Fix up model tests and remove unused rules

Gabriel Horner 2022-11-09 03:17:39 -05:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent 96381a9919
commit 70a476dde3
3 changed files with 101 additions and 124 deletions

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@ -2,62 +2,63 @@
"Datalog rules for use with logseq.db.schema")
(def ^:large-vars/data-var rules
"Rules used mainly in frontend.db.model"
;; rule "parent" is optimized for parent node -> child node nesting queries
'[[(parent ?p ?c)
[?c :block/parent ?p]]
[(parent ?p ?c)
[?c :block/parent ?t]
(parent ?p ?t)]
'[[(namespace ?p ?c)
[?c :block/namespace ?p]]
[(namespace ?p ?c)
[?t :block/namespace ?p]
(namespace ?t ?c)]]
;; rule "child" is optimized for child node -> parent node nesting queries
[(child ?p ?c)
[?c :block/parent ?p]]
[(child ?p ?c)
[?t :block/parent ?p]
(child ?t ?c)]
'[[(alias ?e2 ?e1)
[?e2 :block/alias ?e1]]
[(alias ?e2 ?e1)
[?e1 :block/alias ?e2]]
[(alias ?e1 ?e3)
[?e1 :block/alias ?e2]
[?e2 :block/alias ?e3]]
[(alias ?e3 ?e1)
[?e1 :block/alias ?e2]
[?e2 :block/alias ?e3]]]})
;; rule "namespace" is optimized for child node -> node of upper namespace level nesting queries
[(namespace ?p ?c)
[?c :block/namespace ?p]]
[(namespace ?p ?c)
[?t :block/namespace ?p]
(namespace ?t ?c)]
;; Rules writing advice
;; ====================
;; Select rules carefully, as it is critical for performance.
;; The rules have different clause order and resolving directions.
;; Clause order Reference:
;; Recursive optimization Reference:
;; Should optimize for query the decendents of a block
;; Quote:
;; My theory is that your rules are not written in a way that Datalog can optimize for this read pattern - probably resulting in a traversal of all the entities. I suggest to rewrite them as follows:
;; [[(ubersymbol ?c ?p)
;; (?c :ml/parent ?p)]
;; [(ubersymbol ?c ?p)
;; ;; we bind a child of the ancestor, instead of a parent of the descendant
;; (?c1 :ml/parent ?p)
;; (ubersymbol ?c ?c1)]]
;; Select rules carefully, as it is critical for performance.
;; The rules have different clause order and resolving directions.
;; Clause order Reference:
;; Recursive optimization Reference:
;; Should optimize for query the decendents of a block
;; Quote:
;; My theory is that your rules are not written in a way that Datalog can optimize for this read pattern - probably resulting in a traversal of all the entities. I suggest to rewrite them as follows:
;; [[(ubersymbol ?c ?p)
;; (?c :ml/parent ?p)]
;; [(ubersymbol ?c ?p)
;; ;; we bind a child of the ancestor, instead of a parent of the descendant
;; (?c1 :ml/parent ?p)
;; (ubersymbol ?c ?c1)]]
;; This way of writing the ruleset is optimized to find the descendants of some node. The way you originally wrote it is optimized to find the anscestors of some node.
;; This way of writing the ruleset is optimized to find the descendants of some node. The way you originally wrote it is optimized to find the anscestors of some node.
;; from
;; Quote:
;; You're tackling the general problem of 'dynamic conjunction' in Datomic's Datalog.
;; Write a dynamic Datalog query which uses 2 negations and 1 disjunction or a recursive rule
;; Datalog has no direct way of expressing dynamic conjunction (logical AND / 'for all ...' / set intersection).
;; However, you can achieve it in pure Datalog by combining one disjunction
;; (logical OR / 'exists ...' / set union) and two negations, i.e
;; (For all ?g in ?Gs p(?e,?g)) <=> NOT(Exists ?g in ?Gs, such that NOT(p(?e, ?g)))
;; from
;; Quote:
;; You're tackling the general problem of 'dynamic conjunction' in Datomic's Datalog.
;; Write a dynamic Datalog query which uses 2 negations and 1 disjunction or a recursive rule
;; Datalog has no direct way of expressing dynamic conjunction (logical AND / 'for all ...' / set intersection).
;; However, you can achieve it in pure Datalog by combining one disjunction
;; (logical OR / 'exists ...' / set union) and two negations, i.e
;; (For all ?g in ?Gs p(?e,?g)) <=> NOT(Exists ?g in ?Gs, such that NOT(p(?e, ?g)))
;; [(matches-all ?e ?a ?vs)
;; [(first ?vs) ?v0]
;; [?e ?a ?v0]
;; (not-join [?e ?vs]
;; [(identity ?vs) [?v ...]]
;; (not-join [?e ?v]
;; [?e ?a ?v]))]
;; [(matches-all ?e ?a ?vs)
;; [(first ?vs) ?v0]
;; [?e ?a ?v0]
;; (not-join [?e ?vs]
;; [(identity ?vs) [?v ...]]
;; (not-join [?e ?v]
;; [?e ?a ?v]))]
(def ^:large-vars/data-var query-dsl-rules
"Rules used by frontend.db.query-dsl. The symbols ?b and ?p respectively refer

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
[frontend.util :as util :refer [react]]
[frontend.util.drawer :as drawer]
[logseq.db.default :as default-db]
[logseq.db.rules :refer [rules]]
[logseq.db.rules :as rules]
[logseq.db.schema :as db-schema]
[logseq.graph-parser.config :as gp-config]
[logseq.graph-parser.text :as text]
@ -300,16 +300,7 @@
(alias ?page ?e)]
(conn/get-db repo-url)
(util/safe-page-name-sanity-lc page)
'[[(alias ?e2 ?e1)
[?e2 :block/alias ?e1]]
[(alias ?e2 ?e1)
[?e1 :block/alias ?e2]]
[(alias ?e1 ?e3)
[?e1 :block/alias ?e2]
[?e2 :block/alias ?e3]]
[(alias ?e3 ?e1)
[?e1 :block/alias ?e2]
[?e2 :block/alias ?e3]]])
(:alias rules/rules))
(set/union #{page-id}))))
@ -1585,7 +1576,7 @@
[?p :block/name ?namespace]
(namespace ?p ?c)]
(conn/get-db repo)
(:namespace rules/rules)
(defn- tree [flat-col root]

View File

@ -1,11 +1,25 @@
(ns frontend.db.model-test
(:require [cljs.test :refer [use-fixtures deftest is]]
(:require [cljs.test :refer [use-fixtures deftest is are]]
[frontend.db.model :as model]
[frontend.test.helper :as test-helper :refer [load-test-files]]))
(use-fixtures :each {:before test-helper/start-test-db!
:after test-helper/destroy-test-db!})
(deftest get-namespace-pages
(load-test-files [{:file/path "pages/"
:file/content "foo"}
{:file/path "pages/"
:file/content "bar"}
{:file/path "pages/"
:file/content "baz"}])
(is (= ["a/b" "a/b/c"]
(map :block/name (model/get-namespace-pages test-helper/test-db "a"))))
(is (= ["b/c" "b/d"]
(map :block/name (model/get-namespace-pages test-helper/test-db "b")))))
(deftest get-page-namespace-routes
(load-test-files [{:file/path "pages/"
:file/content "foo"}
@ -18,69 +32,40 @@
(map :block/name (model/get-page-namespace-routes test-helper/test-db "b/c")))
"Empty if page exists"))
;; (deftest test-page-alias-with-multiple-alias
;; []
;; (p/let [files [{:file/path ""
;; :file/content "---\ntitle: a\nalias: b, c\n---"}
;; {:file/path ""
;; :file/content "---\ntitle: b\nalias: a, d\n---"}
;; {:file/path ""
;; :file/content "---\ntitle: e\n---\n## ref to [[b]]"}]
;; _ (-> (repo-handler/parse-files-and-load-to-db! test-db files {:re-render? false})
;; (p/catch (fn [] "ignore indexedDB error")))
;; a-aliases (model/page-alias-set test-db "a")
;; b-aliases (model/page-alias-set test-db "b")
;; alias-names (model/get-page-alias-names test-db "a")
;; b-ref-blocks (model/get-page-referenced-blocks test-db "b")
;; a-ref-blocks (model/get-page-referenced-blocks test-db "a")]
;; (are [x y] (= x y)
;; 4 (count a-aliases)
;; 4 (count b-aliases)
;; 1 (count b-ref-blocks)
;; 1 (count a-ref-blocks)
;; (set ["b" "c" "d"]) (set alias-names))))
(deftest test-page-alias-with-multiple-alias
(load-test-files [{:file/path ""
:file/content "alias:: ab, ac"}
{:file/path ""
:file/content "alias:: aa, ad"}
{:file/path ""
:file/content "## ref to [[ab]]"}])
(let [a-aliases (model/page-alias-set test-helper/test-db "aa")
b-aliases (model/page-alias-set test-helper/test-db "ab")
alias-names (model/get-page-alias-names test-helper/test-db "aa")
b-ref-blocks (model/get-page-referenced-blocks "ab")
a-ref-blocks (model/get-page-referenced-blocks "aa")]
;; (deftest test-page-alias-set
;; []
;; (p/let [files [{:file/path ""
;; :file/content "---\ntitle: a\nalias: [[b]]\n---"}
;; {:file/path ""
;; :file/content "---\ntitle: b\nalias: [[c]]\n---"}
;; {:file/path ""
;; :file/content "---\ntitle: d\n---\n## ref to [[b]]"}]
;; _ (-> (repo-handler/parse-files-and-load-to-db! test-db files {:re-render? false})
;; (p/catch (fn [] "ignore indexedDB error")))
;; a-aliases (model/page-alias-set test-db "a")
;; b-aliases (model/page-alias-set test-db "b")
;; alias-names (model/get-page-alias-names test-db "a")
;; b-ref-blocks (model/get-page-referenced-blocks test-db "b")
;; a-ref-blocks (model/get-page-referenced-blocks test-db "a")]
;; (are [x y] (= x y)
;; 3 (count a-aliases)
;; 1 (count b-ref-blocks)
;; 1 (count a-ref-blocks)
;; (set ["b" "c"]) (set alias-names))))
(are [x y] (= x y)
4 (count a-aliases)
4 (count b-aliases)
4 (count b-ref-blocks)
4 (count a-ref-blocks)
#{"ab" "ac" "ad"} (set alias-names))))
;; (deftest test-page-alias-without-brackets
;; []
;; (p/let [files [{:file/path ""
;; :file/content "---\ntitle: a\nalias: b\n---"}
;; {:file/path ""
;; :file/content "---\ntitle: b\nalias: c\n---"}
;; {:file/path ""
;; :file/content "---\ntitle: d\n---\n## ref to [[b]]"}]
;; _ (-> (repo-handler/parse-files-and-load-to-db! test-db files {:re-render? false})
;; (p/catch (fn [] "ignore indexedDB error")))
;; a-aliases (model/page-alias-set test-db "a")
;; b-aliases (model/page-alias-set test-db "b")
;; alias-names (model/get-page-alias-names test-db "a")
;; b-ref-blocks (model/get-page-referenced-blocks test-db "b")
;; a-ref-blocks (model/get-page-referenced-blocks test-db "a")]
;; (are [x y] (= x y)
;; 3 (count a-aliases)
;; 1 (count b-ref-blocks)
;; 1 (count a-ref-blocks)
;; (set ["b" "c"]) (set alias-names))))
(deftest test-page-alias-set
(load-test-files [{:file/path ""
:file/content "alias:: ab"}
{:file/path ""
:file/content "alias:: ac"}
{:file/path ""
:file/content "## ref to [[ab]]"}])
(let [a-aliases (model/page-alias-set test-helper/test-db "aa")
alias-names (model/get-page-alias-names test-helper/test-db "aa")
a-ref-blocks (model/get-page-referenced-blocks "aa")]
(are [x y] (= x y)
3 (count a-aliases)
3 (count a-ref-blocks)
#{"ab" "ac"} (set alias-names))))
(deftest get-pages-that-mentioned-page-with-show-journal
(load-test-files [{:file/path "journals/"