chore(sync): clear code

rcmerci 2022-01-16 01:14:06 +08:00
parent e4d7a1582a
commit 7203252017
1 changed files with 0 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -138,12 +138,6 @@
;from-path, to-path is relative path
(deftype FileTxn [from-path to-path updated deleted txid]
;; (rename [_ to]
;; (FileTxn. from-path to updated false seq-id))
;; (update [_]
;; (FileTxn. from-path to-path true false seq-id))
;; (delete [_]
;; (FileTxn. from-path to-path false true seq-id))
(renamed? [_]
(not= from-path to-path))
(updated? [_] updated)
@ -165,10 +159,6 @@
(-compare [_ ^FileTxn other]
(compare txid (.-txid other)))
;; ISeqable
;; (-seq [_]
;; `([:from-path ~from-path] [:to-path ~to-path] [:updated ~updated] [:deleted ~deleted]))
(-pr-writer [coll w _opts]
(write-all w "#FileTxn[\"" from-path "\" -> \"" to-path