UI tweaks

Tienson Qin 2020-05-21 11:06:17 +08:00
parent 06e4993057
commit 736077e1ef
6 changed files with 176 additions and 100 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(ns frontend.components.repo
(:require [rum.core :as rum]
[frontend.components.widgets :as widgets]
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.handler :as handler]
@ -17,18 +18,27 @@
(if (seq repos)
[:h1.title "Your Repos: "]
(for [{:keys [id url] :as repo} repos]
[:div.flex.justify-between.mb-1 {:key id}
[:a {:target "_blank"
:href url}
(db/get-repo-path url)]
[:a.control {:title "Clone again and rebuild the db"
:on-click (fn []
(handler/rebuild-index! repo)
(handler/redirect! {:to :home}))}
"Rebuild index"]
[:a.text-gray-400.ml-4 {:on-click (fn []
(handler/remove-repo! repo))}
[:a {:href "/repo/add"}
"Add another repo"]
;; (ui/button
;; :href "/repo/add")
(for [{:keys [id url] :as repo} repos]
[:div.flex.justify-between.mb-1 {:key id}
[:a {:target "_blank"
:href url}
(db/get-repo-path url)]
[:a.control {:title "Clone again and rebuild the db"
:on-click (fn []
(handler/rebuild-index! repo)
(handler/redirect! {:to :home}))}
"Rebuild index"]
[:a.text-gray-400.ml-4 {:on-click (fn []
(handler/remove-repo! repo))}

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
(rum/defc sidebar-item < rum/reactive
[idx db-id block-type block-data]
(let [collapse? (state/sub [:ui/sidebar-collapsed-blocks db-id])]
(let [[title component] (build-sidebar-item db-id block-type block-data)]
@ -62,9 +62,7 @@
[:div.ml-1 {:style {:font-size "1.5rem"}} title]]
{:on-click (fn []
(state/sidebar-remove-block! idx)
(when (empty? (state/get-sidebar-blocks))
(state/sidebar-remove-block! idx))}
[:div {:class (if collapse? "hidden" "initial")}
@ -106,10 +104,22 @@
(rum/defcs sidebar < rum/reactive
(let [blocks (state/sub :sidebar/blocks)]
[:div#right-sidebar.flex.flex-col.p-2.shadow-xs.overflow-y-auto.content {:style {:padding-bottom 300}}
(let [blocks (state/sub :sidebar/blocks)
repo (state/sub :git/current-repo)
starred (state/sub [:config repo :starred])]
[:div#right-sidebar.flex.flex-col.p-2.shadow-xs.overflow-y-auto {:style {:padding-bottom 300}}
(for [[idx [db-id block-type block-data]] (medley/indexed blocks)]
(sidebar-item idx db-id block-type block-data)
(str "sidebar-block-" idx)))
(when (and repo (seq starred))
[:div.ml-2.font-bold "Starred pages"]]
(for [page starred]
(let [encoded-page (util/url-encode page)]
{:key encoded-page
:href (str "/page/" encoded-page)}
(util/capitalize-all page)]))])]))

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
(let [search-result (state/sub :search/result)
search-q (state/sub :search/q)
show-result? (boolean (seq search-result))]
[:label.sr-only {:for "search_field"} "Search"]

View File

@ -26,29 +26,37 @@
:src "/static/img/logo.png"}]]])
(rum/defc repos < rum/reactive
[current-repo close-modal-fn]
(if current-repo
(let [repos (state/sub [:me :repos])]
(if (> (count repos) 1)
(fn [{:keys [toggle-fn]}]
[:a.hover:text-gray-200.text-gray-500.font-bold {:on-click toggle-fn}
[:span (string/capitalize (util/take-at-most (db/get-repo-name current-repo) 20))]
[:span.dropdown-caret.ml-1 {:style {:border-top-color "#6b7280"}}]])
(fn [{:keys [id url]}]
{:title (db/get-repo-name url)
:options {:on-click (fn []
(state/set-current-repo! url))}})
(remove (fn [repo]
(= current-repo (:url repo)))
"origin-top-right.absolute.left-0.mt-2.w-48.rounded-md.shadow-lg "))
{:href current-repo
:target "_blank"}
(string/capitalize (util/take-at-most (db/get-repo-name current-repo) 20))]))))
[current-repo head?]
(let [class (if head?
get-repo-name-f (fn [repo]
(if head?
(db/get-repo-path repo)
(util/take-at-most (db/get-repo-name repo) 20)))]
(if current-repo
(let [repos (state/sub [:me :repos])]
(if (> (count repos) 1)
(fn [{:keys [toggle-fn]}]
[:a#repo-switch {:on-click toggle-fn
:class (util/hiccup->class class)}
[:span (get-repo-name-f current-repo)]
[:span.dropdown-caret.ml-1 {:style {:border-top-color "#6b7280"}}]])
(fn [{:keys [id url]}]
{:title (get-repo-name-f url)
:options {:on-click (fn []
(state/set-current-repo! url))}})
(remove (fn [repo]
(= current-repo (:url repo)))
"origin-top-right.absolute.left-0.mt-2.w-48.rounded-md.shadow-lg "))
{:href current-repo
:target "_blank"}
(get-repo-name-f current-repo)])))))
(defn nav-item
[title href svg-d active? close-modal-fn]
@ -180,24 +188,6 @@
:exit 300}}
(rum/defc left-sidebar < rum/reactive
[current-repo route-match close-fn]
{:style {:margin-right 13
:margin-top -1}
:on-click handler/hide-left-sidebar}
(svg/menu "currentColor")]
(repos current-repo close-fn)
(sidebar-nav route-match close-fn)]
(rum/defcs sidebar < (mixins/modal)
[state route-match main-content]
@ -231,13 +221,11 @@
:stroke-linejoin "round",
:stroke-linecap "round"}]]]])
[:div.flex-shrink-0.flex.items-center.px-4.h-16 {:style {:background-color "#002b36"}}
(repos current-repo close-fn)]
(repos current-repo false)]
(sidebar-nav route-match close-fn)]]]
(left-sidebar current-repo route-match close-fn)]
{:on-click open-fn}
@ -250,22 +238,23 @@
[:a {:title "Draw with Excalidraw"
:href "/draw"}
(repos current-repo true)
[:a.ml-1 {:title "Draw with Excalidraw"
:href "/draw"}
[:div {:class (if pulling? "loader")}
[:a {:title "Git pull"}
{:on-click handler/pull-current-repo}
{:viewBox "0 0 24 24", :fill "none", :stroke "currentColor"}
"M6 18.7V21a1 1 0 0 1-2 0v-5a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h5a1 1 0 1 1 0 2H7.1A7 7 0 0 0 19 12a1 1 0 1 1 2 0 9 9 0 0 1-15 6.7zM18 5.3V3a1 1 0 0 1 2 0v5a1 1 0 0 1-1 1h-5a1 1 0 0 1 0-2h2.9A7 7 0 0 0 5 12a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 9 9 0 0 1 15-6.7z"
:stroke-width "1",
:stroke-linejoin "round",
:stroke-linecap "round"}]]]]]
;; [:div {:class (if pulling? "loader")}
;; [:a {:title "Git pull"}
;; [:button.p-1.m-2.text-gray-400.rounded-full.focus:outline-none.focus:shadow-outline.focus:text-gray-700.pull
;; {:on-click handler/pull-current-repo}
;; [:svg.h-6.w-6
;; {:viewBox "0 0 24 24", :fill "none", :stroke "currentColor"}
;; [:path
;; {:d
;; "M6 18.7V21a1 1 0 0 1-2 0v-5a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h5a1 1 0 1 1 0 2H7.1A7 7 0 0 0 19 12a1 1 0 1 1 2 0 9 9 0 0 1-15 6.7zM18 5.3V3a1 1 0 0 1 2 0v5a1 1 0 0 1-1 1h-5a1 1 0 0 1 0-2h2.9A7 7 0 0 0 5 12a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 9 9 0 0 1 15-6.7z"
;; :stroke-width "1",
;; :stroke-linejoin "round",
;; :stroke-linecap "round"}]]]]]
(fn [{:keys [toggle-fn]}]
@ -274,18 +263,30 @@
{:src avatar}]
[(when (:email me)
{:title "Your repos"
:options {:href "/repos"}})
{:title "Add another repo"
:options {:href "/repo/add"}}
{:title "Settings"
:options {:href (str "/file/" (util/url-encode config/config-file))}}
(when (:email me)
{:title "Sign out"
:options {:on-click handler/sign-out!}})]
(remove nil?)))
(let [logged? (:email me)]
[(when logged?
{:title "New page"
:options {:href "/page/new"}})
(when logged?
{:title "Your repos"
:options {:href "/repos"}})
(when logged?
{:title "Your pages"
:options {:href "/all-pages"}})
(when logged?
{:title "Your files"
:options {:href "/all-files"}})
{:title "Settings"
:options {:href (str "/file/" (util/url-encode config/config-file))}}
{:title "Bug report"
:options {:href "https://github.com/logseq/issues/issues/new"}}
{:title "Feature request"
:options {:href "https://github.com/logseq/issues/issues/new"}}
(when logged?
{:title "Sign out"
:options {:on-click handler/sign-out!}})]
(remove nil?))))
{:on-click (fn []
@ -294,7 +295,7 @@
{:tabIndex "0"
:style {:width "100%"
:height "100%"}}
@ -311,12 +312,12 @@
:margin-bottom 200}}
{:style {:position "absolute"
{:href "/"
:style {:position "absolute"
:top 6
:left 16
:z-index 111}
:on-click handler/show-left-sidebar}
(svg/menu "currentColor")]
:z-index 111} }

View File

@ -167,3 +167,59 @@
"M1050 2180 c0 -5 -6 -10 -13 -10 -6 0 -23 -28 -36 -62 -40 -104 -440 -895 -441 -870 0 13 -6 22 -16 22 -14 0 -16 -8 -10 -47 6 -45 2 -55 -140 -331 -80 -157 -166 -321 -191 -365 -26 -46 -46 -96 -48 -117 -3 -36 1 -41 88 -116 50 -44 114 -99 142 -124 126 -115 185 -161 201 -158 24 4 395 393 396 415 0 10 -18 162 -40 338 -38 300 -74 651 -70 685 3 21 -12 127 -23 173 -9 36 -5 51 67 215 42 97 97 216 121 264 23 48 43 90 43 93 0 3 -7 5 -15 5 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10z m-230 -747 c11 -70 33 -238 49 -373 31 -248 67 -523 77 -593 6 -35 2 -42 -63 -114 -113 -127 -233 -252 -274 -284 l-38 -30 -195 182 c-180 166 -195 183 -184 203 6 11 57 104 113 206 56 102 130 238 164 302 35 65 67 121 73 124 7 4 9 -97 7 -312 -4 -321 -3 -322 29 -315 4 0 7 162 7 359 l0 358 105 210 c58 116 106 209 108 208 2 -1 12 -60 22 -131z"}]]]
(rum/defc logo
{:fill "none", :viewbox "0 0 24 24", :height "24", :width "24"}
{:fill "currentColor",
"M2.15592 19.2498C1.36836 19.0534 0.949256 17.9725 1.21983 16.8356C1.49041 15.6987 2.3482 14.9362 3.13576 15.1326C3.92332 15.329 4.34242 16.4099 4.07185 17.5468C3.80127 18.6838 2.94348 19.4462 2.15592 19.2498Z"}]
{:fill "currentColor",
"M11.4134 21.9396C11.3864 22.7539 10.2246 23.3745 8.81844 23.3256C7.41231 23.2768 6.2943 22.577 6.32131 21.7627C6.34831 20.9484 7.51009 20.3278 8.91622 20.3767C10.3223 20.4256 11.4404 21.1253 11.4134 21.9396Z"}]
{:fill "currentColor",
"M3.60601 11.5688C4.1496 11.9697 4.09019 13.0052 3.4733 13.8817C2.85641 14.7581 1.91565 15.1436 1.37205 14.7427C0.828456 14.3417 0.88787 13.3062 1.50476 12.4298C2.12165 11.5533 3.06241 11.1678 3.60601 11.5688Z"}]
{:fill "currentColor",
"M5.80617 22.2547C5.49718 23.4297 3.95914 24.1864 2.37085 23.9448C0.782563 23.7033 -0.254521 22.555 0.054461 21.3801C0.363443 20.2051 1.90148 19.4484 3.48977 19.69C5.07806 19.9315 6.11515 21.0798 5.80617 22.2547Z"}]
{:fill "currentColor",
"M2.22629 11.1687C0.946374 11.0033 -0.0174028 9.64953 0.0736304 8.14495C0.164664 6.64037 1.27603 5.55475 2.55595 5.72016C3.83586 5.88556 4.79963 7.23935 4.7086 8.74393C4.61757 10.2485 3.5062 11.3341 2.22629 11.1687Z"}]
{:fill "currentColor",
"M17.6471 22.265C17.3381 23.4399 15.8001 24.1966 14.2118 23.9551C12.6235 23.7136 11.5864 22.5653 11.8954 21.3903C12.2044 20.2154 13.7424 19.4587 15.3307 19.7002C16.919 19.9417 17.9561 21.09 17.6471 22.265Z"}]
{:fill "currentColor",
"M8.45435 13.5463C7.66679 13.3499 7.24769 12.269 7.51827 11.1321C7.78884 9.99515 8.64663 9.23269 9.43419 9.4291C10.2218 9.62551 10.6409 10.7064 10.3703 11.8433C10.0997 12.9803 9.24192 13.7427 8.45435 13.5463Z"}]
{:fill "currentColor",
"M17.7118 16.2361C17.6848 17.0504 16.523 17.671 15.1169 17.6221C13.7107 17.5732 12.5927 16.8735 12.6197 16.0592C12.6467 15.2449 13.8085 14.6243 15.2147 14.6732C16.6208 14.722 17.7388 15.4218 17.7118 16.2361Z"}]
{:fill "currentColor",
"M9.90444 5.86526C10.448 6.2662 10.3886 7.30173 9.77174 8.17818C9.15485 9.05463 8.21409 9.44011 7.67049 9.03917C7.12689 8.63823 7.1863 7.6027 7.80319 6.72625C8.42008 5.8498 9.36084 5.46432 9.90444 5.86526Z"}]
{:fill "currentColor",
"M12.1046 16.5512C11.7956 17.7262 10.2576 18.4829 8.66929 18.2413C7.081 17.9998 6.04391 16.8515 6.3529 15.6766C6.66188 14.5016 8.19992 13.7449 9.78821 13.9865C11.3765 14.228 12.4136 15.3763 12.1046 16.5512Z"}]
{:fill "currentColor",
"M8.52472 5.46522C7.24481 5.29981 6.28103 3.94603 6.37206 2.44145C6.4631 0.936865 7.57447 -0.148753 8.85438 0.0166502C10.1343 0.182053 11.0981 1.53584 11.007 3.04042C10.916 4.545 9.80463 5.63062 8.52472 5.46522Z"}]
{:fill "currentColor",
"M23.9455 16.5615C23.6366 17.7364 22.0985 18.4931 20.5102 18.2516C18.9219 18.01 17.8849 16.8618 18.1938 15.6868C18.5028 14.5119 20.0409 13.7552 21.6291 13.9967C23.2174 14.2382 24.2545 15.3865 23.9455 16.5615Z"}]]

View File

@ -1019,7 +1019,6 @@
(defn show-right-sidebar
(let [sidebar (dom/by-id "right-sidebar")]
(dom/add-class! sidebar "enter")
(dom/add-class! (dom/by-id "main-content-container")