fix: remove nil from pull-many

pull/4656/head 0.6.4
Tienson Qin 2022-03-20 21:56:45 +08:00
parent 534c63a7b0
commit 870f9e1e2e
1 changed files with 9 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -27,14 +27,15 @@
(defn filter-blocks
[repo ref-blocks filters group-by-page?]
(let [ref-pages (->> (if group-by-page?
(mapcat last ref-blocks)
(mapcat (fn [b] (get-block-refs-with-children b)))
(concat (when group-by-page? (map first ref-blocks)))
(map :db/id)
(db/pull-many repo '[:db/id :block/name]))
(let [ref-pages-ids (->> (if group-by-page?
(mapcat last ref-blocks)
(mapcat (fn [b] (get-block-refs-with-children b)))
(concat (when group-by-page? (map first ref-blocks)))
(map :db/id)
(remove nil?))
ref-pages (db/pull-many repo '[:db/id :block/name] ref-pages-ids)
ref-pages (zipmap (map :block/name ref-pages) (map :db/id ref-pages))
exclude-ids (->> (map (fn [page] (get ref-pages page)) (get filters false))
(remove nil?)