feat(srs): click to review

Tienson Qin 2021-07-22 00:42:20 +08:00
parent 5158003fdb
commit 85271427b9
1 changed files with 60 additions and 59 deletions

View File

@ -442,46 +442,50 @@
(merge (show-cycle-config card @phase)
{:id (str root-block-id)}))
(when-not (and (not preview?) (= next-phase 1))
(ui/button (case next-phase
1 "Hide answers(h)"
2 "Show Answers(s)"
3 "Show clozes(s)")
:class "mr-2"
:small? true
:on-click #(reset! phase next-phase)))
(when (and (> (count cards) 1) preview?)
(ui/button "Next(n)"
:small? true
:class "mr-2"
:on-click #(skip-card card card-index cards* phase review-records cb)))
(when (and (not preview?) (= 1 next-phase))
(let [interval-days-score-3 (get (get-next-interval card 3) card-last-interval-property)
interval-days-score-4 (get (get-next-interval card 5) card-last-interval-property)
interval-days-score-5 (get (get-next-interval card 5) card-last-interval-property)]
(ui/button "Forgotten(f)"
(if (or preview? modal?)
(when-not (and (not preview?) (= next-phase 1))
(ui/button (case next-phase
1 "Hide answers(h)"
2 "Show Answers(s)"
3 "Show clozes(s)")
:class "mr-2"
:small? true
:on-click (fn []
(score-and-next-card 1 card card-index cards* phase review-records cb)
(let [tomorrow (tc/to-string (t/plus (t/today) (t/days 1)))]
(editor-handler/set-block-property! root-block-id card-next-schedule-property tomorrow))) :class "mr-2")
:on-click #(reset! phase next-phase)))
(atom 5)
(fn [score]
(score-and-next-card score card card-index cards* phase review-records cb))
(when (and (> (count cards) 1) preview?)
(ui/button "Next(n)"
:small? true
:class "mr-2"
:on-click #(skip-card card card-index cards* phase review-records cb)))
(when preview?
(ui/button "Reset"
:small? true
:on-click #(operation-reset! card)))]]))))
(when (and (not preview?) (= 1 next-phase))
(let [interval-days-score-3 (get (get-next-interval card 3) card-last-interval-property)
interval-days-score-4 (get (get-next-interval card 5) card-last-interval-property)
interval-days-score-5 (get (get-next-interval card 5) card-last-interval-property)]
(ui/button "Forgotten(f)"
:small? true
:on-click (fn []
(score-and-next-card 1 card card-index cards* phase review-records cb)
(let [tomorrow (tc/to-string (t/plus (t/today) (t/days 1)))]
(editor-handler/set-block-property! root-block-id card-next-schedule-property tomorrow))) :class "mr-2")
(atom 5)
(fn [score]
(score-and-next-card score card card-index cards* phase review-records cb))
(when preview?
(ui/button "Reset(r)"
:small? true
:on-click #(operation-reset! card)))]
(ui/button "Click to review"
:small? true)])]))))
(defn preview
@ -558,29 +562,26 @@
{:preview? true
:callback (fn [_]
(swap! (::need-requery state) not))}))))))}
(when-not modal?
{:on-click (fn []
(state/set-modal! #(view review-cards
{:modal? true
(fn [review-records]
review-records review-cards card-query-block)
(swap! (::need-requery state) not)
(persist-var/persist-save of-matrix))})))}
(if (seq review-cards)
(view review-cards
(merge config
(fn [review-records]
review-records review-cards card-query-block)
(swap! (::need-requery state) not)
(persist-var/persist-save of-matrix))}))
[:div (when-not modal?
{:on-click (fn []
(state/set-modal! #(view review-cards
{:modal? true
(fn [review-records]
review-records review-cards card-query-block)
(swap! (::need-requery state) not)
(persist-var/persist-save of-matrix))})))})
(view review-cards
(merge config
(fn [review-records]
review-records review-cards card-query-block)
(swap! (::need-requery state) not)
(persist-var/persist-save of-matrix))}))]
;; bad query-string