level previous-level)
(and (> level previous-level)
(> level 2))])
final-level (cond
add? (inc level)
remove? (if (> level 2)
(dec level)
:else level)
new-value (block/with-levels value format (assoc block :block/level final-level))]
(when (and
(not (and (= direction :left)
(get config :id)
(util/uuid-string? (get config :id))
(<= final-level start-level)))
(<= (- final-level previous-level) 1))
(save-block-if-changed! block new-value
{:indent-left? (= direction :left)})))
(state/set-editor-op! nil)))))
(defn adjust-blocks-level!
[blocks direction])
(defn append-paste-doc!
[format event]
(let [[html text] (util/get-clipboard-as-html event)]