Fixes #4101 by moving todo/task and priority to rules

Task and priority weren't composable in most boolean settings. Rules
fixes that
Gabriel Horner 2022-03-03 16:40:48 -05:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent ed82b3677e
commit 80ef31f4c0
3 changed files with 105 additions and 117 deletions

View File

@ -196,7 +196,9 @@
(or (= current-filter 'or)
(apply concat clauses)
(if (list? (first clauses))
(cons 'and clauses)
(apply concat clauses))
(->> (map (fn [result]
@ -277,8 +279,8 @@
(rest e))]
(when (seq markers)
(let [markers (set (map (comp string/upper-case name) markers))]
[['?b :block/marker '?marker]
[(list 'contains? markers '?marker)]]))))
{:query (list 'task '?b markers)
:rules [:task]}))))
(defn- build-query-priority
@ -287,8 +289,8 @@
(rest e))]
(when (seq priorities)
(let [priorities (set (map (comp string/upper-case name) priorities))]
[['?b :block/priority '?priority]
[(list 'contains? priorities '?priority)]]))))
{:query (list 'priority '?b priorities)
:rules [:priority]}))))
(defn- build-page-property
@ -378,10 +380,10 @@
{:query (build-query-property-one-arg e)}
(or (= 'todo fe) (= 'task fe))
{:query (build-query-todo e)}
(build-query-todo e)
(= 'priority fe)
{:query (build-query-priority e)}
(build-query-priority e)
(= 'sort-by fe)
(let [[k order] (rest e)

View File

@ -71,4 +71,14 @@
'[(has-page-property ?p ?key)
[?p :block/name]
[?p :block/properties ?prop]
[(get ?prop ?key)]]})
[(get ?prop ?key)]]
'[(task ?b ?markers)
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? ?markers ?marker)]]
'[(priority ?b ?priorities)
[?b :block/priority ?priority]
[(contains? ?priorities ?priority)]]})

View File

@ -205,6 +205,89 @@ prop-d:: nada"}])
(dsl-query "(and (page-property parent [[child page 2]]) (not (page-property foo bar)))")))
"Page property queries NOTed"))
(deftest task-queries
(load-test-files [{:file/path "pages/"
:file/content "foo:: bar
- NOW b1
- TODO b2
- LATER b3
- LATER [#A] b4"}])
(testing "Lowercase query"
(is (= ["NOW b1"]
(map :block/content (dsl-query "(task now)"))))
(is (= ["LATER b3" "LATER [#A] b4"]
(map :block/content (dsl-query "(task later)")))))
(is (= ["LATER b3" "LATER [#A] b4"]
(map :block/content (dsl-query "(task LATER)")))
"Uppercase query")
(testing "Multiple specified tasks results in ORed results"
(is (= ["NOW b1" "LATER b3" "LATER [#A] b4"]
(map :block/content (dsl-query "(task now later)"))))
(is (= ["NOW b1" "LATER b3" "LATER [#A] b4"]
(map :block/content (dsl-query "(task [now later])")))
"Multiple arguments specified with vector notation"))
(is (= ["NOW b1" "LATER [#A] b4"]
(map :block/content
(dsl-query "(or (todo now) (and (todo later) (priority a)))")))
"Multiple boolean operators with todo and priority operators"))
(deftest priority-queries
(load-test-files [{:file/path "pages/"
:file/content "foo:: bar
- [#A] b1
- [#B] b2
- [#A] b3"}])
(testing "one arg queries"
(is (= ["[#A] b1" "[#A] b3"]
(map :block/content (dsl-query "(priority A)"))))
(is (= ["[#A] b1" "[#A] b3"]
(map :block/content (dsl-query "(priority a)")))))
(testing "two arg queries"
(is (= ["[#A] b1" "[#B] b2" "[#A] b3"]
(map :block/content (dsl-query "(priority a b)"))))
(is (= ["[#A] b1" "[#B] b2" "[#A] b3"]
(map :block/content (dsl-query "(priority [a b])")))
"Arguments with vector notation"))
(is (= ["[#A] b1" "[#B] b2" "[#A] b3"]
(map :block/content (dsl-query "(priority a b c)")))
"Three arg queries and args that have no match"))
(deftest nested-boolean-queries
(load-test-files [{:file/path "pages/"
:file/content "foo:: bar
- DONE b1 [[page 1]]
- DONE b2 [[page 1]]"}
{:file/path "pages/"
:file/content "foo::bar
- NOW b3 [[page 1]]
- LATER b4 [[page 2]]
(is (= 0
(count (dsl-query "(and (todo done) (not [[page 1]]))"))))
(is (= 2
(count (dsl-query "(and (todo now later) (or [[page 1]] [[page 2]]))"))))
(is (= 4
(count (dsl-query "(and (todo now later done) (or [[page 1]] (not [[page 1]])))"))))
#_(is (= 34
(count (dsl-query "(not (and (todo now later) (or [[page 1]] [[page 2]])))"))))
;; FIXME: not working
;; Requires or-join and not-join which aren't supported yet
; (is (= []
; (dsl-query "(or (priority a) (not (priority c)))")))
(deftest ^:large-vars/cleanup-todo test-parse
@ -230,62 +313,6 @@ prop-d:: nada"}])
{:query '[[?b :block/path-refs [:block/name "page 2"]]]
:count 4}))
(testing "task queries"
(are [x y] (= (q-count x) y)
"(task now)"
{:query '[[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"NOW"} ?marker)]]
:count 1}
"(task NOW)"
{:query '[[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"NOW"} ?marker)]]
:count 1}
"(task later)"
{:query '[[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"LATER"} ?marker)]]
:count 2}
"(task now later)"
{:query '[[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"NOW" "LATER"} ?marker)]]
:count 3}
"(task [now later])"
{:query '[[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"NOW" "LATER"} ?marker)]]
:count 3}))
(testing "Priority queries"
(are [x y] (= (q-count x) y)
"(priority A)"
{:query '[[?b :block/priority ?priority]
[(contains? #{"A"} ?priority)]]
:count 2}
"(priority a)"
{:query '[[?b :block/priority ?priority]
[(contains? #{"A"} ?priority)]]
:count 2}
"(priority a b)"
{:query '[[?b :block/priority ?priority]
[(contains? #{"A" "B"} ?priority)]]
:count 3}
"(priority [a b])"
{:query '[[?b :block/priority ?priority]
[(contains? #{"A" "B"} ?priority)]]
:count 3}
"(priority a b c)"
{:query '[[?b :block/priority ?priority]
[(contains? #{"A" "B" "C"} ?priority)]]
:count 3}))
(testing "all-page-tags queries"
(are [x y] (= (q-count x) y)
@ -372,60 +399,9 @@ prop-d:: nada"}])
;; "(and (task now later done) (between last-modified-at [[Dec 26th, 2020]] tomorrow))"
;; 5
(testing "Nested boolean queries"
(are [x y] (= (q-count x) y)
"(and (todo done) (not [[page 1]]))"
{:query '([?b :block/uuid]
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"DONE"} ?marker)]
(not [?b :block/path-refs [:block/name "page 1"]]))
:count 0})
(are [x y] (= (q-count x) y)
"(and (todo now later) (or [[page 1]] [[page 2]]))"
{:query '([?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"NOW" "LATER"} ?marker)]
(or (and [?b :block/path-refs [:block/name "page 1"]])
(and [?b :block/path-refs [:block/name "page 2"]])
:count 3})
(are [x y] (= (q-count x) y)
"(not (and (todo now later) (or [[page 1]] [[page 2]])))"
{:query '([?b :block/uuid]
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"NOW" "LATER"} ?marker)]
(and [?b :block/path-refs [:block/name "page 1"]])
(and [?b :block/path-refs [:block/name "page 2"]])
:count 34})
;; FIXME: not working
;; (are [x y] (= (q-count x) y)
;; "(or (priority a) (not (priority a)))"
;; {:query '[(or-join [?b]
;; (and
;; [?b :block/priority ?priority]
;; [(contains? #{"A"} ?priority)])
;; (not-join [?b]
;; [?b :block/priority ?priority]
;; [(contains? #{"A"} ?priority)]))]
;; :count 5})
(are [x y] (= (q-count x) y)
"(and (todo now later done) (or [[page 1]] (not [[page 1]])))"
{:query '([?b :block/uuid]
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"NOW" "LATER" "DONE"} ?marker)]
(and [?b :block/path-refs [:block/name "page 1"]])
(and (not [?b :block/path-refs [:block/name "page 1"]]))
:count 5}))
#_(deftest sort-by-queries
;; (testing "sort-by (created-at defaults to desc)"
;; (db/clear-query-state!)
;; (let [result (->> (q "(and (task now later done)