Fix heading delete

Tienson Qin 2020-05-10 08:25:35 +08:00
parent cc6d3d9b87
commit 74fb6b16be
2 changed files with 22 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -147,64 +147,52 @@
(defn get-state
(let [[_ {:keys [on-hide dummy?]} id] (:rum/args state)
(let [[_ {:keys [on-hide heading-id heading-parent-id dummy?]} id] (:rum/args state)
node (gdom/getElement id)
value (gobj/get node "value")
pos (gobj/get node "selectionStart")]
{:on-hide on-hide
:dummy? dummy?
:id id
:heading-id heading-id
:heading-parent-id heading-parent-id
:node node
:value value
:pos pos}))
(defn on-up-down
[state e up?]
(let [{:keys [id dummy? on-hide value pos]} (get-state state)
heading? (string/starts-with? id "edit-heading-")
(let [{:keys [id heading-id heading-parent-id dummy? on-hide value pos]} (get-state state)
element (gdom/getElement id)
line-height (util/get-textarea-line-height element)]
(when (and heading?
(when (and heading-id
(or (and up? (util/textarea-cursor-first-row? element line-height))
(and (not up?) (util/textarea-cursor-end-row? element line-height))))
(util/stop e)
(let [f (if up? gdom/getPreviousElementSibling gdom/getNextElementSibling)
heading-id (string/replace id "edit-heading-" "")
heading-parent (str "ls-heading-parent-" heading-id)
sibling-heading (f (gdom/getElement heading-parent))
id (gobj/get sibling-heading "id")]
(when id
(let [id (uuid (string/replace id "ls-heading-parent-" ""))]
(on-hide value)
;; FIXME: refactor later
;; (let [heading (db/entity [:heading/uuid (uuid heading-id)])]
;; (handler/save-heading-if-changed! heading value))
(handler/edit-heading! id pos)))))))
sibling-heading (f (gdom/getElement heading-parent-id))
_ (js/console.dir sibling-heading)
heading-id (d/attr sibling-heading "headingid")]
(when heading-id
(handler/edit-heading! (uuid heading-id) pos))))))
(defn on-backspace
[state e]
(let [{:keys [id dummy? value on-hide pos]} (get-state state)
edit-content (state/get-edit-content)
heading? (string/starts-with? id "edit-heading-")]
(when (and heading? (= value ""))
(let [{:keys [id heading-id heading-parent-id dummy? value on-hide pos]} (get-state state)
edit-content (state/get-edit-content)]
(when (and heading-id (= value ""))
(if @*should-delete?
(reset! *should-delete? false)
(util/stop e)
;; delete heading, edit previous heading
(let [heading-id (string/replace id "edit-heading-" "")
heading (db/entity [:heading/uuid (uuid heading-id)])
heading-parent (str "ls-heading-parent-" heading-id)
heading-parent (gdom/getElement heading-parent)
current-idx (util/parse-int (gobj/get heading-parent "idx"))
(let [heading (db/entity [:heading/uuid heading-id])
heading-parent (gdom/getElement heading-parent-id)
sibling-heading (gdom/getPreviousElementSibling heading-parent)
id (gobj/get sibling-heading "id")]
(let [heading (db/entity [:heading/uuid (uuid heading-id)])]
(handler/delete-heading! heading dummy?))
(when id
(let [id (uuid (string/replace id "ls-heading-parent-" ""))]
(handler/edit-heading! id :max)))))
sibling-heading-id (d/attr sibling-heading "headingid")]
(handler/delete-heading! heading dummy?)
(when sibling-heading-id
(handler/edit-heading! (uuid sibling-heading-id) :max))))
(reset! *should-delete? true)))))
(defn get-matched-commands

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@ -305,8 +305,8 @@
{:key (str uuid)
:id heading-id
:headingid (str uuid)
:level level
:idx idx
:class (if dummy? "dummy")}
;; control
@ -359,6 +359,8 @@
(if edit?
(editor/box content {:on-hide (fn [value]
(handler/save-heading-if-changed! heading value))
:heading-id uuid
:heading-parent-id heading-id
:dummy? dummy?}