fix: db import of aliases

Also ignore :filters for now so they don't make graphs invalid and
add more tests for tags. Part of LOG-3176
Gabriel Horner 2024-07-11 23:12:07 -04:00
parent 33785dca66
commit 879e07b2f4
5 changed files with 37 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
(def internal-property-ident
[:or logseq-property-ident db-attribute-ident])
(defn- user-property?
(defn user-property?
"Determines if keyword/ident is a user property"
(db-property/user-property-namespace? (namespace kw)))

View File

@ -285,13 +285,16 @@
(def built-in-property-names
"Set of all built-in property names as keywords. Using in-memory property
names because these are legacy names already in a user's file graph"
(->> built-in-property-name-to-idents keys set))
(-> built-in-property-name-to-idents keys set
;; :filters is not in built-in-properties because it maps to 2 new properties
(conj :filters)))
(defn- update-built-in-property-values
[props {:keys [ignored-properties all-idents]} {:block/keys [content name]}]
(->> props
(keep (fn [[prop val]]
(if (= :icon prop)
;; FIXME: Migrate :filters to* properties
(if (#{:icon :filters} prop)
(do (swap! ignored-properties
{:property prop :value val :location (if name {:page name} {:block content})})
@ -307,11 +310,6 @@
(if (#{:page :block :created-at :updated-at} (keyword val)) (keyword val) (get-ident @all-idents (keyword val)))
(try (edn/read-string val)
(catch :default e
(js/console.error "Translating filters failed with:" e)
(into {})))
@ -634,14 +632,20 @@
;; Order matters as properties are referenced in block
(concat properties-tx deadline-properties-tx [block'])))
(defn- update-page-alias
[m page-names-to-uuids]
(update m :block/alias (fn [aliases]
(map #(vector :block/uuid (get-page-uuid page-names-to-uuids (:block/name %)))
(defn- build-new-page
[m db tag-classes page-names-to-uuids]
(-> m
;; Fix pages missing :block/original-name. Shouldn't happen
((fn [m']
(if-not (:block/original-name m')
(assoc m' :block/original-name (:block/name m'))
(-> (cond-> m
;; Fix pages missing :block/original-name. Shouldn't happen
(not (:block/original-name m))
(assoc :block/original-name (:block/name m))
(seq (:block/alias m))
(update-page-alias page-names-to-uuids))
;; TODO: org-mode content needs to be handled
(assoc :block/format :markdown)
@ -681,6 +685,8 @@
(when (seq block-changes)
(cond-> (merge block-changes {:block/uuid page-uuid})
(seq (:block/alias m))
(update-page-alias page-names-to-uuids)
(:block/tags m)
(update-page-tags @conn tag-classes page-names-to-uuids))))
(build-new-page m @conn tag-classes page-names-to-uuids)))

View File

@ -148,12 +148,12 @@
(is (= 16 (count (d/q '[:find ?b :where [?b :block/type "journal"]] @conn))))
;; Don't count pages like that have properties but no content
(is (= 4
(is (= 5
(count (->> (d/q '[:find [(pull ?b [:block/original-name :block/type]) ...]
:where [?b :block/original-name] [_ :block/page ?b]] @conn)
(filter #(= ["page"] (:block/type %))))))
"Correct number of pages with block content")
(is (= 0 (count @(:ignored-properties import-state))) "No ignored properties")
(is (= 1 (count @(:ignored-properties import-state))) ":filters should be the only ignored property")
(is (= 1 (count @assets))))
(testing "logseq files"
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
(testing "user properties"
(is (= 16
(is (= 17
(->> @conn
(d/q '[:find [(pull ?b [:db/ident]) ...]
:where [?b :block/type "property"]])
@ -259,6 +259,9 @@
(readable-properties @conn (find-block-by-content @conn "list one")))
"numered block has correct property")
(is (= #{"gpt"}
(:block/alias (readable-properties @conn (find-page-by-name @conn "chat-gpt")))))
(is (= { [:block :page] true}
@ -333,7 +336,10 @@
(is (= { #{"Movie"}}
(readable-properties @conn tagged-page))
"tagged page has tags imported as page-tags property by default")))))
"tagged page has existing page imported as a tag to page-tags")
(is (= #{"LargeLanguageModel" "fun" "ai"}
( (readable-properties @conn (find-page-by-name @conn "chat-gpt"))))
"tagged page has new page and other pages marked with '#' and '[[]]` imported as tags to page-tags")))))
(deftest-async export-file-with-tag-classes-option
(p/let [file-graph-dir "test/resources/exporter-test-graph"

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
parent:: [[CreativeWork]]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
filters:: {"contents" true}
type:: [[LargeLanguageModel]]
tags:: ai, #fun, [[LargeLanguageModel]]
alias:: gpt
- some text