fix: property set icon

Tienson Qin 2024-04-15 12:00:12 +08:00
parent afde2df1f0
commit 837e1aad6d
4 changed files with 34 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -95,13 +95,14 @@
(rum/defc page-blocks-inner <
{:did-mount open-root-block!}
[page-e blocks config sidebar? whiteboard? _block-uuid]
(let [hiccup (component-block/->hiccup blocks config {})]
[ {:style {:margin-left (if (or sidebar? whiteboard?) 0 -20)}}
(content/content (str (:block/uuid page-e))
{:hiccup hiccup
:sidebar? sidebar?})
(str (:block/uuid page-e) "-hiccup"))]))
(when page-e
(let [hiccup (component-block/->hiccup blocks config {})]
[ {:style {:margin-left (if (or sidebar? whiteboard?) 0 -20)}}
(content/content (str (:block/uuid page-e))
{:hiccup hiccup
:sidebar? sidebar?})
(str (:block/uuid page-e) "-hiccup"))])))
(declare page)

View File

@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
items (if closed-values?
(keep (fn [id]
(when-let [block (when id (db/entity [:block/uuid id]))]
(let [icon (get block (pu/get-pid
(let [icon (pu/get-block-property-value block
value (db-property/closed-value-name block)]
{:label (if icon
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@
(let [eid (if (de/entity? value) (:db/id value) [:block/uuid value])]
(when-let [block (db/sub-block (:db/id (db/entity eid)))]
(let [value' (get-in block [:block/schema :value])
icon (get block (pu/get-pid]
icon (pu/get-block-property-value block]
(:block/name block)
(page-cp {:disable-preview? true

View File

@ -28,19 +28,21 @@
;; min, max -> string length, number range, cardinality size limit
(defn- build-property-value-tx-data
[block property-id value status?]
(when value
(let [property-pair-e (db-property/get-pair-e block property-id)
property-tx-data (outliner-core/block-with-updated-at
(if property-pair-e
{:db/id (:db/id property-pair-e)
property-id value}
{:db/id (:db/id block)
:block/properties (sqlite-util/build-property-pair property-id value)}))
block-tx-data (cond-> (outliner-core/block-with-updated-at {:db/id (:db/id block)})
(assoc :block/tags :logseq.class/task))]
[property-tx-data block-tx-data])))
([block property-id value]
(build-property-value-tx-data block property-id value (= property-id :logseq.task/status)))
([block property-id value status?]
(when value
(let [property-pair-e (db-property/get-pair-e block property-id)
property-tx-data (outliner-core/block-with-updated-at
(if property-pair-e
{:db/id (:db/id property-pair-e)
property-id value}
{:db/id (:db/id block)
:block/properties (sqlite-util/build-property-pair property-id value)}))
block-tx-data (cond-> (outliner-core/block-with-updated-at {:db/id (:db/id block)})
(assoc :block/tags :logseq.class/task))]
[property-tx-data block-tx-data]))))
(defn built-in-validation-schemas
"A frontend version of built-in-validation-schemas that adds the current database to
@ -150,16 +152,18 @@
(assert (qualified-keyword? db-ident))
(if-let [property (and (qualified-keyword? property-id) (db/entity db-ident))]
(let [tx-data (->>
{:db/ident db-ident
:block/schema schema})
{:db/ident db-ident
:block/schema schema})
(assoc :block/original-name property-name))]
(update-schema property schema))
(when (seq properties)
(fn [[property-id v]]
(build-property-value-tx-data property property-id v)) properties))
[(update-schema property schema)])
(remove nil?))
many->one? (and (= (:db/cardinality property) :db.cardinality/many)
(= :one (:cardinality schema)))]

View File

@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
[ :as page]
[frontend.util :as util]
[logseq.sdk.utils :as sdk-util]
[camel-snake-kebab.core :as csk]
[goog.object :as gobj]
[frontend.handler.plugin :as plugin-handler]))
(defn ^:export cp_page_editor