fix: stop shadowing vars for rest of frontend

Follow up to 5ff364ba1e
Gabriel Horner 2024-09-07 00:13:09 -04:00
parent 12f5215d6c
commit 70383cd813
41 changed files with 258 additions and 260 deletions

View File

@ -4,16 +4,7 @@
;; :used-underscored-binding is turned off for components because of false positive
;; for rum/defcs and _state.
{:linters {:used-underscored-binding {:level :off}
;; TODO: Apply this to all of frontend
:shadowed-var {:level :warning
;; FIXME: Remove most of these as shadowing core fns isn't a good practice
:exclude [t name binding type uuid key val time fn ex-data list
keys vals sort-by namespace count parents int? hash subs
load-file exists? rest object? min max class array range string? delay?
new var re-pattern update iter ns char resolve sequence identity
dispatch-fn identity comp max-key vec meta next delay str vector list? chars
chunk test]}}}
{:linters {:used-underscored-binding {:level :off}}}
;; false positive with match/match and _
frontend.handler.paste {:linters {:used-underscored-binding {:level :off}}}
frontend.db {:linters {:aliased-namespace-symbol
@ -23,6 +14,14 @@
{:path-invalid-construct/string-join {:level :info}
:regex-checks/double-escaped-regex {:level :warning}
:aliased-namespace-symbol {:level :warning}
:shadowed-var {:level :warning
:exclude [key val name binding type uuid
;; FIXME: Remove the shadowed below as shadowing core fns isn't a good practice
;; FIXME: At least remove the first two lines as they have few uses
re-pattern sequence dispatch-fn comp vec delay chunk
fn t ex-data list int? hash range
time sort-by namespace count parents exists? min
new var ns resolve identity next meta vals keys exists?]}
;; Disable until it doesn't trigger false positives on rum/defcontext
:earmuffed-var-not-dynamic {:level :off}
;; Disable until we decide to use conj! as recommended in docs

View File

@ -209,10 +209,10 @@
(defn save-proxy-settings
"Save proxy settings to configs.edn"
[{:keys [type host port test] :or {type "system"}}]
[{test' :test :keys [type host port] :or {type "system"}}]
(if (or (= type "system") (= type "direct"))
(cfgs/set-item! :settings/agent {:type type :test test})
(cfgs/set-item! :settings/agent {:type type :protocol type :host host :port port :test test})))
(cfgs/set-item! :settings/agent {:type type :test test'})
(cfgs/set-item! :settings/agent {:type type :protocol type :host host :port port :test test'})))
(defn should-read-content?
"Skip reading content of file while using file-watcher"

View File

@ -839,8 +839,8 @@
(prn "No handler for step: " type))
(defn handle-steps
[vector format]
(doseq [step vector]
[vector' format]
(doseq [step vector']
(handle-step step format)))
(defn exec-plugin-simple-command!

View File

@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
(defn score
[oquery ostr]
(let [query (clean-str oquery)
str (clean-str ostr)]
s (clean-str ostr)]
(loop [q (seq (char-array query))
s (seq (char-array str))
s (seq (char-array s))
mult 1
score' 0]
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
;; add str-len-distance to score, so strings with matches in same position get sorted by length
;; boost score if we have an exact match including punctuation
(empty? q) (+ score'
(str-len-distance query str)
(str-len-distance query s)
(if (<= 0 (.indexOf ostr oquery)) MAX-STRING-LENGTH 0))
(empty? s) 0
:else (if (= (first q) (first s))

View File

@ -3267,10 +3267,10 @@
[config {:keys [name content checkbox items number] :as _list}]
(let [content (when-not (empty? content)
(match content
[["Paragraph" i] & rest]
[["Paragraph" i] & rest']
(map-inline config i)
(markup-elements-cp config rest))
(markup-elements-cp config rest'))
(markup-elements-cp config content)))
checked? (some? checkbox)

View File

@ -645,7 +645,7 @@
(js/setTimeout (fn [] (set-content-ready? true)) 100))
;; without cache
(let [load-file (fn [repo-url file]
(let [load-file' (fn [repo-url file]
(-> (fs-util/read-repo-file repo-url file)
(fn [content]
@ -657,11 +657,11 @@
(let [downloaded-path (async/<! (file-sync-handler/download-version-file graph-uuid file-uuid version-uuid true))]
(when downloaded-path
(load-file repo-url downloaded-path))))
(load-file' repo-url downloaded-path))))
;; read local content
(when-let [relative-path (:relative-path selected-page)]
(load-file repo-url relative-path)))))))
(load-file' repo-url relative-path)))))))

View File

@ -707,8 +707,8 @@ Some bindings in this fn:
#(sort-by % (fn [m prop] (get-in m [:block/properties prop]))))})))))))
(defn query-contains-filter?
[query filter-name]
(string/includes? query (str "(" filter-name)))
[query' filter-name]
(string/includes? query' (str "(" filter-name)))
;; {{query (and (page-property foo bar) [[hello]])}}

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(ns frontend.extensions.calc
(:refer-clojure :exclude [eval])
(:refer-clojure :exclude [eval numerator denominator])
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[frontend.util :as util]
@ -135,9 +135,9 @@
(defn can-fix?
"Check that number can render without loss of all significant digits,
and that the absolute value is less than 1e21."
[num places]
(or (.isZero num )
(let [mag (.abs num)
[num' places]
(or (.isZero num' )
(let [mag (.abs num')
lower-bound (-> (bn/BigNumber 0.5) (.shiftedBy (- places)))
upper-bound (bn/BigNumber 1e21)]
(and (-> mag (.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo lower-bound))
@ -146,9 +146,9 @@
(defn can-fit?
"Check that number can render normally within the given number of digits.
Tolerance allows for leading zeros in a decimal fraction."
[num digits tolerance]
(and (< (.-e num) digits)
(.isInteger (.shiftedBy num (+ tolerance digits)))))
[num' digits tolerance]
(and (< (.-e num') digits)
(.isInteger (.shiftedBy num' (+ tolerance digits)))))
(defn format-base [val base]
(let [sign (.-s val)

View File

@ -520,16 +520,16 @@
:did-update (fn [state]
(let [next-theme (get-theme!)
last-theme @(:last-theme state)
editor (some-> state :editor-atom deref)]
(when (and editor (not= next-theme last-theme))
editor' (some-> state :editor-atom deref)]
(when (and editor' (not= next-theme last-theme))
(reset! (:last-theme state) next-theme)
(.setOption editor "theme" next-theme)))
(.setOption editor' "theme" next-theme)))
(reset! (:code-options state) (last (:rum/args state)))
(when-not (:file? (first (:rum/args state)))
(let [code (nth (:rum/args state) 3)
editor @(:editor-atom state)]
(when (and editor (not= (.getValue editor) code))
(.setValue editor code))))
editor' @(:editor-atom state)]
(when (and editor' (not= (.getValue editor') code))
(.setValue editor' code))))
[state _config id attr code _theme _options]

View File

@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
block-pattern (if (= format :markdown)
(config/get-block-pattern format))
map-join (fn [children & {:keys [list?]}]
(let [opts' (if list?
map-join (fn [children & {list?' :list?}]
(let [opts' (if list?'
(let [level (inc (or (:level opts) 0))]
(assoc opts :level level))

View File

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"any number between 0 and 1 (the greater it is the faster the changes of the OF matrix)"
(defn- learning-fraction []
(defn- get-learning-fraction []
(if-let [learning-fraction (:srs/learning-fraction (state/get-config))]
(if (and (number? learning-fraction)
(< learning-fraction 1)
@ -79,11 +79,11 @@
(def of-matrix (persist-var/persist-var nil "srs-of-matrix"))
(def srs-of-matrix (persist-var/persist-var nil "srs-of-matrix"))
(def initial-interval-default 4)
(defn- initial-interval []
(defn- get-initial-interval []
(if-let [initial-interval (:srs/initial-interval (state/get-config))]
(if (and (number? initial-interval)
(> initial-interval 0))
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
(defn- get-of [of-matrix n ef]
(or (get-in of-matrix [n ef])
(if (<= n 1)
(defn- set-of [of-matrix n ef of]
@ -162,25 +162,25 @@
(* (get-of of-matrix n ef)
(interval (- n 1) ef of-matrix))))
(defn- next-ef
(defn- get-next-ef
[ef quality]
(let [ef* (+ ef (- 0.1 (* (- 5 quality) (+ 0.08 (* 0.02 (- 5 quality))))))]
(if (< ef* 1.3) 1.3 ef*)))
(defn- next-of-matrix
(defn- get-next-of-matrix
[of-matrix n quality fraction ef]
(let [of (get-of of-matrix n ef)
of* (* of (+ 0.72 (* quality 0.07)))
of** (+ (* (- 1 fraction) of) (* of* fraction))]
(set-of of-matrix n ef of**)))
(defn next-interval
(defn calc-next-interval
"return [next-interval repeats next-ef of-matrix]"
[_last-interval repeats ef quality of-matrix]
(assert (and (<= quality 5) (>= quality 0)))
(let [ef (or ef 2.5)
next-ef (next-ef ef quality)
next-of-matrix (next-of-matrix of-matrix repeats quality (learning-fraction) ef)
next-ef (get-next-ef ef quality)
next-of-matrix (get-next-of-matrix of-matrix repeats quality (get-learning-fraction) ef)
next-interval (interval repeats next-ef next-of-matrix)]
(if (< quality 3)
@ -272,15 +272,15 @@
(string/starts-with? query-string "["))
(page-ref/->page-ref (string/trim query-string))
{:keys [query sort-by rules]} (query-dsl/parse query-string {:db-graph? (config/db-based-graph? repo)})
query* (util/concat-without-nil
{query* :query :keys [sort-by rules]} (query-dsl/parse query-string {:db-graph? (config/db-based-graph? repo)})
query** (util/concat-without-nil
[['?b :block/refs '?br] ['?br :block/name card-hash-tag]]
(if (coll? (first query)) query [query]))]
(when-let [query (query-dsl/query-wrapper query*
{:blocks? true
:block-attrs [:db/id :block/properties]})]
(if (coll? (first query*)) query* [query*]))]
(when-let [query' (query-dsl/query-wrapper query**
{:blocks? true
:block-attrs [:db/id :block/properties]})]
(let [result (query-react/react-query repo
{:query (with-meta query {:cards-query? true})
{:query (with-meta query' {:cards-query? true})
:rules (or rules [])}
{:use-cache? use-cache?}
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@
last-ef (or (when-let [v (get props card-last-easiness-factor-property)]
(util/safe-parse-float v)) 2.5)
[next-interval next-repeats next-ef of-matrix*]
(next-interval last-interval repeats last-ef score @of-matrix)
(calc-next-interval last-interval repeats last-ef score @srs-of-matrix)
next-interval* (if (< next-interval 0) 0 next-interval)
next-schedule (tc/to-string (t/plus (tl/local-now) (t/hours (* 24 next-interval*))))
now (tc/to-string (tl/local-now))]
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
(let [block (.-block card)
result (get-next-interval card score)
next-of-matrix (:next-of-matrix result)]
(reset! of-matrix next-of-matrix)
(reset! srs-of-matrix next-of-matrix)
(save-block-card-properties! (db/pull (:db/id block))
(select-keys result
@ -617,7 +617,7 @@
(when-not @*preview-mode?
review-records review-cards card-query-block)
(persist-var/persist-save of-matrix)))]
(persist-var/persist-save srs-of-matrix)))]
[ {:style (when modal? {:height "100%"})}
@ -632,9 +632,9 @@
[:span {:style {:margin-top 2}}
(fn [{:keys [toggle-fn]}]
(cards-select {:on-chosen (fn [query]
(let [query' (if (= query (t :flashcards/modal-select-all)) "" query)]
(reset! query-atom query')
(cards-select {:on-chosen (fn [query']
(let [query'' (if (= query' (t :flashcards/modal-select-all)) "" query')]
(reset! query-atom query'')
{:modal-class (util/hiccup->class
@ -822,5 +822,5 @@
(js/setTimeout f 1000)
(when (nil? @*due-cards-interval)
;; refresh every hour
(let [interval (js/setInterval f (* 3600 1000))]
(reset! *due-cards-interval interval))))))
(let [interval' (js/setInterval f (* 3600 1000))]
(reset! *due-cards-interval interval'))))))

View File

@ -122,13 +122,13 @@ Remember: You can paste a raw YouTube url as embedded video on mobile."
(defn parse-timestamp [timestamp]
(defn parse-timestamp [timestamp']
(let [reg #"^(?:(\d+):)?([0-5]?\d):([0-5]?\d)$"
reg-number #"^\d+$"
timestamp (str timestamp)
total-seconds (some-> (re-matches reg-number timestamp)
timestamp'' (str timestamp')
total-seconds (some-> (re-matches reg-number timestamp'')
[_ hours minutes seconds] (re-matches reg timestamp)
[_ hours minutes seconds] (re-matches reg timestamp'')
[hours minutes seconds] (map #(if (nil? %) 0 (util/safe-parse-int %)) [hours minutes seconds])]

View File

@ -384,7 +384,7 @@
(fn []
(p/let [_ (setting/remove-profile @profile*)]
(reset! profile* (setting/profile)))))]])
(reset! profile* (setting/get-profile)))))]])
(rum/defcs add-all-items <
(rum/local nil ::progress)
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@
(rum/defcs settings
(rum/local (setting/all-profiles) ::all-profiles)
(rum/local (setting/profile) ::profile)
(rum/local (setting/get-profile) ::profile)
(fn [old-state _new-state]

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
(:require [camel-snake-kebab.core :as csk]
[camel-snake-kebab.extras :as cske]
[cljs-http.client :as http]
:refer [<! >! alt! chan close! go go-loop timeout]]
[cljs.core.async :as async
:refer [<! >! alt! chan close! go go-loop]]
[clojure.string :as str]
[frontend.util :as util]
[frontend.extensions.zotero.setting :as setting]))
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
(let [out (chan)]
(go-loop [last-val nil]
(let [val (if (nil? last-val) (<! in) last-val)
timer (timeout ms)]
timer (async/timeout ms)]
in ([v] (if v
(recur v)
@ -56,17 +56,17 @@
(defn results-count [headers]
(defn get-results-count [headers]
(-> (cske/transform-keys csk/->kebab-case-keyword headers)
;; "/users/475425/collections?v=3"
(defn get*
([config api]
(get* config api nil))
([config api query-params]
(go (let [{:keys [api-version base type type-id api-key timeout]} config
([config' api]
(get* config' api nil))
([config' api query-params]
(go (let [{:keys [api-version base type type-id api-key timeout]} config'
{:keys [success body headers] :as response}
(<! (http/get (str base
(if (= type :user)
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
(let [result (cske/transform-keys csk/->kebab-case-keyword body)
next-start (parse-start headers :next)
prev-start (parse-start headers :prev)
results-count (results-count headers)]
results-count (get-results-count headers)]
(cond-> {:result result}
(assoc :next next-start)

View File

@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
(when citation
(string/trim (string/replace citation "Citation Key: " "")))))
(defn title [item] (-> item :data :title))
(defn ->title [item] (-> item :data :title))
(defn item-key [item] (:key item))
(defn ->item-key [item] (:key item))
(defn page-name [item]
(defn ->page-name [item]
(let [page-title
(case (item-type item)
@ -35,14 +35,14 @@
(-> item :data :name-of-act)
;; default use title
(title item))
(->title item))
citekey (citation-key item)]
(if (and (setting/setting :prefer-citekey?)
(not (string/blank? citekey)))
(str (setting/setting :page-insert-prefix) citekey)
(str (setting/setting :page-insert-prefix) page-title))))
(defn authors [item]
(defn ->authors [item]
(let [creators (-> item :data :creators)
(into []
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
(distinct authors)))
(defn tags [item]
(defn ->tags [item]
(let [tags
(->> (-> item :data :tags)
(mapv (fn [{:keys [tag]}] (string/trim tag)))
@ -115,11 +115,11 @@
", "
(markdown-link "Web library" (web-link item))))
(defn properties [item]
(defn ->properties [item]
(let [type (item-type item)
fields (schema/fields type)
authors (authors item)
tags (tags item)
authors (->authors item)
tags (->tags item)
links (zotero-links item)
date (date->journal item)
data (-> item :data
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
:item-type (page-ref/->page-ref type))
(dissoc :creators :abstract-note)
(rename-keys {:title :original-title})
(assoc :title (page-name item)))]
(assoc :title (->page-name item)))]
(->> data
(remove (comp (fn [v] (or (string/blank? v) (empty? v))) second))
(into {}))))
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
(markdown-link title (local-link item))
" "
(zotero-imported-file-macro (item-key item) filename))
(zotero-imported-file-macro (->item-key item) filename))
(markdown-link title (local-link item))
@ -167,14 +167,14 @@
(markdown-link title url)
" "
(zotero-imported-file-macro (item-key item) filename))
(zotero-imported-file-macro (->item-key item) filename))
(markdown-link title url))))
(defmethod extract :default
(let [page-name (page-name item)
properties (properties item)
(let [page-name (->page-name item)
properties (->properties item)
abstract-note (-> item :data :abstract-note)]
{:page-name page-name
:properties properties

View File

@ -27,17 +27,17 @@
default #{"default"}]
(if (empty? profiles) default profiles)))
(defn profile []
(defn get-profile []
(let [profile (storage/get :zotero/setting-profile)]
(if (and profile (contains? (all-profiles) profile))
(first (all-profiles)))))
(defn api-key []
(get (storage/get :zotero/api-key-v2) (profile)))
(get (storage/get :zotero/api-key-v2) (get-profile)))
(defn set-api-key [key]
(let [profile (profile)
(let [profile (get-profile)
api-key-map (storage/get :zotero/api-key-v2)]
(storage/set :zotero/api-key-v2 (assoc api-key-map profile key))))
@ -57,14 +57,14 @@
(config-handler/set-config! :zotero/settings-v2 settings)))
(defn set-setting! [k v]
(let [profile (profile)
(let [profile (get-profile)
new-settings (update (sub-zotero-config)
#(assoc % k v))]
(config-handler/set-config! :zotero/settings-v2 new-settings)))
(defn setting [k]
(let [profile (profile)]
(let [profile (get-profile)]
(-> (sub-zotero-config)
(get profile)
(get k (get default-settings k)))))

View File

@ -234,12 +234,12 @@
(stat fpath)
(fn [stat] (not (nil? stat)))
(fn [stat'] (not (nil? stat')))
(fn [_e] false)))
([dir path]
(stat dir path)
(fn [stat] (not (nil? stat)))
(fn [stat'] (not (nil? stat')))
(fn [_e] false))))
(defn asset-href-exists?

View File

@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
(concat (rest dirs) files-dir)))))]
(js->clj result :keywordize-keys true)))
(defn- contents-matched?
(defn- <contents-matched?
[disk-content db-content]
(when (and (string? disk-content) (string? db-content))
(p/resolved (= (string/trim disk-content) (string/trim db-content)))))
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
disk-content (or disk-content "")
repo-dir (config/get-local-dir repo)
db-content (or old-content (db/get-file repo rpath) "")
contents-matched? (contents-matched? disk-content db-content)]
contents-matched? (<contents-matched? disk-content db-content)]
(p/let [result (<write-file-with-utf8 fpath content)
mtime (-> (js->clj stat :keywordize-keys true)

View File

@ -249,11 +249,11 @@
(p/let [local-file (.getFile file-handle)
disk-content (.text local-file)
db-content (db/get-file repo path)
contents-matched? (contents-matched? disk-content db-content)]
contents-matched?' (contents-matched? disk-content db-content)]
(if (and
(not (string/blank? db-content))
(not (:skip-compare? opts))
(not contents-matched?)
(not contents-matched?')
(not (contains? #{"excalidraw" "edn" "css"} ext))
(not (string/includes? path "/.recycle/")))
(state/pub-event! [:file/not-matched-from-disk path disk-content content])

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
[promesa.core :as p]
[logseq.common.path :as path]))
(defn- contents-matched?
(defn- <contents-matched?
[disk-content db-content]
(when (and (string? disk-content) (string? db-content))
(p/resolved (= (string/trim disk-content) (string/trim db-content)))))
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
disk-content (or disk-content "")
db-content (or old-content (db/get-file repo rpath) "")
contents-matched? (contents-matched? disk-content db-content)]
contents-matched? (<contents-matched? disk-content db-content)]
(p/let [result (ipc/ipc "writeFile" repo file-fpath content)
mtime (gobj/get result "mtime")]

View File

@ -542,11 +542,11 @@
(partition-filetxns n)))
(defn- filepath+checksum->diff
[index {:keys [relative-path checksum user-uuid graph-uuid]}]
[index {relative-path' :relative-path :keys [checksum user-uuid graph-uuid]}]
{:post [(s/valid? ::diff %)]}
{:TXId (inc index)
:TXType "update_files"
:TXContent [[(util/string-join-path [user-uuid graph-uuid relative-path]) nil checksum]]})
:TXContent [[(util/string-join-path [user-uuid graph-uuid relative-path']) nil checksum]]})
(defn filepath+checksum-coll->partitioned-filetxns
@ -1451,14 +1451,14 @@
(= #{:value :expired-at} (set (keys v)))]}
(swap! *get-graph-salt-memoize-cache conj [graph-uuid v]))
(defn <get-graph-salt-memoize [remoteapi graph-uuid]
(defn <get-graph-salt-memoize [remoteapi' graph-uuid]
(let [r (get @*get-graph-salt-memoize-cache graph-uuid)
expired-at (:expired-at r)
now (tc/to-long (t/now))]
(if (< now expired-at)
(let [r (<! (<get-graph-salt remoteapi graph-uuid))]
(let [r (<! (<get-graph-salt remoteapi' graph-uuid))]
(or (guard-ex r)
(do (swap! *get-graph-salt-memoize-cache conj [graph-uuid r])
@ -1469,11 +1469,11 @@
(= #{:public-key :encrypted-private-key} (set (keys v)))]}
(swap! *get-graph-encrypt-keys-memoize-cache conj [graph-uuid v]))
(defn <get-graph-encrypt-keys-memoize [remoteapi graph-uuid]
(defn <get-graph-encrypt-keys-memoize [remoteapi' graph-uuid]
(or (get @*get-graph-encrypt-keys-memoize-cache graph-uuid)
(let [{:keys [public-key encrypted-private-key] :as r}
(<! (<get-graph-encrypt-keys remoteapi graph-uuid))]
(<! (<get-graph-encrypt-keys remoteapi' graph-uuid))]
(when (and public-key encrypted-private-key)
(swap! *get-graph-encrypt-keys-memoize-cache conj [graph-uuid r]))
@ -1514,12 +1514,12 @@
(go-loop []
(if @*paused
{:pause true}
(let [{:keys [timeout val]}
(let [{timeout' :timeout :keys [val]}
(async/alt! ch ([v] {:val v})
(timeout 1000) {:timeout true})]
val val
timeout (recur))))))
timeout' (recur))))))
@ -1943,14 +1943,14 @@
(defn local-changes-revised-chan-builder
"return chan"
[local-changes-chan rename-page-event-chan]
[local-changes-chan' rename-page-event-chan]
(let [*rename-events (atom #{})
ch (chan 1000)]
(go-loop []
(let [{:keys [rename-event local-change]}
rename-page-event-chan ([v] {:rename-event v}) ;; {:repo X :old-path X :new-path}
local-changes-chan ([v] {:local-change v}))]
local-changes-chan' ([v] {:local-change v}))]
(let [repo-dir (config/get-repo-dir (:repo rename-event))
@ -2197,13 +2197,13 @@
(defn- <ensure-set-env&keys
[graph-uuid *stopped?]
(go-loop []
(let [{:keys [change timeout]}
(let [{timeout' :timeout :keys [change]}
(async/alt! (get-graph-pwd-changed-chan graph-uuid) {:change true}
(timeout 10000) {:timeout true})]
@*stopped? nil
change (<! (<set-env&keys config/FILE-SYNC-PROD? graph-uuid))
timeout (recur)))))
timeout' (recur)))))
;;; ### chans to control sync process
(def full-sync-chan
@ -2268,7 +2268,7 @@
(swap! *resume-state dissoc graph-uuid))
(defn sync-state
(defn new-sync-state
"create a new sync-state"
{:post [(s/valid? ::sync-state %)]}
@ -2403,7 +2403,7 @@
if local-txid != remote-txid, return {:need-sync-remote true}"))
(defrecord ^:large-vars/cleanup-todo
Remote->LocalSyncer [user-uuid graph-uuid base-path repo *txid *txid-for-get-deletion-log *sync-state remoteapi
Remote->LocalSyncer [user-uuid graph-uuid base-path repo *txid *txid-for-get-deletion-log *sync-state remoteapi'
^:mutable local->remote-syncer *stopped *paused]
(set-local->remote-syncer! [_ s] (set! local->remote-syncer s))
@ -2442,7 +2442,7 @@
(<sync-remote->local! [_]
(let [r
(let [diff-r (<! (<get-diff remoteapi graph-uuid @*txid))]
(let [diff-r (<! (<get-diff remoteapi' graph-uuid @*txid))]
(or (guard-ex diff-r)
(let [[diff-txns latest-txid min-txid] diff-r]
(if (> (dec min-txid) @*txid) ;; min-txid-1 > @*txid, need to remote->local-full-sync
@ -2479,7 +2479,7 @@
(<sync-remote->local-all-files! [this]
(let [remote-all-files-meta-c (<get-remote-all-files-meta remoteapi graph-uuid)
(let [remote-all-files-meta-c (<get-remote-all-files-meta remoteapi' graph-uuid)
local-all-files-meta-c (<get-local-all-files-meta rsapi graph-uuid base-path)
remote-all-files-meta-or-exp (<! remote-all-files-meta-c)]
(if (or (storage-exceed-limit? remote-all-files-meta-or-exp)
@ -2500,7 +2500,7 @@
(sort-file-metadata-fn :recent-days-range recent-10-days-range) > diff-remote-files)
remote-txid-or-ex (<! (<get-remote-txid remoteapi graph-uuid))
remote-txid-or-ex (<! (<get-remote-txid remoteapi' graph-uuid))
latest-txid (:TXId remote-txid-or-ex)]
(if (or (instance? ExceptionInfo remote-txid-or-ex) (nil? latest-txid))
(do (put-sync-event! {:event :get-remote-graph-failed
@ -2641,7 +2641,7 @@
(defrecord ^:large-vars/cleanup-todo
Local->RemoteSyncer [user-uuid graph-uuid base-path repo *sync-state remoteapi
Local->RemoteSyncer [user-uuid graph-uuid base-path repo *sync-state remoteapi'
^:mutable rate *txid *txid-for-get-deletion-log
^:mutable remote->local-syncer stop-chan *stopped *paused
;; control chans
@ -2739,7 +2739,7 @@
(need-reset-local-txid? r*) ;; TODO: this cond shouldn't be true,
;; but some potential bugs cause local-txid > remote-txid
(let [remote-txid-or-ex (<! (<get-remote-txid remoteapi graph-uuid))
(let [remote-txid-or-ex (<! (<get-remote-txid remoteapi' graph-uuid))
remote-txid (:TXId remote-txid-or-ex)]
(if (or (instance? ExceptionInfo remote-txid-or-ex) (nil? remote-txid))
(do (put-sync-event! {:event :get-remote-graph-failed
@ -2778,9 +2778,9 @@
(<sync-local->remote-all-files! [this]
(let [remote-all-files-meta-c (<get-remote-all-files-meta remoteapi graph-uuid)
(let [remote-all-files-meta-c (<get-remote-all-files-meta remoteapi' graph-uuid)
local-all-files-meta-c (<get-local-all-files-meta rsapi graph-uuid base-path)
deletion-logs-c (<get-deletion-logs remoteapi graph-uuid @*txid-for-get-deletion-log)
deletion-logs-c (<get-deletion-logs remoteapi' graph-uuid @*txid-for-get-deletion-log)
remote-all-files-meta-or-exp (<! remote-all-files-meta-c)
deletion-logs-or-exp (<! deletion-logs-c)]
@ -2873,7 +2873,7 @@
(defrecord ^:large-vars/cleanup-todo
SyncManager [user-uuid graph-uuid base-path *sync-state
^Local->RemoteSyncer local->remote-syncer ^Remote->LocalSyncer remote->local-syncer remoteapi
^Local->RemoteSyncer local->remote-syncer ^Remote->LocalSyncer remote->local-syncer remoteapi'
^:mutable ratelimit-local-changes-chan
*txid *txid-for-get-deletion-log
^:mutable state ^:mutable remote-change-chan ^:mutable *ws *stopped? *paused?
@ -2949,7 +2949,7 @@
(let [txid
(if (true? remote->local)
(let [r (<! (<get-remote-txid remoteapi graph-uuid))]
(let [r (<! (<get-remote-txid remoteapi' graph-uuid))]
(when-not (guard-ex r) {:txid (:TXId r)}))
(when (some? txid)
@ -3399,7 +3399,7 @@
(<! (<connectivity-testing)))
(reset! *sync-starting false)
(let [*sync-state (atom (sync-state))
(let [*sync-state (atom (new-sync-state))
current-user-uuid (<! (user/<user-uuid))
;; put @graph-uuid & get-current-repo together,
;; prevent to get older repo dir and current graph-uuid.

View File

@ -66,10 +66,10 @@
"[X]" "[ ]")
current-level (get *state* :current-level 1)
indent (when (> current-level 1)
indent' (when (> current-level 1)
(indent (dec current-level) 0))
items* (block-list items :in-list? true)]
(concatv [indent number* checkbox* space]
(concatv [indent' number* checkbox* space]
[(newline* 1)]
@ -87,10 +87,10 @@
(when-not (get-in *state* [:export-options :remove-properties?])
(let [level (dec (get *state* :current-level 1))
indent (indent-with-2-spaces level)]
indent' (indent-with-2-spaces level)]
(fn [r [k v]]
(conj r indent (raw-text k "::") space (raw-text v) (newline* 1)))
(conj r indent' (raw-text k "::") space (raw-text v) (newline* 1)))
[] properties))))
(defn- block-example

View File

@ -129,10 +129,9 @@
(defn toggle-favorite! []
;; NOTE: in journals or settings, current-page is nil
(when-let [page-name (state/get-current-page)]
(let [favorited? (favorited? page-name)]
(if favorited?
(<unfavorite-page! page-name)
(<favorite-page! page-name)))))
(if (favorited? page-name)
(<unfavorite-page! page-name)
(<favorite-page! page-name))))
(defn rename!
[page-uuid-or-old-name new-name & {:as _opts}]

View File

@ -391,10 +391,10 @@
(defn- create-local-renderer-register
[type *providers]
(fn [pid key {:keys [subs render] :as opts}]
(fn [pid key {subs' :subs :keys [render] :as opts}]
(when-let [key (and key (keyword key))]
(register-plugin-resources pid type
(merge opts {:key key :subs subs :render render}))
(merge opts {:key key :subs subs' :render render}))
(swap! *providers conj pid)
#(swap! *providers disj pid))))

View File

@ -203,13 +203,13 @@
(state/pub-event! [:user/fetch-info-and-graphs]))
(defn ^:export login-with-username-password-e2e
[username password client-id client-secret]
[username' password client-id client-secret]
(let [text-encoder (new js/TextEncoder)
key (.encode text-encoder client-secret)
hasher (new crypt/Sha256)
hmacer (new crypt/Hmac hasher key)
secret-hash (.encodeByteArray ^js crypt/base64 (.getHmac hmacer (str username client-id)))
payload {"AuthParameters" {"USERNAME" username,
secret-hash (.encodeByteArray ^js crypt/base64 (.getHmac hmacer (str username' client-id)))
payload {"AuthParameters" {"USERNAME" username',
"PASSWORD" password,
"SECRET_HASH" secret-hash}
@ -235,9 +235,9 @@
(defn upgrade []
(let [base-upgrade-url ""
user-uuid (user-uuid)
user-uuid' (user-uuid)
url (cond-> base-upgrade-url
user-uuid (str "?checkout[custom][user_uuid]=" (name user-uuid)))]
user-uuid' (str "?checkout[custom][user_uuid]=" (name user-uuid')))]
(println " ~~~ LEMON: " url " ~~~ ")
(js/ url)))
; (js/

View File

@ -118,8 +118,8 @@
(remove string/blank?)
new-orders (when (seq created-ids)
(let [max-key (last (sort (map :block/order (:block/_page page-entity))))]
(db-order/gen-n-keys (count created-ids) max-key nil)))
(let [max-key' (last (sort (map :block/order (:block/_page page-entity))))]
(db-order/gen-n-keys (count created-ids) max-key' nil)))
new-id->order (when (seq created-ids) (zipmap created-ids new-orders))
created-shapes (set (filter #(created-ids (:id %)) upsert-shapes))
deleted-ids (->> (set/difference old-ids new-ids)

View File

@ -58,13 +58,13 @@
(defn on-enter
[state & {:keys [on-enter node]}]
[state & {on-enter-fn :on-enter :keys [node]}]
(let [node (or node (rum/dom-node state))]
(listen state node "keyup"
(fn [e]
(case (.-keyCode e)
;; Enter
13 (on-enter e)
13 (on-enter-fn e)
(defn on-key-up

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
(or (state/sub :mobile/show-toolbar?)
(let [parent-id (state/get-edit-input-id)
commands (commands parent-id)]
commands' (commands parent-id)]
(indent-outdent false "indent-decrease")
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
(command history/undo! {:icon "rotate" :class "rotate-180"} true)
(command history/redo! {:icon "rotate-clockwise" :class "rotate-180"} true)
(timestamp-submenu parent-id)
(for [command commands]
(for [command' commands']
(command #(state/clear-edit!) {:icon "keyboard-show"})]])))

View File

@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
(defn init []
(when (and (not config/dev?) (not-empty SENTRY-DSN))
(let [config (clj->js config)]
(Sentry/init config))))
(let [config' (clj->js config)]
(Sentry/init config'))))
(defn set-user!

View File

@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
(let [links-children
(let [links (if (fn? links) (links) links)
links (remove nil? links)]
(for [{:keys [options title icon key hr hover-detail item _as-link?]} links]
(for [{icon' :icon :keys [options title key hr hover-detail item _as-link?]} links]
(let [new-options
(merge options
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
(or item
(when icon icon)
(when icon' icon')
[:div.title-wrap {:style {:margin-right "8px"
:margin-left "4px"}} title]]))]
(if hr
@ -587,7 +587,7 @@
:on-click #(when close-backdrop? (close-fn))}
(rum/defc modal-panel-content <
(rum/defc modal-panel-content-cp <
[panel-content close-fn]
(panel-content close-fn))
@ -620,7 +620,7 @@
[:div (cond-> {:class (if fullscreen? "" "panel-content")}
(seq style)
(assoc :style style))
(modal-panel-content panel-content close-fn)])])
(modal-panel-content-cp panel-content close-fn)])])
(rum/defc modal < rum/reactive
@ -670,15 +670,15 @@
(rum/defc sub-modal < rum/reactive
(when-let [modals (seq (state/sub :modal/subsets))]
(for [[idx modal] (medley/indexed modals)]
(let [id (:modal/id modal)
modal-panel-content (:modal/panel-content modal)
close-btn? (:modal/close-btn? modal)
close-backdrop? (:modal/close-backdrop? modal)
show? (:modal/show? modal)
label (:modal/label modal)
style (:modal/style modal)
class (:modal/class modal)
(for [[idx modal'] (medley/indexed modals)]
(let [id (:modal/id modal')
modal-panel-content (:modal/panel-content modal')
close-btn? (:modal/close-btn? modal')
close-backdrop? (:modal/close-backdrop? modal')
show? (:modal/show? modal')
label (:modal/label modal')
style (:modal/style modal')
class (:modal/class modal')
close-fn (fn []
(state/close-sub-modal! id))
modal-panel-content (or modal-panel-content (fn [_close] [:div]))]
@ -770,17 +770,17 @@
(rum/defc admonition
[type content]
(let [type (name type)]
(when-let [icon (case (string/lower-case type)
"note" svg/note
"tip" svg/tip
"important" svg/important
"caution" svg/caution
"warning" svg/warning
"pinned" svg/pinned
(when-let [icon' (case (string/lower-case type)
"note" svg/note
"tip" svg/tip
"important" svg/important
"caution" svg/caution
"warning" svg/warning
"pinned" svg/pinned
[:div.flex.flex-row.admonitionblock.align-items {:class type}
{:title (string/capitalize type)} (icon)]
{:title (string/capitalize type)} (icon')]
@ -933,7 +933,7 @@
(rum/defcs slider < rum/reactive
{:init (fn [state]
(assoc state ::value (atom (first (:rum/args state)))))}
[state _default-value {:keys [min max on-change]}]
[state _default-value {max' :max :keys [min on-change]}]
(let [*value (::value state)
value (rum/react *value)
value' (int value)]
@ -942,7 +942,7 @@
{:type "range"
:value value'
:min min
:max max
:max max'
:style {:width "100%"}
:on-change #(let [value (util/evalue %)]
(reset! *value value))
@ -962,7 +962,7 @@
(def icon shui.icon.v2/root)
(rum/defc button-inner
[text & {:keys [theme background variant href size class intent small? icon icon-props disabled? button-props]
[text & {icon' :icon :keys [theme background variant href size class intent small? icon-props disabled? button-props]
:or {small? false}
:as opts}]
(let [button-props (merge
@ -977,20 +977,20 @@
:else (or variant :default))
:href href
:size (if small? :xs (or size :sm))
:icon icon
:icon icon'
:class (if (and (string? background)
(not (contains? #{"gray" "red"} background)))
(str class " primary-" background) class)
:muted disabled?}
icon (when icon (shui/tabler-icon icon icon-props))
icon'' (when icon' (shui/tabler-icon icon' icon-props))
href? (not (string/blank? href))
text (cond
href? [:a {:href href :target "_blank"
:style {:color "inherit"}} text]
:else text)
children [icon text]]
children [icon'' text]]
(shui/button props children)))

View File

@ -262,8 +262,8 @@
;; ".lg:absolute.lg:inset-y-0.lg:right-0.lg:w-1/2"
(defn hiccup->class
(some->> (string/split class #"\.")
(some->> (string/split class' #"\.")
(string/join " ")
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
(when-not node-test?
(extend-type js/NodeList
(-seq [array] (array-seq array 0)))))
(-seq [arr] (array-seq arr 0)))))
;; Caret
@ -545,9 +545,9 @@
(defn bottom-reached?
[node threshold]
(let [full-height (gobj/get node "scrollHeight")
scroll-top (gobj/get node "scrollTop")
scroll-top' (gobj/get node "scrollTop")
client-height (gobj/get node "clientHeight")]
(<= (- full-height scroll-top client-height) threshold))))
(<= (- full-height scroll-top' client-height) threshold))))
(defn link?
@ -1256,7 +1256,7 @@
main-node (app-scroll-container-node el)
scroll-top (.-scrollTop main-node)
scroll-top' (.-scrollTop main-node)
current-pos (get-selection-start el)
grapheme-pos (get-graphemes-pos (.-value (.textContent el)) current-pos)
@ -1274,7 +1274,7 @@
scroll (- cursor-y (- vw-height (+ @keyboard-height (+ 40 4))))]
(and to-vw-one-quarter? (> cursor-y (* vw-height 0.4)))
(set! (.-scrollTop main-node) (+ scroll-top (- cursor-y (/ vw-height 4))))
(set! (.-scrollTop main-node) (+ scroll-top' (- cursor-y (/ vw-height 4))))
(and (< cursor-y (+ header-height offset-height 4)) ;; 4 is top+bottom padding for per line
(>= cursor-y header-height))
@ -1283,11 +1283,11 @@
(< cursor-y header-height)
(let [_ (.scrollIntoView el true)
main-node (app-scroll-container-node el)
scroll-top (.-scrollTop main-node)]
(set! (.-scrollTop main-node) (- scroll-top (/ vw-height 4))))
scroll-top' (.-scrollTop main-node)]
(set! (.-scrollTop main-node) (- scroll-top' (/ vw-height 4))))
(> scroll 0)
(set! (.-scrollTop main-node) (+ scroll-top scroll))
(set! (.-scrollTop main-node) (+ scroll-top' scroll))

View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
(defn clock-summary
[body string?]
[body string?']
(when-let [logbook (drawer/get-logbook body)]
(when-let [logbook-lines (last logbook)]
(when-let [clock-lines (seq (filter #(string/starts-with? % "CLOCK:") logbook-lines))]
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
:seconds seconds)
duration-in-minutes (t/in-minutes duration)
zero-minutes? (zero? duration-in-minutes)]
(if string?
(if string?'
(if zero-minutes?
(str seconds "s")
(-> (tf/unparse-duration duration)

View File

@ -65,34 +65,34 @@
(defn move-cursor-to
([input n] (move-cursor-to input n false))
([input n delay?]
([input n delay?']
(.setSelectionRange input n n)
(when-not (= js/document.activeElement input)
(let [focus #(.focus input)]
(if delay? (js/setTimeout focus 16) (focus))))))
(if delay?' (js/setTimeout focus 16) (focus))))))
(defn move-cursor-forward
(move-cursor-forward input 1))
([input n]
(when input
(let [{:keys [pos]} (get-caret-pos input)
pos (if (= n 1)
(or (util/safe-inc-current-pos-from-start (.-value input) pos)
(inc pos))
(+ pos n))]
(move-cursor-to input pos)))))
(let [{pos' :pos} (get-caret-pos input)
pos'' (if (= n 1)
(or (util/safe-inc-current-pos-from-start (.-value input) pos')
(inc pos'))
(+ pos' n))]
(move-cursor-to input pos'')))))
(defn move-cursor-backward
(move-cursor-backward input 1))
([input n]
(when input
(let [{:keys [pos]} (get-caret-pos input)
pos (if (= n 1)
(util/safe-dec-current-pos-from-end (.-value input) pos)
(- pos n))]
(move-cursor-to input pos)))))
(let [{pos' :pos} (get-caret-pos input)
pos'' (if (= n 1)
(util/safe-dec-current-pos-from-end (.-value input) pos')
(- pos' n))]
(move-cursor-to input pos'')))))
(defn- get-input-content&pos
@ -101,24 +101,24 @@
(defn line-beginning-pos
(let [[content pos] (get-input-content&pos input)]
(if (zero? pos) 0
(let [last-newline-pos (string/last-index-of content \newline (dec pos))]
(let [[content pos'] (get-input-content&pos input)]
(if (zero? pos') 0
(let [last-newline-pos (string/last-index-of content \newline (dec pos'))]
(if (= nil last-newline-pos) 0 ;; no newline found (first line)
(inc last-newline-pos))))))
(defn line-end-pos
(let [[content pos] (get-input-content&pos input)]
(or (string/index-of content \newline pos)
(let [[content pos'] (get-input-content&pos input)]
(or (string/index-of content \newline pos')
(count content))))
(defn beginning-of-line?
(let [[content pos] (get-input-content&pos input)]
(let [[content pos'] (get-input-content&pos input)]
(when content
(or (zero? pos)
(when-let [pre-char (subs content (dec pos) pos)]
(or (zero? pos')
(when-let [pre-char (subs content (dec pos') pos')]
(= pre-char \newline))))))
(defn move-cursor-to-line-end
@ -131,16 +131,16 @@
(defn move-cursor-to-end
(let [pos (count (gobj/get input "value"))]
(move-cursor-to input pos)))
(let [pos' (count (gobj/get input "value"))]
(move-cursor-to input pos')))
(defn move-cursor-to-thing
([input thing]
(move-cursor-to-thing input thing (pos input)))
([input thing from]
(let [[content _pos] (get-input-content&pos input)
pos (string/index-of content thing from)]
(move-cursor-to input pos))))
pos' (string/index-of content thing from)]
(move-cursor-to input pos'))))
(defn move-cursor-forward-by-word
@ -208,26 +208,26 @@
(let [elms (-> (gdom/getElement "mock-text")
chars (->> elms
chars' (->> elms
(map mock-char-pos)
(group-by :top))
tops (sort (keys chars))
tops (sort (keys chars'))
tops-p (partition-by #(== (:top cursor) %) tops)
(if (= :up direction)
(-> tops-p first last)
(-> tops-p last first))
(->> (get chars line-next)
(->> (get chars' line-next)
(partition-by (fn [char-pos]
(<= (:left char-pos) (:left cursor)))))
left-a (-> lefts first last)
left-c (-> lefts last first)
(if (> 2 (count lefts))
(closer left-a cursor left-c))]
(:pos closer)))
(:pos closer')))
(defn- move-cursor-up-down
[input direction]

View File

@ -276,8 +276,8 @@
(#(sqlite-create-graph/build-initial-classes* % {}))
(map (fn [b] (assoc b true))))
fixes (mapcat
(fn [update]
(when-let [fix (:fix update)]
(fn [update']
(when-let [fix (:fix update')]
(when (fn? fix)
(fix conn search-db)))) updates)
tx-data' (if db-based? (concat new-properties new-classes fixes) fixes)]

View File

@ -282,10 +282,10 @@
(db-listener/listen-db-changes! repo conn)))))
(defn- iter->vec [iter]
(when iter
(defn- iter->vec [iter']
(when iter'
(p/loop [acc []]
(p/let [elem (.next iter)]
(p/let [elem (.next iter')]
(if (.-done elem)
(p/recur (conj acc (.-value elem))))))))

View File

@ -313,10 +313,10 @@
(def ^:private create-get-state-flow
(let [rtc-loop-metadata-flow (m/watch *rtc-loop-metadata)]
(let [{:keys [repo graph-uuid user-uuid rtc-state-flow *rtc-auto-push? *rtc-lock *online-users]}
(let [{rtc-lock :*rtc-lock :keys [repo graph-uuid user-uuid rtc-state-flow *rtc-auto-push? *online-users]}
(m/?< rtc-loop-metadata-flow)]
(when (and repo rtc-state-flow *rtc-auto-push? *rtc-lock)
(when (and repo rtc-state-flow *rtc-auto-push? rtc-lock)
(fn [rtc-state rtc-auto-push? rtc-lock online-users pending-local-ops-count local-tx remote-tx]
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
:rtc-lock rtc-lock
:auto-push? rtc-auto-push?
:online-users online-users})
rtc-state-flow (m/watch *rtc-auto-push?) (m/watch *rtc-lock) (m/watch *online-users)
rtc-state-flow (m/watch *rtc-auto-push?) (m/watch rtc-lock) (m/watch *online-users)
(client-op/create-pending-ops-count-flow repo)
(rtc-log-and-state/create-local-t-flow graph-uuid)
(rtc-log-and-state/create-remote-t-flow graph-uuid))))

View File

@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS blocks_au;
(when (and (string? q) (string? match))
(fn [coll char]
(let [coll' (drop-while #(not= char %) coll)]
(fn [coll char']
(let [coll' (drop-while #(not= char' %) coll)]
(if (seq coll')
(rest coll')
(reduced false))))

View File

@ -1174,8 +1174,8 @@
;; search
(defn ^:export search
(-> (search-handler/search q)
(-> (search-handler/search q')
(p/then #(bean/->js %))))
;; helpers

View File

@ -436,8 +436,8 @@
(deftest test-batch-transact
(testing "add 4, 5 after 2 and delete 3"
(let [tree [[10 [[2] [3]]]]]
(transact-tree! tree)
(let [tree' [[10 [[2] [3]]]]]
(transact-tree! tree')
(let [new-blocks (build-blocks [[4 [5]]])
target-block (get-block 2)]
@ -585,9 +585,9 @@ tags:: tag1, tag2
(defn gen-blocks
(let [tree (gen-safe-tree)]
(if (seq tree)
(let [result (build-blocks tree)]
(let [tree' (gen-safe-tree)]
(if (seq tree')
(let [result (build-blocks tree')]
(if (seq result)
@ -606,9 +606,9 @@ tags:: tag1, tag2
(defn transact-random-tree!
(let [tree (gen-safe-tree)]
(if (seq tree)
(transact-tree! tree)
(let [tree' (gen-safe-tree)]
(if (seq tree')
(transact-tree! tree')
(defn get-datoms

View File

@ -29,16 +29,16 @@
(defn start-test-db!
[& {:as opts}]
(let [db-graph? (or (:db-graph? opts) (and node? (some? js/process.env.DB_GRAPH)))
test-db (if db-graph? test-db-name-db-version test-db-name)]
(state/set-current-repo! test-db)
(conn/start! test-db opts)
(let [conn (conn/get-db test-db false)]
test-db' (if db-graph? test-db-name-db-version test-db-name)]
(state/set-current-repo! test-db')
(conn/start! test-db' opts)
(let [conn (conn/get-db test-db' false)]
(when db-graph?
(db-pipeline/add-listener conn)
(d/transact! conn (sqlite-create-graph/build-db-initial-data "")))
(d/listen! conn ::listen-db-changes!
(fn [tx-report]
(worker-pipeline/invoke-hooks test-db conn tx-report {}))))))
(worker-pipeline/invoke-hooks test-db' conn tx-report {}))))))
(defn destroy-test-db!

View File

@ -141,10 +141,10 @@
(defn- undo-all
[conn page-uuid]
[conn page-uuid']
(binding [undo-redo/*undo-redo-info-for-test* (atom nil)]
(loop [i 0]
(let [r (undo-redo/undo test-helper/test-db-name-db-version page-uuid conn)
(let [r (undo-redo/undo test-helper/test-db-name-db-version page-uuid' conn)
current-db @conn]
(check-block-count @undo-redo/*undo-redo-info-for-test* current-db)
(if (not= :frontend.worker.undo-redo/empty-undo-stack r)
@ -152,10 +152,10 @@
(prn :undo-count i))))))
(defn- redo-all
[conn page-uuid]
[conn page-uuid']
(binding [undo-redo/*undo-redo-info-for-test* (atom nil)]
(loop [i 0]
(let [r (undo-redo/redo test-helper/test-db-name-db-version page-uuid conn)
(let [r (undo-redo/redo test-helper/test-db-name-db-version page-uuid' conn)
current-db @conn]
(check-block-count @undo-redo/*undo-redo-info-for-test* current-db)
(if (not= :frontend.worker.undo-redo/empty-redo-stack r)
@ -203,19 +203,19 @@
(is (= origin-graph-block-set (get-db-block-set @conn)))))))
(defn- print-page-stat
[db page-uuid]
(let [page (d/entity db [:block/uuid page-uuid])
[db page-uuid']
(let [page (d/entity db [:block/uuid page-uuid'])
blocks (ldb/get-page-blocks db (:db/id page))]
{:block-count (count blocks)
:undo-op-count (count (get-in @(:undo/repo->page-block-uuid->undo-ops @worker-state/*state)
[test-helper/test-db-name-db-version page-uuid]))
[test-helper/test-db-name-db-version page-uuid']))
:redo-op-count (count (get-in @(:undo/repo->page-block-uuid->redo-ops @worker-state/*state)
[test-helper/test-db-name-db-version page-uuid]))})))
[test-helper/test-db-name-db-version page-uuid']))})))
(defn- print-page-blocks-tree
[db page-uuid]
(let [page (d/entity db [:block/uuid page-uuid])
[db page-uuid']
(let [page (d/entity db [:block/uuid page-uuid'])
blocks (ldb/get-page-blocks db (:db/id page))]
(prn ::page-block-tree)
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
(assoc :block/children (:block/children x)))
(otree/blocks->vec-tree test-helper/test-db-name-db-version db
blocks page-uuid)))))
blocks page-uuid')))))
(deftest ^:long ^:wip undo-redo-outliner-op-gen-test