fix(rtc): normalize blocks when download graph

rcmerci 2024-05-19 20:26:08 +08:00
parent 6be4c54e9f
commit 791192c3de
1 changed files with 54 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
- download remote graph"
(:require [cljs-http.client :as http]
[clojure.string :as string]
[cognitect.transit :as transit]
[datascript.core :as d]
[frontend.common.missionary-util :as c.m]
[frontend.worker.rtc.client :as r.client]
@ -11,31 +10,47 @@
[frontend.worker.state :as worker-state]
[frontend.worker.util :as worker-util]
[ :as page-ref]
[logseq.db :as ldb]
[logseq.db.frontend.content :as db-content]
[logseq.db.frontend.order :as db-order]
[logseq.db.frontend.schema :as db-schema]
[logseq.db.sqlite.util :as sqlite-util]
[logseq.outliner.core :as outliner-core]
[missionary.core :as m]
[promesa.core :as p]
[malli.core :as ma]
[malli.transform :as mt]))
[malli.transform :as mt]
[missionary.core :as m]
[promesa.core :as p]))
(def ^:private remote-block-schema
(def ^:private normalized-remote-block-schema
"Blocks stored in remote have some differences in format from the client's.
Use this schema's coercer to decode."
[:block/type {:optional true}
[:sequential [:string {:decode/string (fn [x]
(if (keyword? x)
(string/replace (name x) "#" " ")
[:malli.core/default [:map-of :keyword :any]]])
[:db/id [:string {:decode/custom str}]]
[:block/uuid [:uuid {:decode/custom ldb/read-transit-str}]]
[:malli.core/default [:map-of :keyword
[:any {:decode/custom
(fn [x] ; convert db-id to db-id-string(as temp-id)
(and (coll? x)
(every? :db/id x))
(map (comp str :db/id) x)
(def ^:private remote-blocks-coercer (ma/coercer [:sequential remote-block-schema] mt/string-transformer))
(:db/id x)
(str (:db/id x))
(def ^:private transit-r (transit/reader :json))
(string? x)
(ldb/read-transit-str x)
(and (coll? x)
(every? string? x))
(map ldb/read-transit-str x)
:else x))}]]]])
(def ^:private normalized-remote-blocks-coercer
(ma/coercer [:sequential normalized-remote-block-schema]
(mt/transformer {:name :custom} mt/string-transformer)))
(defn- export-as-blocks
@ -49,11 +64,24 @@
(when (and (contains? #{:block/parent} (:a datom))
(not (pos-int? (:v datom))))
(throw (ex-info "invalid block data" {:datom datom})))
(if (contains? db-schema/card-many-attributes (:a datom))
(update r (:a datom) conj (:v datom))
(assoc r (:a datom) (:v datom))))
{:db/id (:e (first datoms))}
(let [a (:a datom)
card-many? (contains? db-schema/card-many-attributes a)
ref? (contains? db-schema/ref-type-attributes a)]
(case [ref? card-many?]
[true true]
(update r a conj (str (:v datom)))
[true false]
(assoc r a (str (:v datom)))
[false true]
(update r a conj (ldb/write-transit-str (:v datom)))
[false false]
(assoc r a (ldb/write-transit-str (:v datom))))))
{:db/id (str (:e (first datoms)))}
(map (fn [block]
(if (:db/ident block)
(update block :db/ident ldb/read-transit-str)
(defn new-task--upload-graph
[get-ws-create-task repo conn remote-graph-name]
@ -65,7 +93,7 @@
(r.client/send&recv get-ws-create-task {:action "presign-put-temp-s3-obj"})
(let [all-blocks (export-as-blocks @conn)]
(transit/write (transit/writer :json) all-blocks)))))]
(ldb/write-transit-str all-blocks)))))]
(m/? (c.m/<! (http/put url {:body all-blocks-str :with-credentials? false})))
(let [upload-resp
(m/? (r.client/send&recv get-ws-create-task {:action "upload-graph"
@ -98,31 +126,6 @@
(let [blocks-coll (vals (group-by :block/parent blocks))]
(mapcat remote-block-index->block-order* blocks-coll)))
(defn- db-ident-or-db-id-str
;; (or ;; (:db/ident x)
;; )
(some-> (:db/id x) str))
(defn- replace-db-id-with-temp-id
(fn [block]
(let [db-id (:db/id block)
block-parent (db-ident-or-db-id-str (:block/parent block))
block-alias (map db-ident-or-db-id-str (:block/alias block))
block-tags (map db-ident-or-db-id-str (:block/tags block))
block-schema (some->> (:block/schema block)
(transit/read transit-r))
block-link (db-ident-or-db-id-str (:block/link block))]
(cond-> (assoc block :db/id (str db-id))
block-parent (assoc :block/parent block-parent)
(seq block-alias) (assoc :block/alias block-alias)
(seq block-tags) (assoc :block/tags block-tags)
block-schema (assoc :block/schema block-schema)
block-link (assoc :block/link block-link))))
(def page-of-block
(fn [id->block-map block]
@ -175,25 +178,21 @@
(defn- new-task--transact-remote-all-blocks
[all-blocks repo graph-uuid]
(let [{:keys [t blocks]} all-blocks
blocks (remote-blocks-coercer blocks)
blocks* (remote-block-index->block-order (replace-db-id-with-temp-id blocks))
blocks (normalized-remote-blocks-coercer blocks)
blocks* (remote-block-index->block-order blocks)
blocks-with-page-id (fill-block-fields blocks*)
tx-data (concat blocks-with-page-id
[{:db/ident :logseq.kv/graph-uuid :graph/uuid graph-uuid}])
^js worker-obj (:worker/object @worker-state/*state)]
(prn :debug-repo repo)
(prn :debug-tx-data tx-data)
(op-mem-layer/update-local-tx! repo t)
(.createOrOpenDB worker-obj repo {:close-other-db? false})
(.exportDB worker-obj repo)
(prn :xdb2 @(frontend.worker.state/get-datascript-conn repo))
(.transact worker-obj repo tx-data {:rtc-download-graph? true} (worker-state/get-context))
(transact-block-refs! repo))))
(.createOrOpenDB worker-obj repo {:close-other-db? false})
(.exportDB worker-obj repo)
(.transact worker-obj repo tx-data {:rtc-download-graph? true} (worker-state/get-context))
(transact-block-refs! repo))))
(worker-util/post-message :add-repo {:repo repo}))))
@ -240,7 +239,7 @@
repo (str sqlite-util/db-version-prefix graph-name)]
(if (not= 200 status)
(throw (ex-info "download-graph from s3 failed" {:resp r}))
(let [all-blocks (transit/read transit-r body)]
(let [all-blocks (ldb/read-transit-str body)]
(worker-state/set-rtc-downloading-graph! true)
(op-mem-layer/init-empty-ops-store! repo)
(m/? (new-task--transact-remote-all-blocks all-blocks repo graph-uuid))