enhance: lazy load all pages

Tienson Qin 2024-02-03 12:42:45 +08:00
parent 5363aa872e
commit 873fdc6339
7 changed files with 159 additions and 128 deletions

View File

@ -7,12 +7,13 @@
[logseq.common.util.date-time :as date-time-util]
[logseq.common.util :as common-util]))
(defn- get-built-in-files
(let [files ["logseq/config.edn"
(map #(d/pull db '[*] [:file/path %]) files)))
(defn- get-built-in-files
(let [files ["logseq/config.edn"
(map #(d/pull db '[*] [:file/path %]) files))))
(defn get-all-pages
@ -28,15 +29,29 @@
:file/path (:v e)
:file/content (:file/content (d/entity db (:e e)))}))))
(defn- with-block-refs
[db block]
(update block :block/refs (fn [refs]
(map (fn [ref]
(let [e (d/entity db (:db/id ref))]
(if (and e (:block/name e))
(assoc ref
:block/uuid (:block/uuid e)
:block/original-name (:block/name e)
:block/name (:block/name e))
ref))) refs))))
(defn with-parent-and-left
[db block]
(:block/name block)
(:block/page block)
(assoc block
:block/left (select-keys (d/entity db (:db/id (:block/left block))) [:db/id :block/uuid])
:block/parent (select-keys (d/entity db (:db/id (:block/parent block))) [:db/id :block/uuid]))
(assoc block
:block/left (select-keys (d/entity db (:db/id (:block/left block))) [:db/id :block/uuid])
:block/parent (select-keys (d/entity db (:db/id (:block/parent block))) [:db/id :block/uuid]))
(with-block-refs db))
@ -96,10 +111,10 @@
(defn get-initial-data
"Returns initial data"
(let [all-pages (get-all-pages db)
(let [latest-journals (get-latest-journals db 3)
all-files (get-all-files db)
closed-values (get-closed-values db)]
(concat all-pages all-files closed-values)))
(concat latest-journals all-files closed-values)))
(defn restore-initial-data
"Given initial sqlite data and schema, returns a datascript connection"

View File

@ -417,7 +417,7 @@
(defmethod handle-action :open-block [_ state _event]
(when-let [block-id (some-> state state->highlighted-item :source-block :block/uuid)]
(p/let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
_ (db-async/<get-block repo block-id)]
_ (db-async/<get-block repo block-id :children? false)]
(let [get-block-page (partial model/get-block-page repo)
block (db/entity [:block/uuid block-id])]
(when block
@ -442,8 +442,10 @@
(defmethod handle-action :open-block-right [_ state _event]
(when-let [block-uuid (some-> state state->highlighted-item :source-block :block/uuid)]
(editor-handler/open-block-in-sidebar! block-uuid)
(p/let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
_ (db-async/<get-block repo block-uuid :children? false)]
(editor-handler/open-block-in-sidebar! block-uuid)
(defn- open-file

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
[frontend.search :as search]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[logseq.shui.ui :as shui-ui]
[frontend.util :as util]
[frontend.util.text :as text-util]
[goog.object :as gobj]
@ -459,114 +460,119 @@
(db-async/<get-block (state/get-current-repo) page-name')
(assoc state ::page-name page-name')))}
[state {:keys [repo page-name preview? sidebar?] :as option}]
(when-not (state/sub-async-query-loading (::page-name state))
(let [loading? (state/sub-async-query-loading (::page-name state))]
(when-let [path-page-name (get-path-page-name state page-name)]
(let [current-repo (state/sub :git/current-repo)
repo (or repo current-repo)
page-name (util/page-name-sanity-lc path-page-name)
page (get-page-entity page-name)
block-id (:block/uuid page)
block? (some? (:block/page page))
journal? (db/journal-page? page-name)
db-based? (config/db-based-graph? repo)
fmt-journal? (boolean (date/journal-title->int page-name))
whiteboard? (:whiteboard? option) ;; in a whiteboard portal shape?
whiteboard-page? (model/whiteboard-page? page-name) ;; is this page a whiteboard?
route-page-name path-page-name
page-name (:block/name page)
page-original-name (:block/original-name page)
title (or page-original-name page-name)
today? (and
(= page-name (util/page-name-sanity-lc (date/journal-name))))
*control-show? (::control-show? state)
*all-collapsed? (::all-collapsed? state)
*current-block-page (::current-page state)
block-or-whiteboard? (or block? whiteboard?)
home? (= :home (state/get-current-route))]
(when (or page-name block-or-whiteboard?)
(merge (if (seq (:block/tags page))
(let [page-names (model/get-page-names-by-ids (map :db/id (:block/tags page)))]
{:data-page-tags (text-util/build-data-value page-names)})
page (get-page-entity page-name)]
(when-not (and loading? (nil? page))
(let [block-id (:block/uuid page)
block? (some? (:block/page page))
journal? (db/journal-page? page-name)
db-based? (config/db-based-graph? repo)
fmt-journal? (boolean (date/journal-title->int page-name))
whiteboard? (:whiteboard? option) ;; in a whiteboard portal shape?
whiteboard-page? (model/whiteboard-page? page-name) ;; is this page a whiteboard?
route-page-name path-page-name
page-name (:block/name page)
page-original-name (:block/original-name page)
title (or page-original-name page-name)
today? (and
(= page-name (util/page-name-sanity-lc (date/journal-name))))
*control-show? (::control-show? state)
*all-collapsed? (::all-collapsed? state)
*current-block-page (::current-page state)
block-or-whiteboard? (or block? whiteboard?)
home? (= :home (state/get-current-route))]
(when (or page-name block-or-whiteboard?)
(merge (if (seq (:block/tags page))
(let [page-names (model/get-page-names-by-ids (map :db/id (:block/tags page)))]
{:data-page-tags (text-util/build-data-value page-names)})
{:key path-page-name
:class (util/classnames [{:is-journals (or journal? fmt-journal?)}])})
{:key path-page-name
:class (util/classnames [{:is-journals (or journal? fmt-journal?)}])})
(if (and whiteboard-page? (not sidebar?))
[:div ((state/get-component :whiteboard/tldraw-preview) page-name)] ;; FIXME: this is not reactive
(when (and (not sidebar?) (not block?))
(when (or (mobile-util/native-platform?) (util/mobile?))
{:style {:margin-left -15}
:on-mouse-over (fn [e]
(page-mouse-over e *control-show? *all-collapsed?))
:on-mouse-leave (fn [e]
(page-mouse-leave e *control-show?))}
(page-blocks-collapse-control title *control-show? *all-collapsed?)])
(let [original-name (:block/original-name (db/entity [:block/name (util/page-name-sanity-lc page-name)]))]
(when (and (not whiteboard?) original-name)
(page-title page-name {:journal? journal?
:fmt-journal? fmt-journal?
:preview? preview?
:*hover? (::hover-title? state)})))
(when (not config/publishing?)
(when config/lsp-enabled?
(plugins/hook-ui-slot :page-head-actions-slotted nil)
(plugins/hook-ui-items :pagebar)]))])
(if (and whiteboard-page? (not sidebar?))
[:div ((state/get-component :whiteboard/tldraw-preview) page-name)] ;; FIXME: this is not reactive
(when (and (not sidebar?) (not block?))
(when (or (mobile-util/native-platform?) (util/mobile?))
{:style {:margin-left -15}
:on-mouse-over (fn [e]
(page-mouse-over e *control-show? *all-collapsed?))
:on-mouse-leave (fn [e]
(page-mouse-leave e *control-show?))}
(page-blocks-collapse-control title *control-show? *all-collapsed?)])
(let [original-name (:block/original-name (db/entity [:block/name (util/page-name-sanity-lc page-name)]))]
(when (and (not whiteboard?) original-name)
(page-title page-name {:journal? journal?
:fmt-journal? fmt-journal?
:preview? preview?
:*hover? (::hover-title? state)})))
(when (not config/publishing?)
(when config/lsp-enabled?
(plugins/hook-ui-slot :page-head-actions-slotted nil)
(plugins/hook-ui-items :pagebar)]))])
(and db-based? (not block?))
(db-page/page-info page (::hover-title? state))]
(and db-based? (not block?))
(db-page/page-info page (::hover-title? state))]
(and (not db-based?) (not block?))
(and (not db-based?) (not block?))
(when (and block? (not sidebar?) (not whiteboard?))
(let [config {:id "block-parent"
:block? true}]
(component-block/breadcrumb config repo block-id {:level-limit 3})]))
(when (and block? (not sidebar?) (not whiteboard?))
(let [config {:id "block-parent"
:block? true}]
(component-block/breadcrumb config repo block-id {:level-limit 3})]))
(when (and db-based? (not block?) (not preview?))
(db-page/page-properties-react page {:configure? false}))
(when (and db-based? (not block?) (not preview?))
(db-page/page-properties-react page {:configure? false}))
;; blocks
(let [_ (and block? page (reset! *current-block-page (:block/name (:block/page page))))
_ (when (and block? (not page))
(route-handler/redirect-to-page! @*current-block-page))]
(page-blocks-cp repo page {:sidebar? sidebar? :whiteboard? whiteboard?}))]])
;; blocks
(if loading?
(shui-ui/skeleton {:class "h-6 w-full"})
(shui-ui/skeleton {:class "h-6 w-full"})]
(let [_ (and block? page (reset! *current-block-page (:block/name (:block/page page))))
_ (when (and block? (not page))
(route-handler/redirect-to-page! @*current-block-page))]
(page-blocks-cp repo page {:sidebar? sidebar? :whiteboard? whiteboard?})))]])
(when today?
(today-queries repo today? sidebar?))
(when today?
(today-queries repo today? sidebar?))
(when today?
(scheduled/scheduled-and-deadlines page-name))
(when today?
(scheduled/scheduled-and-deadlines page-name))
(when-not block?
(tagged-pages repo page-name page-original-name))
(when-not block?
(tagged-pages repo page-name page-original-name))
;; referenced blocks
(when-not block-or-whiteboard?
(when page
[:div {:key "page-references"}
(reference/references route-page-name)
(str route-page-name "-refs"))]))
(when-not block-or-whiteboard?
(when page
[:div {:key "page-references"}
(reference/references route-page-name)
(str route-page-name "-refs"))]))
(when-not block-or-whiteboard?
(when (not journal?)
(hierarchy/structures route-page-name)))
(when-not block-or-whiteboard?
(when (not journal?)
(hierarchy/structures route-page-name)))
(when-not (or block-or-whiteboard? sidebar? home?)
[:div {:key "page-unlinked-references"}
(reference/unlinked-references route-page-name)])])))))
(when-not (or block-or-whiteboard? sidebar? home?)
[:div {:key "page-unlinked-references"}
(reference/unlinked-references route-page-name)])])))))))
(rum/defcs page < rum/static
[state option]

View File

@ -236,3 +236,8 @@
(->> result
(defn <fetch-all-pages
(when-let [^Object worker @db-browser/*worker]
(.fetch-all-pages worker graph)))

View File

@ -91,7 +91,8 @@
(defn- <q-aux
[repo db query-fn inputs-fn k query inputs]
(let [kv? (and (vector? k) (= :kv (second k)))
q (if util/node-test?
journals? (and (vector? k) (= :frontend.worker.react/journals (last k)))
q (if (or journals? util/node-test?)
(fn [query inputs] (apply d/q query db inputs))
(fn [query inputs] (apply db-async-util/<q repo (cons query inputs))))]
(when (or query-fn query kv?)

View File

@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
[promesa.core :as p]
[cljs-time.core :as t]
[logseq.db.sqlite.common-db :as sqlite-common-db]
[clojure.edn :as edn]))
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[frontend.db.async :as db-async]
[clojure.core.async :as async]))
(defn- old-schema?
@ -47,7 +49,9 @@
;; (db-migrate/migrate attached-db)
(p/let [_ (p/delay 150)] ; More time for UI refresh
(state/set-state! :graph/loading? false)
(state/pub-event! [:ui/re-render-root]))))
(state/set-state! :graph/loading? false)
(state/pub-event! [:ui/re-render-root])
(async/<! (async/timeout 100))
(db-async/<fetch-all-pages repo))))

View File

@ -377,24 +377,22 @@
[_this repo]
(when-let [conn (worker-state/get-datascript-conn repo)]
(let [data (->> (sqlite-common-db/get-initial-data @conn)
;; (comment
;; (async/go
;; ;; TODO: after UI db transacted
;; (async/<! (async/timeout 500))
;; (let [all-pages (sqlite-common-db/get-all-pages @conn)
;; all-files (sqlite-common-db/get-all-files @conn)
;; full-data (concat all-files all-pages)
;; partitioned-data (map-indexed (fn [idx p] [idx p]) (partition-all 2000 full-data))]
;; (doseq [[idx tx-data] partitioned-data]
;; (worker-util/post-message :sync-db-changes (pr-str
;; {:repo repo
;; :tx-data tx-data
;; :tx-meta {:initial-pages? true
;; :end? (= idx (dec (count partitioned-data)))}}))
;; (async/<! (async/timeout 100))))))
(pr-str (sqlite-common-db/get-initial-data @conn))))
[_this repo]
(when-let [conn (worker-state/get-datascript-conn repo)]
(let [all-pages (sqlite-common-db/get-all-pages @conn)
partitioned-data (map-indexed (fn [idx p] [idx p]) (partition-all 2000 all-pages))]
(doseq [[idx tx-data] partitioned-data]
(worker-util/post-message :sync-db-changes (pr-str
{:repo repo
:tx-data tx-data
:tx-meta {:initial-pages? true
:end? (= idx (dec (count partitioned-data)))}}))
(async/<! (async/timeout 100)))))
[_this repo]