Revert "fix: enable promise usage in outliner-ui/transact!"

This reverts commit 95cd7d51fc.
Tienson Qin 2024-02-02 00:20:41 +08:00
parent 4b9b825101
commit 7a4251856a
10 changed files with 98 additions and 109 deletions

View File

@ -1130,27 +1130,23 @@
;;; ### write-operations have side-effects (do transactions) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(def *transaction-data
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *transaction-data*
"Stores transaction-data that are generated by one or more write-operations,
see also `logseq.outliner.transaction/transact!`"
(atom nil))
(def #_:clj-kondo/ignore *transaction-opts
(def ^:private ^:dynamic #_:clj-kondo/ignore *transaction-opts*
"Stores transaction opts that are generated by one or more write-operations,
see also `logseq.outliner.transaction/transact!`"
(atom nil))
(defn clear-and-get-tx-data!
(let [result @*transaction-data]
(reset! *transaction-data nil)
(defn- op-transact!
[fn-var & args]
{:pre [(var? fn-var)]}
(when (nil? *transaction-data*)
(throw (js/Error. (str (:name (meta fn-var)) " is not used in (transact! ...)"))))
(let [result (apply @fn-var args)]
(swap! *transaction-data conj (select-keys result [:tx-data :tx-meta]))
(conj! *transaction-data* (select-keys result [:tx-data :tx-meta]))
(defn save-block!

View File

@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
"Provides a wrapper around logseq.outliner.datascript/transact! using
transient state from logseq.outliner.core"
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [logseq.outliner.transaction]))
#?(:cljs (:require [malli.core :as m]
[promesa.core :as p])))
#?(:cljs (:require [malli.core :as m])))
(def ^:private transact-opts [:or :symbol :map])
@ -29,37 +28,34 @@
(move-blocks! ...)
(delete-blocks! ...))"
[opts & body]
`(let [transact-data# logseq.outliner.core/*transaction-data
transaction-opts# logseq.outliner.core/*transaction-opts
`(let [transact-data# logseq.outliner.core/*transaction-data*
transaction-opts# logseq.outliner.core/*transaction-opts*
opts*# ~opts
_# (assert (or (map? opts*#) (symbol? opts*#)) (str "opts is not a map or symbol, type: " (type opts*#)))
opts# (if @transact-data#
opts# (if transact-data#
(assoc opts*# :nested-transaction? true)
(if @transact-data#
(if transact-data#
(when @transaction-opts#
(swap! transaction-opts# conj opts#))
(when transaction-opts#
(conj! transaction-opts# opts#))
(let [transaction-args# (cond-> {}
(get opts*# :persist-op? true)
(assoc :persist-op? true))]
(reset! logseq.outliner.core/*transaction-data [])
(reset! logseq.outliner.core/*transaction-opts [opts#])
(let [r# @logseq.outliner.core/*transaction-data
tx# (mapcat :tx-data r#)
(binding [logseq.outliner.core/*transaction-data* (transient [])
logseq.outliner.core/*transaction-opts* (transient [])]
(conj! logseq.outliner.core/*transaction-opts* opts#)
(let [r# (persistent! logseq.outliner.core/*transaction-data*)
tx# (mapcat :tx-data r#)
;; FIXME: should we merge all the tx-meta?
tx-meta# (first (map :tx-meta r#))
all-tx# (concat tx# (:additional-tx opts#))
o# @logseq.outliner.core/*transaction-opts
full-opts# (apply merge (reverse o#))
opts## (merge (dissoc full-opts# :additional-tx :current-block :nested-transaction?) tx-meta#)]
tx-meta# (first (map :tx-meta r#))
all-tx# (concat tx# (:additional-tx opts#))
o# (persistent! logseq.outliner.core/*transaction-opts*)
full-opts# (apply merge (reverse o#))
opts## (merge (dissoc full-opts# :additional-tx :current-block :nested-transaction?) tx-meta#)]
(when (seq all-tx#) ;; If it's empty, do nothing
(when-not (:nested-transaction? opts#) ; transact only for the whole transaction
(logseq.outliner.datascript/transact! all-tx# (dissoc opts## :transact-opts) (:transact-opts opts##))))
(reset! logseq.outliner.core/*transaction-data nil)
(reset! logseq.outliner.core/*transaction-opts nil)))))))
(when (seq all-tx#) ;; If it's empty, do nothing
(when-not (:nested-transaction? opts#) ; transact only for the whole transaction
(logseq.outliner.datascript/transact! all-tx# (dissoc opts## :transact-opts) (:transact-opts opts##))))))))))

View File

@ -212,15 +212,3 @@
(->> result
;; TODO: perf improvement, some operations such as delete-block doesn't need to load the full page
;; instead, the db worker should provide those calls
(defn <ensure-page-loaded
(p/let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
result (<get-block repo (str block-uuid-or-page-name))
block (if (:block result) (:block result) result)
_ (when-let [page-id (:db/id (:block/page block))]
(when-let [page-uuid (:block/uuid (db/entity page-id))]
(<get-block repo page-uuid)))]

View File

@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
(when (seq block-ids)
(let [blocks (map #(d/entity @conn %) block-ids)
_ (outliner-core/move-blocks-up-down! repo conn blocks up?)]
(pr-str (outliner-core/clear-and-get-tx-data!)))))))
[this repo]

View File

@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
[logseq.common.util.block-ref :as block-ref]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.handler.block :as block-handler]
[promesa.core :as p]))
[frontend.handler.block :as block-handler]))
(defn move-blocks
[^js event blocks target-block original-block move-to]

View File

@ -345,14 +345,15 @@
(not has-children?))]
{:outliner-op :insert-blocks}
(save-current-block! {:current-block current-block})
(outliner-core/insert-blocks! (state/get-current-repo) (db/get-db false)
[new-block] current-block {:sibling? sibling?
:keep-uuid? keep-uuid?
:ordered-list? ordered-list?
:replace-empty-target? replace-empty-target?}))))
{:outliner-op :insert-blocks}
(save-current-block! {:current-block current-block})
(outliner-core/insert-blocks! (state/get-current-repo) (db/get-db false)
[new-block] current-block {:sibling? sibling?
:keep-uuid? keep-uuid?
:ordered-list? ordered-list?
:replace-empty-target? replace-empty-target?})))))
(defn- block-self-alone-when-insert?
@ -791,46 +792,45 @@
(:block/properties (db/entity (:db/id block))))]
(if (seq (:block/_refs (db/entity (:db/id block))))
(let [block-right (outliner-core/get-right-sibling (db/get-db) (:db/id block))]
(delete-block-fn prev-block)
(save-block! repo block new-content {})
(outliner-save-block! {:db/id (:db/id block)
:block/parent (:db/id (:block/parent prev-block))
:block/left (or (:db/id (:block/left prev-block))
(:db/id (:block/parent prev-block)))})
(delete-block-fn prev-block)
(save-block! repo block new-content {})
(outliner-save-block! {:db/id (:db/id block)
:block/parent (:db/id (:block/parent prev-block))
:block/left (or (:db/id (:block/left prev-block))
(:db/id (:block/parent prev-block)))})
;; block->right needs to point its `left` to block->left
(when (and block-right (not= (:db/id (:block/parent prev-block))
(:db/id (:block/parent block))))
(outliner-save-block! {:db/id (:db/id block-right)
:block/left (:db/id (:block/left block))}))
;; block->right needs to point its `left` to block->left
(when (and block-right (not= (:db/id (:block/parent prev-block))
(:db/id (:block/parent block))))
(outliner-save-block! {:db/id (:db/id block-right)
:block/left (:db/id (:block/left block))}))
;; update prev-block's children to point to the refed block
(when (or (:block/collapsed? prev-block)
(= (:db/id prev-block) (:db/id (:block/parent block))))
(let [children (:block/_parent prev-block)]
(doseq [child children]
(when-not (= (:db/id child) (:db/id block))
(outliner-save-block! {:db/id (:db/id child)
:block/parent (:db/id block)
:block/left (:db/id block)})))))
(when (or (:block/collapsed? prev-block)
(= (:db/id prev-block) (:db/id (:block/parent block))))
(let [children (:block/_parent prev-block)]
(doseq [child children]
(when-not (= (:db/id child) (:db/id block))
(outliner-save-block! {:db/id (:db/id child)
:block/parent (:db/id block)
:block/left (:db/id block)})))))
;; parent will be removed
(when (= (:db/id prev-block) (:db/id (:block/parent block)))
(when-let [parent-right (outliner-core/get-right-sibling (db/get-db) (:db/id prev-block))]
(outliner-save-block! {:db/id (:db/id parent-right)
:block/left (:db/id block)})))
(when (= (:db/id prev-block) (:db/id (:block/parent block)))
(when-let [parent-right (outliner-core/get-right-sibling (db/get-db) (:db/id prev-block))]
(outliner-save-block! {:db/id (:db/id parent-right)
:block/left (:db/id block)})))
(when db-based?
(outliner-save-block! {:db/id (:db/id block)
:block/properties new-properties}))))
(when db-based?
(outliner-save-block! {:db/id (:db/id block)
:block/properties new-properties})))
(delete-block-fn block)
(save-block! repo prev-block new-content {})
(when db-based?
(outliner-save-block! {:db/id (:db/id prev-block)
:block/properties new-properties})))))
(delete-block-fn block)
(save-block! repo prev-block new-content {})
(when db-based?
(outliner-save-block! {:db/id (:db/id prev-block)
:block/properties new-properties})))))
(delete-block-fn block)))))))))))))
@ -2861,6 +2861,7 @@
(state/set-editor-last-pos! pos)
(block-handler/indent-outdent-blocks! [block] indent? save-current-block!))))
(defn keydown-tab-handler
(fn [e]

View File

@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
[ :as file-property-handler]
[ :as property-util]
[logseq.db.frontend.schema :as db-schema]
[logseq.common.util.block-ref :as block-ref]
[promesa.core :as p]))
[logseq.common.util.block-ref :as block-ref]))
(defn- remove-non-existed-refs!

View File

@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
[logseq.outliner.core :as outliner-core]
[frontend.modules.outliner.ui :as ui-outliner-tx]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.util :as util]
[promesa.core :as p]))
[frontend.util :as util]))
(defn insert-property
[format content key value]

View File

@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [frontend.modules.outliner.ui]))
#?(:cljs (:require [frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.config :as config]
[frontend.db :as db]
[promesa.core :as p])))
[frontend.db :as db])))

View File

@ -615,12 +615,24 @@
(let [{:keys [pos] :or {pos :max}} (bean/->clj opts)]
(editor-handler/edit-block! block pos block-uuid))))))
;; TODO: perf improvement, some operations such as delete-block doesn't need to load the full page
;; instead, the db worker should provide those calls
(defn- <ensure-page-loaded
(p/let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
result (db-async/<get-block repo (str block-uuid-or-page-name))
block (if (:block result) (:block result) result)
_ (when-let [page-id (:db/id (:block/page block))]
(when-let [page-uuid (:block/uuid (db/entity page-id))]
(db-async/<get-block repo page-uuid)))]
(def ^:export insert_block
(fn [block-uuid-or-page-name content ^js opts]
(when (string/blank? block-uuid-or-page-name)
(throw (js/Error. "Page title or block UUID shouldn't be empty.")))
(p/let [block? (util/uuid-string? (str block-uuid-or-page-name))
block (db-async/<ensure-page-loaded block-uuid-or-page-name)]
block (<ensure-page-loaded block-uuid-or-page-name)]
(if (and block? (not block))
(throw (js/Error. "Block not exists"))
(p/let [{:keys [before sibling focus customUUID properties autoOrderedList]} (bean/->clj opts)
@ -667,7 +679,7 @@
(def ^:export insert_batch_block
(fn [block-uuid ^js batch-blocks ^js opts]
(p/let [block (db-async/<ensure-page-loaded block-uuid)]
(p/let [block (<ensure-page-loaded block-uuid)]
(when block
(when-let [bb (bean/->clj batch-blocks)]
(let [bb (if-not (vector? bb) (vector bb) bb)
@ -688,21 +700,21 @@
(def ^:export remove_block
(fn [block-uuid ^js _opts]
(p/let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
_ (db-async/<ensure-page-loaded block-uuid)]
_ (<ensure-page-loaded block-uuid)]
{:block/uuid (sdk-utils/uuid-or-throw-error block-uuid) :repo repo} true))))
(def ^:export update_block
(fn [block-uuid content ^js opts]
(p/let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
_ (db-async/<ensure-page-loaded block-uuid)]
_ (<ensure-page-loaded block-uuid)]
(editor-handler/save-block! repo
(sdk-utils/uuid-or-throw-error block-uuid) content (bean/->clj opts)))))
(def ^:export move_block
(fn [src-block-uuid target-block-uuid ^js opts]
(p/let [_ (db-async/<ensure-page-loaded src-block-uuid)
_ (db-async/<ensure-page-loaded target-block-uuid)]
(p/let [_ (<ensure-page-loaded src-block-uuid)
_ (<ensure-page-loaded target-block-uuid)]
(let [{:keys [before children]} (bean/->clj opts)
move-to (cond
(boolean before)
@ -735,7 +747,7 @@
(def ^:export get_previous_sibling_block
(fn [block-uuid]
(p/let [id (sdk-utils/uuid-or-throw-error block-uuid)
_ (db-async/<ensure-page-loaded id)]
_ (<ensure-page-loaded id)]
(when-let [block (db-model/query-block-by-uuid (sdk-utils/uuid-or-throw-error block-uuid))]
(let [{:block/keys [parent left]} block
block (when-not (= parent left) (db-utils/pull (:db/id left)))]
@ -744,7 +756,7 @@
(def ^:export get_next_sibling_block
(fn [block-uuid]
(p/let [id (sdk-utils/uuid-or-throw-error block-uuid)
_ (db-async/<ensure-page-loaded id)]
_ (<ensure-page-loaded id)]
(when-let [block (db-model/query-block-by-uuid id)]
(when-let [right-sibling (outliner-core/get-right-sibling (db/get-db) (:db/id block))]
(let [block (db/pull (:db/id right-sibling))]
@ -810,7 +822,7 @@
(def ^:export get_page_blocks_tree
(fn [id-or-page-name]
(p/let [_ (db-async/<ensure-page-loaded id-or-page-name)]
(p/let [_ (<ensure-page-loaded id-or-page-name)]
(when-let [page-name (:block/name (db-model/get-page id-or-page-name))]
(let [blocks (db-model/get-page-blocks-no-cache page-name)
blocks (outliner-tree/blocks->vec-tree blocks page-name)
@ -849,7 +861,7 @@
(defn ^:export prepend_block_in_page
[uuid-or-page-name content ^js opts]
(p/let [_ (db-async/<ensure-page-loaded uuid-or-page-name)
(p/let [_ (<ensure-page-loaded uuid-or-page-name)
page? (not (util/uuid-string? uuid-or-page-name))
page-not-exist? (and page? (nil? (db-model/get-page uuid-or-page-name)))
_ (and page-not-exist? (page-handler/<create! uuid-or-page-name
@ -863,7 +875,7 @@
(defn ^:export append_block_in_page
[uuid-or-page-name content ^js opts]
(p/let [_ (db-async/<ensure-page-loaded uuid-or-page-name)
(p/let [_ (<ensure-page-loaded uuid-or-page-name)
page? (not (util/uuid-string? uuid-or-page-name))
page-not-exist? (and page? (nil? (db-model/get-page uuid-or-page-name)))
_ (and page-not-exist? (page-handler/<create! uuid-or-page-name