Same rendering for agenda headings

Tienson Qin 2020-04-30 08:30:18 +08:00
parent 2adabbd234
commit 735ceb42a7
4 changed files with 63 additions and 121 deletions

View File

@ -1,104 +1,22 @@
(ns frontend.components.agenda
(:require [rum.core :as rum]
[frontend.util :as util]
[frontend.handler :as handler]
[ :as block]
[frontend.state :as state]
[clojure.string :as string]
[ :as org]
[frontend.components.sidebar :as sidebar]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.ui :as ui]))
(rum/defc timestamps-cp
(for [[type {:keys [date time]}] timestamps]
(let [{:keys [year month day]} date
{:keys [hour min]} time]
[:li {:key type}
[:span {:style {:margin-right 6}} type]
[:span (if time
(str year "-" month "-" day " " hour ":" min)
(str year "-" month "-" day))]]))])
(rum/defc title-cp
(let [title-json (js/JSON.stringify (clj->js title))
html (org/inline-list->html title-json)]
(util/raw-html html)))
(rum/defc children-cp
(let [children-json (js/JSON.stringify (clj->js children))
html (org/json->html children-json)]
(util/raw-html html)))
(rum/defc marker-cp
(if marker
[:span {:class (str "marker-" (string/lower-case marker))
:style {:margin-left 8}}
(if (contains? #{"DOING" "IN-PROGRESS"} marker)
(str " (" marker ")"))]))
(rum/defc tags-cp
(for [{:keys [tag/name]} tags]
[:span.tag {:key name}
[frontend.components.content :as content]
[frontend.components.hiccup :as hiccup]
[frontend.db :as db]))
(rum/defc agenda
(let [tasks (db/get-agenda)]
[:h2.mb-3 "Agenda"]
[:h1.title "Agenda"]
(if (seq tasks)
(let [tasks (block/sort-tasks tasks)]
(for [{:heading/keys [uuid marker title priority level tags children timestamps meta repo file] :as task} tasks]
{:key (str "task-" uuid)
:style {:padding-left 8
:padding-right 8}}
[:div.flex.flex-row {:style {:align-items "center"}}
(case marker
(ui/checkbox {:on-change (fn [_]
;; FIXME: Log timestamp
(handler/check task))})
[:span {:style {:font-weight "bold"}}
(ui/checkbox {:checked true
:on-change (fn [_]
;; FIXME: Log timestamp
(handler/uncheck task)
(if priority
(str "#[" priority "]")])
(title-cp title)
(marker-cp marker)
(when (seq tags)
(tags-cp tags))]]
(when (seq timestamps)
(timestamps-cp timestamps))
;; FIXME: parse error
;; (when (seq children)
;; (children-cp children))
(let [tasks (block/sort-tasks tasks)
id "agenda"]
(content/content id :org
{:hiccup (hiccup/->hiccup tasks {:id id})}))]

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
[frontend.expand :as expand]
[frontend.components.editor :as editor]
[frontend.components.svg :as svg]
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[frontend.handler :as handler]
[goog.object :as gobj]))
@ -278,7 +279,8 @@
heading-id (str "ls-heading-parent-" uuid)
collapsed-atom? (get state ::collapsed?)
toggle-collapsed? (state/sub [:ui/collapsed-headings heading-id])
collapsed? (or toggle-collapsed? @collapsed-atom?)]
collapsed? (or toggle-collapsed? @collapsed-atom?)
agenda? (= (:id config) "agenda")]
(let [edit-input-id (str "edit-box-" uuid)]
(when-not lock?
[ {:key (str uuid)
@ -299,25 +301,26 @@
:on-mouse-out (fn []
(when (has-children? heading-id level)
(reset! control-show? false)))}
{:id (str "control-" uuid)
:class "block no-underline text-gray-700 hover:text-gray-700 transition ease-in-out duration-150 mr-1"
:on-click (fn []
(let [id (str "ls-heading-parent-" uuid)]
(if collapsed?
(expand/expand! (:id config) id)
(expand/collapse! (:id config) id))
(reset! collapsed-atom? (not collapsed?))))}
(when-not agenda?
{:id (str "control-" uuid)
:class "block no-underline text-gray-700 hover:text-gray-700 transition ease-in-out duration-150 mr-1"
:on-click (fn []
(let [id (str "ls-heading-parent-" uuid)]
(if collapsed?
(expand/expand! (:id config) id)
(expand/collapse! (:id config) id))
(reset! collapsed-atom? (not collapsed?))))}
(and @control-show?
(has-children? heading-id level))
(and @control-show?
(has-children? heading-id level))
(if @edit?
(editor/box content {:on-hide (fn [value]
@ -333,7 +336,8 @@
{:on-click (fn [e]
(when-not (util/link? (gobj/get e "target"))
(when-not (or (util/link? (gobj/get e "target"))
(util/input? (gobj/get e "target")))
(reset! edit? true)
(handler/reset-cursor-range! (gdom/getElement heading-id))
(swap! state/state assoc
@ -348,10 +352,33 @@
(rum/with-key (heading-child block)
(rum/defc heading-checkbox
[heading class]
(case (:heading/marker heading)
(ui/checkbox {:class class
:style {:margin-top -2}
:on-change (fn [_e]
;; FIXME: Log timestamp
(handler/check heading))})
(ui/checkbox {:checked true
:class class
:style {:margin-top -2}
:on-change (fn [_e]
;; FIXME: Log timestamp
(handler/uncheck heading))})
(defn heading
[config {:heading/keys [uuid title tags marker level priority anchor meta numbering children]
:as t}]
(let [marker (if marker
(let [agenda? (= (:id config) "agenda")
checkbox (heading-checkbox t
(str "mr-1 cursor" (when-not agenda? " ml-1")))
marker (if (contains? #{"DOING" "IN-PROGRESS" "WAIT"} marker)
[:span {:class (str "task-status " (string/lower-case marker))
:style {:margin-right 3.5}}
(string/upper-case marker)])
@ -376,7 +403,8 @@
:uuid (str uuid)}
[(when-not agenda? level-str)
(map-inline title)

View File

@ -37,16 +37,6 @@
(parse-json config)
(defn inline-list->html
(when (loaded?)
(.inlineListToHtmlStr js/window.MldocOrg json)))
(defn json->html
(when (loaded?)
(.jsonToHtmlStr js/window.MldocOrg json default-config)))
(defrecord OrgMode []
(toHtml [this content config]

View File

@ -315,6 +315,12 @@
#{"A" "BUTTON"}
(gobj/get node "tagName")))
(defn input?
(gobj/get node "tagName")))
(defn journal?
(string/starts-with? path "journals/"))