fix(android): apply url decode before fs watcher notifies

Andelf 2023-05-22 12:02:05 +08:00
parent 1ce4697b22
commit 7f0457f23f
2 changed files with 17 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -92,10 +92,23 @@ public class FsWatcher extends Plugin {
shouldRead = true;
URI dir = (new File(mPath)).toURI();
URI fpath = f.toURI();
Uri dir = Uri.fromFile(new File(mPath));
Uri fpath = Uri.fromFile(f);
String relpath = null;
obj.put("path", Normalizer.normalize(dir.relativize(fpath).toString(), Normalizer.Form.NFC));
if (fpath.getPath().startsWith(dir.getPath())) {
relpath = fpath.getPath().substring(dir.getPath().length());
if (relpath.startsWith("/")) {
relpath = relpath.substring(1);
relpath = Uri.decode(relpath);
} else {
Log.e("FsWatcher", "file path not under watch path");
obj.put("path", Normalizer.normalize(relpath, Normalizer.Form.NFC));
obj.put("dir", Uri.fromFile(new File(mPath))); // Uri is for Android. URI is for RFC compatible
JSObject stat;

View File

@ -1777,7 +1777,7 @@
(when (sync-state--valid-to-accept-filewatcher-event? sync-state)
(when (or (:mtime stat) (= type "unlink"))
(let [path (path-normalize (remove-dir-prefix dir path))
(let [path (path-normalize path)
files-meta (and (not= "unlink" type)
(<! (<get-local-files-meta
rsapi (:current-syncing-graph-uuid sync-state) dir [path])))