fix: available choices

Tienson Qin 2024-08-27 22:21:26 +08:00
parent 45386637d9
commit 7eb4197ff4
4 changed files with 104 additions and 576 deletions

View File

@ -46,7 +46,8 @@
(case (:block/type page)
(property-component/property-config page {:inline-text component-block/inline-text})
[:div "Configure"]
;; (property-component/property-config page {:inline-text component-block/inline-text})

View File

@ -2,39 +2,38 @@
"Block properties management."
(:require [clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.string :as string]
[dommy.core :as d]
[frontend.components.dnd :as dnd]
[frontend.components.icon :as icon-component]
[ :as property-config]
[ :as components-pu]
[ :as pv]
[ :as select]
[frontend.components.svg :as svg]
[frontend.config :as config]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.db.async :as db-async]
[frontend.db-mixins :as db-mixins]
[frontend.db.async :as db-async]
[frontend.db.model :as model]
[ :as outliner-property]
[ :as db-property-handler]
[frontend.handler.notification :as notification]
[ :as property-handler]
[ :as page-handler]
[ :as property-handler]
[frontend.handler.route :as route-handler]
[frontend.mixins :as mixins]
[frontend.modules.shortcut.core :as shortcut]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[frontend.util :as util]
[logseq.shui.ui :as shui]
[ :as db-property]
[ :as db-property-type]
[rum.core :as rum]
[frontend.handler.route :as route-handler]
[frontend.components.icon :as icon-component]
[frontend.components.dnd :as dnd]
[ :as closed-value]
[ :as components-pu]
[ :as property-v2]
[promesa.core :as p]
[logseq.db :as ldb]
[logseq.db.frontend.order :as db-order]
[ :as db-property]
[ :as db-property-type]
[logseq.outliner.core :as outliner-core]
[dommy.core :as d]
[frontend.mixins :as mixins]))
[ :as outliner-property]
[logseq.shui.ui :as shui]
[promesa.core :as p]
[rum.core :as rum]))
(defn- <create-class-if-not-exists!
@ -237,213 +236,6 @@
:disabled false}
(defn- set-property-description
[property *property-description]
(if-let [ent ( property)]
(db/transact! (state/get-current-repo)
{:db/id (:db/id ent) :block/title @*property-description})]
{:outliner-op :save-block})
(when-not (string/blank? @*property-description)
(:db/id property)
(rum/defcs ^:large-vars/cleanup-todo property-config
"All changes to a property must update the db and the *property-schema. Failure to do
so can result in data loss"
(rum/local nil ::property-name)
(rum/local nil ::property-schema)
(rum/local nil ::property-description)
(rum/local false ::show-class-select?)
{:init (fn [state]
(let [*values (atom :loading)
repo (state/get-current-repo)
property (first (:rum/args state))
ident (:db/ident property)]
(p/let [_ (db-async/<get-block repo (:block/uuid property))
result (db-async/<get-block-property-values repo ident)]
(reset! *values result))
(assoc state ::values *values)))
:will-mount (fn [state]
(let [[property _opts] (:rum/args state)
property (db/entity (:db/id property))]
(reset! (::property-name state) (:block/title property))
(reset! (::property-schema state) (:block/schema property))
(reset! (::property-description state) (db-property/property-value-content ( property)))
(state/set-state! :editor/property-configure? true)
:will-unmount (fn [state]
(util/schedule #(state/set-state! :editor/property-configure? false))
(when-let [*show-property-config? (:*show-new-property-config? (last (:rum/args state)))]
(reset! *show-property-config? false))
[state property {:keys [add-new-property?] :as opts}]
(let [property (db/entity (:db/id property))
values (rum/react (::values state))]
(when-not (= :loading values)
(let [*property-name (::property-name state)
*property-schema (::property-schema state)
*property-description (::property-description state)
*show-class-select? (::show-class-select? state)
property (db/sub-block (:db/id property))
built-in? (ldb/built-in? property)
disabled? (or built-in? config/publishing?)
property-type (get-in property [:block/schema :type])
save-property-fn (fn [] (components-pu/update-property! property @*property-name @*property-schema))
enable-closed-values? (contains? db-property-type/closed-value-property-types (or property-type :default))
tags? (= (:db/ident property) :block/tags)]
[:label.col-span-2 "Name:"]
{:class "col-span-2 !px-2 !py-0 !h-8"
:auto-focus (not add-new-property?)
:on-change #(reset! *property-name (util/evalue %))
:on-blur save-property-fn
:on-key-down (fn [e]
(when (= "Enter" (util/ekey e))
:disabled disabled?
:default-value @*property-name})]
[:label.col-span-2 "Icon:"]
(let [icon-value ( property)]
(icon-component/icon-picker icon-value
{:on-chosen (fn [_e icon]
(:db/ident property)
(:block/schema property)
{:properties { icon}})
(when icon-value
[:a.fade-link.flex {:on-click (fn [_e]
(:db/ident property)
:title "Delete this icon"}
(ui/icon "X")])])]
[:label.col-span-2 "Property type:"]
(if (or (ldb/built-in? property)
(and property-type (seq values)))
(property-type-label property-type)
(ui/tippy {:html "The type of this property is locked once you start using it. This is to make sure all your existing information stays correct if the property type is changed later. To unlock, all uses of a property must be deleted."
:class "tippy-hover ml-2"
:interactive true
:disabled false}
(property-type-select property {:*property-name *property-name
:*property-schema *property-schema
:built-in? built-in?
:disabled? disabled?
:show-type-change-hints? true
:*show-class-select? *show-class-select?}))]
(when (db-property-type/property-type-allows-schema-attribute? (:type @*property-schema) :classes)
(case (:type @*property-schema)
;; Question: 1. should we still support classes for `page` type?
;; 2. flexible query instead of classes? e.g. find all papers are related to either Clojure or OCaml `(and (tag :paper) (or (tag :clojure) (tag :ocaml)))`
(when (and (empty? (:property/closed-values property)) (not tags?))
[:label.col-span-2 "Specify tags:"]
(class-select property (assoc opts :disabled? disabled?))])
(when (db-property-type/property-type-allows-schema-attribute? (:type @*property-schema) :cardinality)
[:label.col-span-2 "Multiple values:"]
(let [many? (db-property/many? property)]
{:checked many?
:disabled disabled?
:on-checked-change (fn []
(swap! *property-schema assoc :cardinality (if many? :one :many))
(when (and enable-closed-values? (empty? (:property/schema.classes property)))
[:label.col-span-2 "Available choices:"]
(closed-value/choices property opts)]])
(when (and (db-property-type/property-type-allows-schema-attribute? (:type @*property-schema) :position) (not tags?))
(let [position (:position @*property-schema)
choices (map
(fn [item]
(assoc item :selected
(or (and position (= (:value item) position))
(and (nil? position) (= (:value item) :properties)))))
[{:label "Block properties"
:value :properties}
{:label "Beginning of the block"
:value :block-left}
{:label "Ending of the block"
:value :block-right}
{:label "Below the block"
:value :block-below}])]
[:label.col-span-2 "UI position:"]
(cond-> {:disabled config/publishing?
:on-value-change (fn [v]
(swap! *property-schema assoc :position (keyword v))
(keyword? position)
(assoc :default-value position))
{:class "!px-2 !py-0 !h-8"}
{:placeholder "Select a position mode"}))
(for [{:keys [label value]} choices]
(shui/select-item {:value value} label)))))]]))
(when (not tags?)
(let [hide? (:hide? @*property-schema)]
[:label.col-span-2 "Hide by default:"]
{:checked hide?
:disabled config/publishing?
:on-checked-change (fn []
(swap! *property-schema assoc :hide? (not hide?))
(let [description (or @*property-description "")]
[:label.col-span-2 "Description:"]
{:on-change (fn [e]
(reset! *property-description (util/evalue e)))
:on-key-down (fn [e]
(when (= "Enter" (util/ekey e))
(set-property-description property *property-description)))
:on-blur (fn []
(set-property-description property *property-description))
:disabled disabled?
:default-value description})]]])]]))))
(rum/defc property-select
[exclude-properties select-opts]
(let [[properties set-properties!] (rum/use-state nil)
@ -528,7 +320,7 @@
(rum/defcs property-key-cp <
(rum/local false ::hover?)
[state block property {:keys [class-schema? page-cp inline-text other-position?]}]
[state block property {:keys [other-position?]}]
(let [*hover? (::hover? state)
icon ( property)]
@ -551,9 +343,9 @@
(-> (when-not config/publishing?
{:on-click (fn [^js e]
(shui/popup-show! (.-target e) content-fn
{:as-dropdown? true :auto-focus? true
:content-props {:onEscapeKeyDown #(.preventDefault %)}}))})
(assoc :class "flex items-center"))
{:as-dropdown? true :auto-focus? true
:content-props {:onEscapeKeyDown #(.preventDefault %)}}))})
(assoc :class "flex items-center"))
(if icon
[:span.flex.items-center {:style {:color (or (some-> icon :color) "inherit")}}
(icon-component/icon icon {:size 15})]
@ -573,49 +365,14 @@
(route-handler/redirect-to-page! (:block/uuid property))
(.preventDefault e)))
:on-click (fn [^js/MouseEvent e]
(shui/popup-show! (.-target e)
(fn [{:keys [id]}]
(property-v2/dropdown-editor id property block
{:debug? (.-altKey e)}))
{:class "ls-property-dropdown-editor as-root"}
:align "start"
:as-dropdown? true}))
:on-context-menu (fn [^js e]
(util/stop e)
(.-target e)
(fn [{:keys [id]}]
[:h2.text-lg.font-medium.mb-2.p-1 "Configure property"]
{:variant :ghost :size :sm :class "!w-4 !h-6"
:on-click #(shui/popup-hide! id)}
(shui/tabler-icon "x" {:size 16}))]
(property-config property
{:inline-text inline-text
:page-cp page-cp})
(when-not (ldb/built-in-class-property? block property)
{:variant :ghost
:class "!text-red-rx-09 opacity-50 hover:opacity-100"
:size :sm
:on-click (fn []
(handle-delete-property! block property {:class-schema? class-schema?})
"Delete property from this node")])])
{:content-props {:class "property-configure-popup-content"
:collisionPadding {:bottom 10 :top 10}
:avoidCollisions true
:align "start"}
:align "start"
:auto-side? true
:auto-focus? true}))}
(:block/title property)))]))
(shui/popup-show! (.-target e)
(fn []
(property-config/dropdown-editor property block {:debug? (.-altKey e)}))
{:class "ls-property-dropdown-editor as-root"}
:align "start"
:as-dropdown? true}))}
(:block/title property)))]))
(rum/defcs property-input < rum/reactive
(rum/local nil ::ref)

View File

@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
"Enum property config"
(:require [rum.core :as rum]
[clojure.string :as string]
[frontend.modules.shortcut.core :as shortcut]
[frontend.util :as util]
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[logseq.shui.ui :as shui]
[frontend.components.dnd :as dnd]
[frontend.components.icon :as icon-component]
[ :as property-handler]
[ :as db-property-handler]
[frontend.config :as config]
[ :as property-value]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.db.async :as db-async]
[frontend.state :as state]
[promesa.core :as p]
[ :as db-property]
[ :as db-property-type]
[logseq.db.frontend.order :as db-order]
[logseq.outliner.core :as outliner-core]))
(defn- re-init-commands!
"Update commands after task status and priority's closed values has been changed"
(when (contains? #{:logseq.task/status :logseq.task/priority} (:db/ident property))
(state/pub-event! [:init/commands])))
(defn- <upsert-closed-value!
"Create new closed value and returns its block UUID."
[property item]
(db-property-handler/upsert-closed-value! (:db/ident property) item)
(re-init-commands! property)))
(rum/defc item-value
[type *value]
(let [*input-ref (rum/use-ref nil)]
(fn []
(when-let [^js el (rum/deref *input-ref)]
(js/setTimeout #(.focus el) 100)))
(case type
;; :page
(let [value (if (string/blank? @*value) nil @*value)]
(property-value/date-picker value
{:on-change (fn [page]
(reset! *value (:db/id page)))}))
{:default-value @*value
:class "col-span-3"
:auto-focus true
:ref *input-ref
:on-change #(reset! *value (util/evalue %))}))))
(rum/defcs item-config < rum/reactive
{:init (fn [state]
(let [block (second (:rum/args state))
value (or (str (db-property/closed-value-content block)) "")
icon ( block)
description (or (db-property/property-value-content ( block)) "")]
(assoc state
::value (atom value)
::icon (atom icon)
::description (atom description))))}
[state property _item {:keys [toggle-fn on-save]}]
(let [*value (::value state)
*icon (::icon state)
*description (::description state)
save-handler (fn [e]
(util/stop e)
(when-not (string/blank? @*value)
(when on-save
(let [value (if (string? @*value)
(string/trim @*value)
(on-save value @*icon @*description)))
(when toggle-fn (toggle-fn)))))
property-type (get-in property [:block/schema :type])]
{:on-key-down (fn [e]
(when (= e.key "Enter")
(save-handler e)))}
[:label.col-span-2 "Value:"]
(item-value property-type *value)]
[:label.col-span-2 "Icon:"]
(icon-component/icon-picker (rum/react *icon)
{:on-chosen (fn [_e icon]
(reset! *icon icon))})
(when (rum/react *icon)
[:a.fade-link.flex {:on-click (fn [_e]
(reset! *icon nil))
:title "Delete this icon"}
(ui/icon "X")])]]
;; Disable description for types that can't edit them
(when-not (#{:node :date} property-type)
[:label.col-span-2 "Description:"]
{:on-change #(reset! *description (util/evalue %))
:default-value @*description})]])
(shui/button {:on-click save-handler :size :sm} "Save")]]))
(rum/defcs choice-with-close <
(rum/local false ::hover?)
[state item {:keys [toggle-fn delete-choice update-icon]} parent-opts]
(let [*hover? (::hover? state)
value (db-property/closed-value-content item)
page? (db/page? item)
property-block? (db-property/property-created-block? item)]
{:on-mouse-over #(reset! *hover? true)
:on-mouse-out #(reset! *hover? false)}
(icon-component/icon-picker ( item)
{:on-chosen (fn [_e icon]
(update-icon icon))})
[:a {:on-click toggle-fn}
(and page? (:page-cp parent-opts))
((:page-cp parent-opts) {:preview? false} item)
[:a {:on-click toggle-fn}
(when @*hover?
[:a.fade-link.flex {:on-click delete-choice
:title "Delete this choice"}
(ui/icon "X")])]))
(rum/defc choice-item-content
[property block parent-opts]
(let [{:block/keys [uuid]} block]
(let [content-fn
(if config/publishing?
(constantly [])
(fn [{:keys [id]}]
(let [opts {:toggle-fn #(shui/popup-hide! id)}]
(assoc opts :on-save
(fn [value icon description]
(<upsert-closed-value! property {:id uuid
:value value
:description description
:icon icon}))))))))
opts {:toggle-fn #(shui/popup-show! % content-fn)}]
(assoc opts
(fn []
(db-property-handler/delete-closed-value! (:db/id property) (:db/id block))
(re-init-commands! property)))
(fn [icon]
(property-handler/set-block-property! (state/get-current-repo) (:block/uuid block)
(select-keys icon [:id :type :color]))))
(rum/defc add-existing-values
[property values {:keys [toggle-fn]}]
{:class "max-h-[50dvh]"}
[:div "Existing values:"]
(for [value values]
[:li (if (uuid? value)
(let [result (db/entity [:block/uuid value])]
(db-property/closed-value-content result))
(str value))])]
"Add choices"
{:on-click (fn []
(p/let [_ (db-property-handler/add-existing-values-to-closed-values! (:db/id property) values)]
(rum/defc choices < rum/reactive
[property opts]
(let [values (:property/closed-values property)
dropdown-opts {:modal-class (util/hiccup->class
(let [choice-items (doall
(keep (fn [value]
(when-let [block (db/sub-block (:db/id value))]
(let [id (:block/uuid block)]
{:id (str id)
:value id
:content (choice-item-content property block (merge opts dropdown-opts))})))
(dnd/items choice-items
{:on-drag-end (fn [_ {:keys [active-id over-id direction]}]
(let [move-down? (= direction :down)
over (db/entity [:block/uuid (uuid over-id)])
active (db/entity [:block/uuid (uuid active-id)])
over-order (:block/order over)
new-order (if move-down?
(let [next-order (db-order/get-next-order (db/get-db) property (:db/id over))]
(db-order/gen-key over-order next-order))
(let [prev-order (db-order/get-prev-order (db/get-db) property (:db/id over))]
(db-order/gen-key prev-order over-order)))]
(db/transact! (state/get-current-repo)
[{:db/id (:db/id active)
:block/order new-order}
{:db/id (:db/id property)})]
{:outliner-op :save-block})))}))
(if config/publishing?
(constantly [])
{:variant :ghost
:class "justify-start px-0"
:size :sm
(fn [e]
(p/let [values (db-async/<get-block-property-values (state/get-current-repo) (:db/ident property))
existing-values (seq (:property/closed-values property))
values (if (seq existing-values)
(let [existing-ids (set (map :db/id existing-values))]
(remove (fn [id] (existing-ids id)) values))
(shui/popup-show! (.-target e)
(fn [{:keys [id]}]
(let [opts {:toggle-fn (fn [] (shui/popup-hide! id))}
values' (->> (if (contains? db-property-type/ref-property-types (get-in property [:block/schema :type]))
(map #(:block/uuid (db/entity %)) values)
(remove string/blank?)
(if (seq values')
(add-existing-values property values' opts)
(assoc opts :on-save
(fn [value icon description]
(<upsert-closed-value! property {:value value
:description description
:icon icon})))))))
{:content-props {:class "w-auto"}})))}
(ui/icon "plus" {:size 16})
"Add choice"))]))

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[frontend.components.dnd :as dnd]
[frontend.components.icon :as icon-component]
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
[frontend.handler.common.developer :as dev-common-handler]
[ :as db-property-handler]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.db.async :as db-async]
[ :as property-handler]
[frontend.handler.route :as route-handler]
[frontend.state :as state]
@ -19,7 +20,8 @@
[logseq.shui.popup.core :as shui-popup]
[promesa.core :as p]
[goog.dom :as gdom]
[rum.core :as rum]))
[rum.core :as rum]
[frontend.db-mixins :as db-mixins]))
(defn- re-init-commands!
"Update commands after task status and priority's closed values has been changed"
@ -237,51 +239,83 @@
[:a.del {:on-click delete-choice!
:title "Delete this choice"}
(shui/tabler-icon "x" {:size 14})]]))
(shui/tabler-icon "x" {:size 16})]]))
(rum/defc choices-sub-pane
(rum/defc add-existing-values
[property values {:keys [toggle-fn]}]
{:class "max-h-[50dvh]"}
[:div "Existing values:"]
(for [value values]
[:li (if (uuid? value)
(let [result (db/entity [:block/uuid value])]
(db-property/closed-value-content result))
(str value))])]
{:on-click (fn []
(p/let [_ (db-property-handler/add-existing-values-to-closed-values! (:db/id property) values)]
"Add choices")])
(rum/defc choices-sub-pane < rum/reactive db-mixins/query
(let [values (:property/closed-values property)
choices (doall
(keep (fn [value]
(when-let [block (db/sub-block (:db/id value))]
(let [id (:block/uuid block)]
{:id (str id)
:value id
:content (choice-item-content property block)})))
(keep (fn [value]
(when-let [block (db/sub-block (:db/id value))]
(let [id (:block/uuid block)]
{:id (str id)
:value id
:content (choice-item-content property block)})))
(when (seq choices)
(dnd/items choices
{:sort-by-inner-element? false
:on-drag-end (fn [_ {:keys [active-id over-id direction]}]
(let [move-down? (= direction :down)
over (db/entity [:block/uuid (uuid over-id)])
active (db/entity [:block/uuid (uuid active-id)])
over-order (:block/order over)
new-order (if move-down?
(let [next-order (db-order/get-next-order (db/get-db) property (:db/id over))]
(db-order/gen-key over-order next-order))
(let [prev-order (db-order/get-prev-order (db/get-db) property (:db/id over))]
(db-order/gen-key prev-order over-order)))]
{:sort-by-inner-element? false
:on-drag-end (fn [_ {:keys [active-id over-id direction]}]
(let [move-down? (= direction :down)
over (db/entity [:block/uuid (uuid over-id)])
active (db/entity [:block/uuid (uuid active-id)])
over-order (:block/order over)
new-order (if move-down?
(let [next-order (db-order/get-next-order (db/get-db) property (:db/id over))]
(db-order/gen-key over-order next-order))
(let [prev-order (db-order/get-prev-order (db/get-db) property (:db/id over))]
(db-order/gen-key prev-order over-order)))]
(db/transact! (state/get-current-repo)
[{:db/id (:db/id active)
:block/order new-order}
{:db/id (:db/id property)})]
{:outliner-op :save-block})))})])
(db/transact! (state/get-current-repo)
[{:db/id (:db/id active)
:block/order new-order}
{:db/id (:db/id property)})]
{:outliner-op :save-block})))})])
;; add choice
{:icon :plus :title "Add choice"
:item-props {:on-click (fn [^js e]
(shui/popup-show! (.-target e)
;; TODO: add existing values
(base-edit-form property {:create? true})
{:id :ls-base-edit-form
:align "start"}))}})]))
{:icon :plus :title "Add choice"
:item-props {:on-click
(fn [^js e]
(p/let [values (db-async/<get-block-property-values (state/get-current-repo) (:db/ident property))
existing-values (seq (:property/closed-values property))
values (if (seq existing-values)
(let [existing-ids (set (map :db/id existing-values))]
(remove (fn [id] (existing-ids id)) values))
(shui/popup-show! (.-target e)
(fn [{:keys [id]}]
(let [opts {:toggle-fn (fn [] (shui/popup-hide! id))}
values' (->> (if (contains? db-property-type/ref-property-types (get-in property [:block/schema :type]))
(map #(:block/uuid (db/entity %)) values)
(remove string/blank?)
(if (seq values')
(add-existing-values property values' opts)
(base-edit-form property {:create? true}))))
{:id :ls-base-edit-form
:align "start"})))}})]))
(def position-labels
{:properties {:icon :layout-distribute-horizontal :title "Block properties"}
@ -326,9 +360,8 @@
(rum/defc dropdown-editor-impl
"popup-id: dropdown popup id
property: block entity"
[_popup-id property owner-block opts]
"property: block entity"
[property owner-block opts]
(let [title (:block/title property)
property-schema (:block/schema property)
property-type (get property-schema :type)
@ -397,7 +430,7 @@
(dev-common-handler/show-entity-data (:db/id property))
(rum/defc dropdown-editor < rum/reactive
[popup-id property owner-block opts]
(let [property1 (db/sub-block (:db/id property))]
(dropdown-editor-impl popup-id property1 owner-block opts)))
(rum/defc dropdown-editor < rum/reactive db-mixins/query
[property* owner-block opts]
(let [property (db/sub-block (:db/id property*))]
(dropdown-editor-impl property owner-block opts)))