Commands wip

Tienson Qin 2020-05-03 14:51:21 +08:00
parent ce7455b378
commit 767f8d0831
2 changed files with 49 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
(defonce *show-commands (atom false))
(defonce *matched-commands (atom commands/commands-map))
(defonce *slash-caret-pos (atom nil))
(defonce *command-current-idx (atom 0))
(defn- append-command!
[id command-output]
(handler/append-command! command-output)
@ -25,10 +27,12 @@
(rum/defc commands < rum/reactive
{:will-mount (fn [state]
(reset! *command-current-idx 0)
(reset! *matched-commands commands/commands-map)
(let [{:keys [top left]} (rum/react *slash-caret-pos)]
(let [{:keys [top left]} (rum/react *slash-caret-pos)
command-current-idx (rum/react *command-current-idx)]
{:style {:top (+ top 20)
:left left
@ -37,10 +41,10 @@
(for [[idx [name handler]] (medley/indexed (rum/react *matched-commands))]
{:style {:padding "6px"
:background-color (if (zero? idx)
"rgb(213, 218, 223)"
{:style (merge
{:padding "6px"}
(when (= command-current-idx idx)
{:background-color "rgb(213, 218, 223)"}))
:class "initial-color"
:tab-index 0
:on-click (fn [e]
@ -119,6 +123,16 @@
(let [id (uuid (string/replace id "ls-heading-parent-" ""))]
(handler/edit-heading! id :max)))))))
(defn get-matched-commands
(let [edit-content (gobj/get input "value")
last-command (commands/get-command-input edit-content)]
(and (= \/ (last edit-content))
(and last-command
(commands/get-matched-commands last-command)))))
(rum/defc box < rum/reactive
(fn [state]
@ -135,48 +149,44 @@
;; up
38 (fn [state e] (on-up-down state e true))
38 (fn [state e]
(if (seq (get-matched-commands input))
(util/stop e)
(when (>= @*command-current-idx 1)
(swap! *command-current-idx dec)))
(on-up-down state e true)))
;; down
40 (fn [state e] (on-up-down state e false))
40 (fn [state e]
(if-let [matched (seq (get-matched-commands input))]
(util/stop e)
(let [total (count matched)]
(if (>= @*command-current-idx (dec total))
(reset! *command-current-idx 0)
(swap! *command-current-idx inc))))
(on-up-down state e false)))
;; backspace
8 (fn [state e] (on-backspace state e))}
(fn [e key-code]
(when (not= key-code 191)
(let [edit-content (gobj/get input "value")
last-command (commands/get-command-input edit-content)
matched-commands (or
(and (= \/ (last edit-content))
(and last-command
(commands/get-matched-commands last-command)))]
(if (seq matched-commands)
(if (or (= key-code 9) (= key-code 13)) ;tab or enter
(util/stop e)
(append-command! input-id (last (first matched-commands))))
(reset! *matched-commands matched-commands)
(reset! *show-commands true)))
(reset! *show-commands false))))))
8 (fn [state e] (on-backspace state e))
;; enter
13 (fn [state e]
(let [matched-commands (get-matched-commands input)]
(when (seq matched-commands)
(util/stop e)
(append-command! input-id (last (nth matched-commands @*command-current-idx))))))}
;; / commands
191 (fn [state e]
{191 (fn [state e]
(reset! *show-commands true)
(reset! *slash-caret-pos (util/get-caret-pos input)))}
(fn [e key-code]
(when (not= key-code 191)
(let [edit-content (gobj/get input "value")
last-command (commands/get-command-input edit-content)
matched-commands (or
(and (= \/ (last edit-content))
(and last-command
(commands/get-matched-commands last-command)))]
(let [matched-commands (get-matched-commands input)]
(if (seq matched-commands)
(if (or (= key-code 13)) ;tab or enter
(if (= key-code 9) ;tab
(util/stop e)
(append-command! input-id (last (first matched-commands))))

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@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
(let [key-code (.-keyCode e)]
(when-let [f (get keycode-map key-code)]
(f state e))
(all-handler e key-code))))))
(when all-handler (all-handler e key-code)))))))
(defn on-key-down
[state keycode-map all-handler]
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
(let [key-code (.-keyCode e)]
(when-let [f (get keycode-map key-code)]
(f state e))
(all-handler e key-code))))))
(when all-handler (all-handler e key-code)))))))
(defn event-mixin