Merge branch 'master' into enhance/mobile-ux-2

charlie 2022-11-29 17:35:04 +08:00
commit 79d0766b04
6 changed files with 101 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -215,12 +215,15 @@
(defn- search-blocks-aux
[database sql input page limit]
(let [stmt (prepare database sql)]
(if page
(.all ^object stmt (int page) input limit)
(.all ^object stmt input limit))
:keywordize-keys true)))
(let [stmt (prepare database sql)]
(if page
(.all ^object stmt (int page) input limit)
(.all ^object stmt input limit))
:keywordize-keys true))
(catch :default e
(logger/error "Search blocks failed: " (str e)))))
(defn- get-match-inputs
@ -285,9 +288,13 @@
(defn- search-pages-aux
[database sql input limit]
(let [stmt (prepare database sql)]
(map search-pages-res-unpack (-> (.raw ^object stmt)
(.all input limit)
(map search-pages-res-unpack (-> (.raw ^object stmt)
(.all input limit)
(catch :default e
(logger/error "Search page failed: " (str e))))))
(defn search-pages
[repo q {:keys [limit]}]
@ -300,7 +307,7 @@
;; the 2nd column in pages_fts (content)
;; pfts_2lqh is a key for retrieval
;; highlight and snippet only works for some matching with high rank
snippet-aux "snippet(pages_fts, 1, '$pfts_2lqh>$', '$<pfts_2lqh$', '...', 32)"
snippet-aux "snippet(pages_fts, 1, ' $pfts_2lqh>$ ', ' $<pfts_2lqh$ ', '...', 32)"
select (str "select rowid, uuid, content, " snippet-aux " from pages_fts where ")
match-sql (str select
" content match ? order by rank limit ?")
@ -313,8 +320,7 @@
(apply concat))]
(concat matched-result
(search-pages-aux database non-match-sql non-match-input limit))
(distinct-by :id)
(take limit)

View File

@ -1907,6 +1907,11 @@
(edit-block! last-block' :max (:block/uuid last-block')))))
(defn- nested-blocks
(let [ids (set (map :db/id blocks))]
(some? (some #(ids (:db/id (:block/parent %))) blocks))))
(defn paste-blocks
"Given a vec of blocks, insert them into the target page.
keep-uuid?: if true, keep the uuid provided in the block structure."
@ -1926,12 +1931,25 @@
block (db/entity (:db/id target-block))
page (if (:block/name block) block
(when target-block (:block/page (db/entity (:db/id target-block)))))
target-block (or target-block editing-block)
empty-target? (string/blank? (:block/content target-block))
paste-nested-blocks? (nested-blocks blocks)
target-block-has-children? (db/has-children? (:block/uuid target-block))
replace-empty-target? (if (and paste-nested-blocks? empty-target?
target-block' (if replace-empty-target? target-block
(db/pull (:db/id (:block/left target-block))))
sibling? (cond
(and paste-nested-blocks? empty-target?)
(if (= (:block/parent target-block') (:block/parent target-block))
(some? sibling?)
(db/has-children? (:block/uuid target-block))
@ -1944,15 +1962,15 @@
{:outliner-op :insert-blocks}
(when target-block
(let [format (or (:block/format target-block) (state/get-preferred-format))
(when target-block'
(let [format (or (:block/format target-block') (state/get-preferred-format))
blocks' (map (fn [block]
(paste-block-cleanup block page exclude-properties format content-update-fn))
result (outliner-core/insert-blocks! blocks' target-block {:sibling? sibling?
:outliner-op :paste
:replace-empty-target? true
:keep-uuid? keep-uuid?})]
result (outliner-core/insert-blocks! blocks' target-block' {:sibling? sibling?
:outliner-op :paste
:replace-empty-target? replace-empty-target?
:keep-uuid? keep-uuid?})]
(edit-last-block-after-inserted! result))))))
(defn- block-tree->blocks

View File

@ -26,18 +26,16 @@
(defn sanity-search-content
"Convert a block to the display contents for searching"
[format content]
(->> (text/remove-level-spaces content format (config/get-block-pattern format))
(property/remove-built-in-properties format)))
(text/remove-level-spaces content format (config/get-block-pattern format)))
(defn search
(search (state/get-current-repo) q))
([repo q]
(search repo q {:limit 20}))
(search repo q {:limit 10}))
([repo q {:keys [page-db-id limit more?]
:or {page-db-id nil
limit 20}
limit 10}
:as opts}]
(when-not (string/blank? q)
(let [page-db-id (if (string? page-db-id)

View File

@ -131,7 +131,6 @@
*repo (atom nil)
dir (or dir nil)
dir (some-> dir
(string/replace "file:///" "file://")
(string/replace " " "%20"))]
;; TODO: add ext filter to avoid loading .git or other ignored file handlers

View File

@ -267,9 +267,28 @@
(recur (rest blocks) (first blocks))
(defn- compute-block-parent
[block parent target-block prev-hop top-level? sibling? get-new-id]
(defn- get-id
(map? x)
(:db/id x)
(vector? x)
(second x)
(defn- compute-block-parent
[block parent target-block prev-hop top-level? sibling? get-new-id outliner-op replace-empty-target? idx]
;; replace existing block
(and (= outliner-op :paste)
(string/blank? (:block/content target-block))
(zero? idx))
(get-id (:block/parent target-block))
(:db/id (:block/parent prev-hop))
@ -455,7 +474,7 @@
(not= (:block/parent block) (:block/parent target-block)))
prev-hop (if outdented-block? (find-outdented-block-prev-hop block blocks) nil)
left-exists-in-blocks? (contains? ids (:db/id (:block/left block)))
parent (compute-block-parent block parent target-block prev-hop top-level? sibling? get-new-id)
parent (compute-block-parent block parent target-block prev-hop top-level? sibling? get-new-id outliner-op replace-empty-target? idx)
left (compute-block-left blocks block left target-block prev-hop idx replace-empty-target? left-exists-in-blocks? get-new-id)]
(merge block {:block/uuid uuid

View File

@ -330,6 +330,37 @@
(is (= [19 20] (get-children 18))))))
(deftest test-paste-into-empty-block
(testing "
Paste a block into the first block (its content is empty)
[[22 [[2 [[3 [[4]
[6 [[7 [[8]]]]]
[9 [[10]
[12 [[13]
[16 [[17]]]]]]
(transact-tree! tree)
(db/transact! test-db [{:block/uuid 22
:block/content ""}])
(let [target-block (get-block 22)]
{:graph test-db}
(outliner-core/insert-blocks! [{:block/left [:block/uuid 1]
:block/content "test"
:block/parent [:block/uuid 1]
:block/page 1}]
{:sibling? false
:outliner-op :paste
:replace-empty-target? true}))
(is (= "test" (:block/content (get-block 22))))
(is (= [22] (get-children 1)))
(is (= [2 12 16] (get-children 22))))))
(deftest test-batch-transact
(testing "add 4, 5 after 2 and delete 3"
(let [tree [[1 [[2] [3]]]]]
@ -691,6 +722,6 @@
(frontend.test.fixtures/reset-datascript test-db)
(cljs.test/test-vars [#'random-deletes]))
(cljs.test/test-vars [#'test-paste-first-empty-block]))