enhance(ui): refactor the plugin manager menu with the shui popup

charlie 2024-03-18 17:33:49 +08:00
parent 5cf8915f6e
commit 7a59ef7413
2 changed files with 97 additions and 95 deletions

View File

@ -1029,18 +1029,9 @@
(rum/defc toolbar-plugins-manager-list
[updates-coming items]
(let [badge-updates? (and (not (plugin-handler/get-auto-checking?))
(seq (state/all-available-coming-updates updates-coming)))]
(fn [{:keys [toggle-fn]}]
{:on-click toggle-fn}
(ui/icon "puzzle" {:size 20})
(when badge-updates?
(ui/point "bg-red-600.top-1.right-1.absolute" 4 {:style {:margin-right 2 :margin-top 2}}))]])
;; items
(seq (state/all-available-coming-updates updates-coming)))
items (fn []
(->> (concat
(for [[_ {:keys [key pinned?] :as opts} pid] items
:let [pkey (str (name pid) ":" key)]]
{:title key
@ -1054,8 +1045,8 @@
(let [^js target (.-target e)
user-btn? (boolean (.closest target "div[data-injected-ui]"))]
(when-not user-btn?
(plugin-handler/op-pinned-toolbar-item! pkey (if pinned? :remove :add))))
(plugin-handler/op-pinned-toolbar-item! pkey (if pinned? :remove :add)))
[{:hr true}
{:title (t :plugins)
:options {:on-click #(plugin-handler/goto-plugins-dashboard!)
@ -1076,7 +1067,33 @@
[{:hr true :key "dropdown-more"}
{:title (auto-check-for-updates-control)
:options {:no-padding? true}}])
{:trigger-class "toolbar-plugins-manager-trigger"})))
(remove nil?)))]
{:on-click (fn [^js e]
(shui/popup-show! (.-target e)
(fn [{:keys [id]}]
(for [{:keys [hr item title options icon]} (items)]
(let [on-click' (:on-click options)]
(if hr
(assoc options
:on-click (fn [^js e]
(when on-click'
(when-not (false? (on-click' e))
(shui/popup-hide! id)))))
(or item
icon [:div title]]))))))
{:as-dropdown? true
:content-props {:class "toolbar-plugins-manager-content"}}))}
(ui/icon "puzzle" {:size 20})
(when badge-updates?
(ui/point "bg-red-600.top-1.right-1.absolute" 4 {:style {:margin-right 2 :margin-top 2}}))]]
(rum/defc header-ui-items-list-wrap

View File

@ -847,37 +847,33 @@
color: var(--ls-primary-text-color);
.toolbar-plugins-manager {
&-trigger {
.menu-links-wrapper {
max-height: 80vh;
&-content {
@apply max-h-[80vh];
.menu-link {
@apply px-[5px] py-1.5;
> .ui__dropdown-menu-item {
@apply px-[5px] py-1 text-sm relative w-full;
&.extra-item {
@apply opacity-80 px-4 py-1.5;
.title-wrap {
margin-left: 8px !important;
&:hover {
opacity: 1;
@apply opacity-80 px-4 py-1.5 hover:opacity-100;
.item-wrap {
padding-right: 28px;
font-size: 14px;
position: relative;
@apply pr-[28px] text-sm relative w-full;
.ti {
@apply text-[18px];
div[data-injected-ui] > a.button {
@apply h-auto;
div[data-injected-ui] :is(.ti, .tie) {
position: relative;
bottom: -1px;
@apply relative bottom-[-2px];
@ -893,17 +889,6 @@
opacity: 90;
.menu-links-wrapper {
a {
@apply !text-popover-foreground/80;
&.button {
@apply h-auto hover:bg-transparent scale-95;