enhance: support editor ref to export code mirror instance

charlie 2024-09-14 11:58:13 +08:00
parent e30505550d
commit 7076bfa08e
1 changed files with 4 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -403,6 +403,7 @@
(get-in config [:block :block/uuid])))
_ (state/set-state! :editor/code-mode? false)
original-mode (get attr :data-lang)
*editor-ref (get attr :editor-ref)
mode (if (:file? config)
(text->cm-mode original-mode :ext) ;; ref: src/main/frontend/components/file.cljs
(text->cm-mode original-mode :name))
@ -435,7 +436,9 @@
{:hintOptions {}})
editor (when textarea
(from-textarea textarea (clj->js cm-options)))]
(from-textarea textarea (clj->js cm-options)))
_ (when (and editor *editor-ref)
(reset! *editor-ref editor))]
(when editor
(let [textarea-ref (rum/ref-node state textarea-ref-name)
element (.getWrapperElement editor)]