fix: block reference metadata leaks into content

close #5453
Tienson Qin 2022-05-30 16:07:08 +08:00
parent 06e932d130
commit 7bf613348f
3 changed files with 331 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
[logseq.graph-parser.mldoc :as gp-mldoc]
[logseq.graph-parser.util :as gp-util]
[goog.dom :as gdom]
[promesa.core :as p])
[promesa.core :as p]
[ :as property])
(:import [goog.string StringBuffer]))
(defn- get-page-content
@ -443,14 +444,17 @@
[?b :block/name]] db)
(map (fn [[{:block/keys [name] :as page}]]
(assoc page
{:transform? false}) name))))
(let [blocks (db/get-page-blocks-no-cache
{:transform? false})
blocks' (map (fn [b]
(if (seq (:block/properties b))
(update b :block/content
(fn [content] (property/remove-properties (:block/format b) content)))
b)) blocks)
children (outliner-tree/blocks->vec-tree blocks' name)]
(assoc page :block/children children))))

View File

@ -163,8 +163,9 @@
{:file/path file}
(assoc :file/created-at t)))])]
(db/transact! repo-url tx {:new-graph? true
(db/transact! repo-url tx {:new-graph? new-graph?
:from-disk? from-disk?})))))
;; TODO: Remove this function in favor of `alter-files`
(defn alter-file
[repo path content {:keys [reset? re-render-root? from-disk? skip-compare? new-graph?]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
(ns frontend.handler.file
(:refer-clojure :exclude [load-file])
(:require ["/frontend/utils" :as utils]
[borkdude.rewrite-edn :as rewrite]
[cljs-time.coerce :as tc]
[cljs-time.core :as t]
[cljs.core.async.interop :refer [<p!]]
[clojure.core.async :as async]
[frontend.config :as config]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.fs :as fs]
[frontend.fs.nfs :as nfs]
[frontend.handler.common :as common-handler]
[logseq.graph-parser.extract :as extract]
[frontend.handler.ui :as ui-handler]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.util :as util]
[logseq.graph-parser.util :as gp-util]
[logseq.graph-parser.config :as gp-config]
[lambdaisland.glogi :as log]
[promesa.core :as p]
[ :as mobile]
[clojure.set :as set]))
;; TODO: extract all git ops using a channel
(defn load-file
[repo-url path]
(p/let [content (fs/read-file (config/get-repo-dir repo-url) path)]
(fn [e]
(println "Load file failed: " path)
(js/console.error e)))))
(defn load-multiple-files
[repo-url paths]
(mapv #(load-file repo-url %) paths)))
(defn- keep-formats
[files formats]
(fn [file]
(let [format (gp-util/get-format file)]
(contains? formats format)))
(defn- only-text-formats
(keep-formats files (config/text-formats)))
(defn- only-image-formats
(keep-formats files (config/img-formats)))
(defn restore-config!
([repo-url project-changed-check?]
(restore-config! repo-url nil project-changed-check?))
([repo-url config-content _project-changed-check?]
(let [config-content (if config-content config-content
(common-handler/get-config repo-url))]
(when config-content
(common-handler/reset-config! repo-url config-content)))))
(defn load-files-contents!
[repo-url files ok-handler]
(let [images (only-image-formats files)
files (only-text-formats files)]
(-> (p/all (load-multiple-files repo-url files))
(p/then (fn [contents]
(let [file-contents (cond->
(zipmap files contents)
(seq images)
(merge (zipmap images (repeat (count images) ""))))
file-contents (for [[file content] file-contents]
{:file/path (gp-util/path-normalize file)
:file/content content})]
(ok-handler file-contents))))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(log/error :nfs/load-files-error repo-url)
(log/error :exception error))))))
(defn- page-exists-in-another-file
"Conflict of files towards same page"
[repo-url page file]
(when-let [page-name (:block/name page)]
(let [current-file (:file/path (db/get-page-file repo-url page-name))]
(when (not= file current-file)
(defn reset-file!
([repo-url file content]
(reset-file! repo-url file content {}))
([repo-url file content {:keys [new-graph? from-disk?]}]
(let [electron-local-repo? (and (util/electron?)
(config/local-db? repo-url))
file (cond
(and electron-local-repo?
(utils/win32 file))
(and electron-local-repo? (or
(not= "/" (first file))))
(str (config/get-repo-dir repo-url) "/" file)
(and (mobile/native-android?) (not= "/" (first file)))
(and (mobile/native-ios?) (not= "/" (first file)))
file (gp-util/path-normalize file)
new? (nil? (db/entity [:file/path file]))]
(db/set-file-content! repo-url file content)
(let [format (gp-util/get-format file)
file-content [{:file/path file}]
tx (if (contains? gp-config/mldoc-support-formats format)
(let [[pages blocks]
{:user-config (state/get-config)
:date-formatter (state/get-date-formatter)
:page-name-order (state/page-name-order)
:block-pattern (config/get-block-pattern format)
:supported-formats (config/supported-formats)
:db (db/get-db (state/get-current-repo))})
first-page (first pages)
delete-blocks (->
(db/delete-file-blocks! repo-url file)
(when first-page (db/delete-page-blocks repo-url (:block/name first-page))))
_ (when-let [current-file (page-exists-in-another-file repo-url first-page file)]
(when (not= file current-file)
(let [error (str "Page already exists with another file: " current-file ", current file: " file)]
(state/pub-event! [:notification/show
{:content error
:status :error
:clear? false}]))))
block-ids (map (fn [block] {:block/uuid (:block/uuid block)}) blocks)
block-refs-ids (->> (mapcat :block/refs blocks)
(filter (fn [ref] (and (vector? ref)
(= :block/uuid (first ref)))))
(map (fn [ref] {:block/uuid (second ref)}))
;; To prevent "unique constraint" on datascript
block-ids (set/union (set block-ids) (set block-refs-ids))
pages (extract/with-ref-pages pages blocks)
pages-index (map #(select-keys % [:block/name]) pages)]
;; does order matter?
(concat file-content pages-index delete-blocks pages block-ids blocks))
tx (concat tx [(let [t (tc/to-long (t/now))] ;; TODO: use file system timestamp?
{:file/path file}
(assoc :file/created-at t)))])]
(db/transact! repo-url tx {:new-graph? true
:from-disk? from-disk?})))))
;; TODO: Remove this function in favor of `alter-files`
(defn alter-file
[repo path content {:keys [reset? re-render-root? from-disk? skip-compare? new-graph?]
:or {reset? true
re-render-root? false
from-disk? false
skip-compare? false}}]
(let [original-content (db/get-file repo path)
write-file! (if from-disk?
#(p/resolved nil)
#(fs/write-file! repo (config/get-repo-dir repo) path content
(assoc (when original-content {:old-content original-content})
:skip-compare? skip-compare?)))]
(if reset?
(when-let [page-id (db/get-file-page-id path)]
(db/transact! repo
[[:db/retract page-id :block/alias]
[:db/retract page-id :block/tags]]))
(reset-file! repo path content {:new-graph? new-graph?
:from-disk? from-disk?}))
(db/set-file-content! repo path content))
(util/p-handle (write-file!)
(fn [_]
(when (= path (config/get-config-path repo))
(restore-config! repo true))
(when (= path (config/get-custom-css-path repo))
(when re-render-root? (ui-handler/re-render-root!)))
(fn [error]
(println "Write file failed, path: " path ", content: " content)
(log/error :write/failed error)))))
(defn set-file-content!
[repo path new-content]
(alter-file repo path new-content {:reset? false
:re-render-root? false}))
(defn alter-files
[repo files {:keys [reset? update-db?]
:or {reset? false
update-db? true}
:as opts}]
;; old file content
(let [file->content (let [paths (map first files)]
(zipmap paths
(map (fn [path] (db/get-file repo path)) paths)))]
;; update db
(when update-db?
(doseq [[path content] files]
(if reset?
(reset-file! repo path content)
(db/set-file-content! repo path content))))
(when-let [chan (state/get-file-write-chan)]
(let [chan-callback (:chan-callback opts)]
(async/put! chan [repo files opts file->content])
(when chan-callback
(defn alter-files-handler!
[repo files {:keys [finish-handler chan]} file->content]
(let [write-file-f (fn [[path content]]
(when path
(let [original-content (get file->content path)]
(-> (p/let [_ (or
(nfs/check-directory-permission! repo))]
(fs/write-file! repo (config/get-repo-dir repo) path content
{:old-content original-content}))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(state/pub-event! [:notification/show
{:content (str "Failed to save the file " path ". Error: "
(str error))
:status :error
:clear? false}])
(state/pub-event! [:instrument {:type :write-file/failed
:payload {:path path
:content-length (count content)
:error-str (str error)
:error error}}])
(log/error :write-file/failed {:path path
:content content
:error error})))))))
finish-handler (fn []
(when finish-handler
(-> (p/all (map write-file-f files))
(p/then (fn []
(when chan
(async/put! chan true))))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(println "Alter files failed:")
(js/console.error error)
(async/put! chan false))))))
(defn run-writes-chan!
(let [chan (state/get-file-write-chan)]
(async/go-loop []
(let [args (async/<! chan)]
;; return a channel
(<p! (apply alter-files-handler! args))
(catch js/Error e
(log/error :file/write-failed e))))
(defn watch-for-current-graph-dir!
(when-let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(when-let [dir (config/get-repo-dir repo)]
(fs/watch-dir! dir))))
(defn create-metadata-file
[repo-url encrypted?]
(let [repo-dir (config/get-repo-dir repo-url)
path (str config/app-name "/" config/metadata-file)
file-path (str "/" path)
default-content (if encrypted? "{:db/encrypted? true}" "{}")]
(p/let [_ (fs/mkdir-if-not-exists (str repo-dir "/" config/app-name))
file-exists? (fs/create-if-not-exists repo-url repo-dir file-path default-content)]
(when-not file-exists?
(reset-file! repo-url path default-content)))))
(defn create-pages-metadata-file
(let [repo-dir (config/get-repo-dir repo-url)
path (str config/app-name "/" config/pages-metadata-file)
file-path (str "/" path)
default-content "{}"]
(p/let [_ (fs/mkdir-if-not-exists (str repo-dir "/" config/app-name))
file-exists? (fs/create-if-not-exists repo-url repo-dir file-path default-content)]
(when-not file-exists?
(reset-file! repo-url path default-content)))))
(defn edn-file-set-key-value
[path k v]
(when-let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(when-let [content (db/get-file path)]
(common-handler/read-config content)
(let [result (common-handler/parse-config content)
ks (if (vector? k) k [k])
new-result (rewrite/assoc-in result ks v)
new-content (str new-result)]
(set-file-content! repo path new-content)))))