code cleanup

Tienson Qin 2023-05-24 16:14:17 +08:00
parent 41aa5eaf7e
commit 7bbd3cdb76
2 changed files with 3 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -973,13 +973,6 @@ independent of format as format specific heading characters are stripped"
(let [ids' (map (fn [id] [:block/uuid id]) ids)]
(db-utils/pull-many repo '[*] ids')))))
;; TODO: use the tree directly
(defn- flatten-tree
(if-let [children (:block/_parent blocks-tree)]
(cons (dissoc blocks-tree :block/_parent) (mapcat flatten-tree children))
(defn get-block-and-children
[repo id & {:keys [page]}]
(let [eid (if (integer? id) id [:block/uuid id])
@ -992,9 +985,7 @@ independent of format as format specific heading characters are stripped"
:block/original-name (:block/original-name page)
:block/journal-day (:block/journal-day page)}))
current-block (-> (select-keys e (filter keyword? block-attrs)) ; remove both :block/page and :block/_parent
(assoc :block/page page)
(update :block/left (fn [e] {:db/id (:db/id e)}))
(update :block/parent (fn [e] {:db/id (:db/id e)})))]
(assoc :block/page page))]
(cons current-block

View File

@ -57,7 +57,8 @@
([blocks root-id]
(blocks->vec-tree (state/get-current-repo) blocks root-id))
([repo blocks root-id]
(let [[page? root] (get-root-and-page repo (str root-id))]
(let [blocks (map (fn [block] (update block :block/parent (fn [p] {:db/id (:db/id p)}))) blocks)
[page? root] (get-root-and-page repo (str root-id))]
(if-not root ; custom query
(let [result (blocks->vec-tree-aux blocks root)]