perf: avoid unnessary block component rendering

Tienson Qin 2023-09-06 21:15:07 +08:00
parent c07da6cc80
commit 89186a438e
4 changed files with 184 additions and 168 deletions

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@ -12,23 +12,22 @@
(defn make-context [{:keys [block-config app-config inline int->local-time-2]}]
{;; Shui needs access to the global configuration of the application
:config app-config
;; Until components are converted over, they need to fallback to the old inline function
;; Until components are converted over, they need to fallback to the old inline function
;; Wrap the old inline function to allow for interception, but fallback to the old inline function
:inline-block (inline->inline-block inline block-config)
:inline-block (inline->inline-block inline block-config)
:map-inline-block (inline->map-inline-block inline block-config)
;; Currently frontend component are provided an object map containin at least the following keys:
;; These will be passed through in a whitelisted fashion so as to be able to track the dependencies
;; These will be passed through in a whitelisted fashion so as to be able to track the dependencies
;; back to the core application
;; TODO: document the following
:block (:block block-config) ;; the db entity of the current block
:block? (:block? block-config)
:blocks-container-id (:blocks-container-id block-config)
:editor-box (:editor-box block-config)
:id (:id block-config)
:id (:id block-config)
:mode? (:mode? block-config)
:query-result (:query-result block-config)
:sidebar? (:sidebar? block-config)
:start-time (:start-time block-config)
:uuid (:uuid block-config)
:whiteboard? (:whiteboard? block-config)
;; Some functions from logseq's application will be used in the shui components. To avoid circular dependencies,

View File

@ -2805,148 +2805,133 @@
(let [top (.-top (.getBoundingClientRect ref))]
(not (<= top (+ js/window.innerHeight 1000)))))))
(rum/defcs ^:large-vars/cleanup-todo block-container-inner < rum/reactive db-mixins/query
(rum/local nil ::ref)
(rum/local nil ::hidden?)
{:did-mount (fn [state]
(let [hide? (hide-block? @(::ref state))]
(reset! (::hidden? state) hide?)
[inner-state state repo config* block {:keys [edit? edit-input-id navigating-block navigated?]}]
(let [*hidden? (::hidden? inner-state)
*ref (::ref inner-state)
_scroll-top (state/sub :ui/main-container-scroll-top)]
(when-not (nil? @*hidden?)
(reset! *hidden? (hide-block? @*ref)))
(rum/defc ^:large-vars/cleanup-todo block-container-inner < rum/reactive db-mixins/query
[state repo config* block {:keys [edit? edit-input-id navigating-block navigated?]}]
(let [ref? (:ref? config*)
custom-query? (boolean (:custom-query? config*))
ref-or-custom-query? (or ref? custom-query?)
*navigating-block (get state ::navigating-block)
{:block/keys [uuid pre-block? refs content properties]} block
config (build-config config* block {:navigated? navigated? :navigating-block navigating-block})
level (:level config)
blocks-container-id (:blocks-container-id config)
heading? (pu/lookup properties :heading)
*control-show? (get state ::control-show?)
db-collapsed? (util/collapsed? block)
collapsed? (cond
(or ref-or-custom-query? (root-block? config block))
(state/sub-collapsed uuid)
[:div {:ref (fn [r] (when-not @*ref (reset! *ref r)))}
(if (and (not edit?) @*hidden?)
[:div {:style {:height 24}}]
(let [ref? (:ref? config*)
custom-query? (boolean (:custom-query? config*))
ref-or-custom-query? (or ref? custom-query?)
*navigating-block (get state ::navigating-block)
{:block/keys [uuid pre-block? refs content properties]} block
config (build-config config* block {:navigated? navigated? :navigating-block navigating-block})
level (:level config)
blocks-container-id (:blocks-container-id config)
heading? (pu/lookup properties :heading)
*control-show? (get state ::control-show?)
db-collapsed? (util/collapsed? block)
collapsed? (cond
(or ref-or-custom-query? (root-block? config block))
(state/sub-collapsed uuid)
breadcrumb-show? (:breadcrumb-show? config)
*show-left-menu? (::show-block-left-menu? state)
*show-right-menu? (::show-block-right-menu? state)
slide? (boolean (:slide? config))
doc-mode? (:document/mode? config)
embed? (:embed? config)
reference? (:reference? config)
whiteboard-block? (pu/shape-block? block)
block-id (str "ls-block-" blocks-container-id "-" uuid)
has-child? (first (:block/_parent (db/entity (:db/id block))))
top? (:top? config)
original-block (:original-block config)
attrs (on-drag-and-mouse-attrs block original-block uuid top? block-id *move-to)
children-refs (get-children-refs block)
data-refs (build-refs-data-value children-refs)
data-refs-self (build-refs-data-value refs)
card? (string/includes? data-refs-self "\"card\"")
review-cards? (:review-cards? config)
own-number-list? (:own-order-number-list? config)
order-list? (boolean own-number-list?)
selected? (when-not slide?
(state/sub-block-selected? blocks-container-id uuid))]
{:id block-id
:data-refs data-refs
:data-refs-self data-refs-self
:data-collapsed (and collapsed? has-child?)
:class (str (str "id" uuid) ; ID starts with a number can't be selected
(when pre-block? " pre-block")
(when (and card? (not review-cards?)) " shadow-md")
(when selected? " selected")
(when order-list? " is-order-list")
(when (string/blank? content) " is-blank"))
:blockid (str uuid)
:haschild (str (boolean has-child?))}
breadcrumb-show? (:breadcrumb-show? config)
*show-left-menu? (::show-block-left-menu? state)
*show-right-menu? (::show-block-right-menu? state)
slide? (boolean (:slide? config))
doc-mode? (:document/mode? config)
embed? (:embed? config)
reference? (:reference? config)
whiteboard-block? (pu/shape-block? block)
block-id (str "ls-block-" blocks-container-id "-" uuid)
has-child? (first (:block/_parent (db/entity (:db/id block))))
top? (zero? (:idx config))
original-block (:original-block config)
attrs (on-drag-and-mouse-attrs block original-block uuid top? block-id *move-to)
children-refs (get-children-refs block)
data-refs (build-refs-data-value children-refs)
data-refs-self (build-refs-data-value refs)
card? (string/includes? data-refs-self "\"card\"")
review-cards? (:review-cards? config)
own-number-list? (:own-order-number-list? config)
order-list? (boolean own-number-list?)
selected? (when-not slide?
(state/sub-block-selected? blocks-container-id uuid))]
{:id block-id
:data-refs data-refs
:data-refs-self data-refs-self
:data-collapsed (and collapsed? has-child?)
:class (str (str "id" uuid) ; ID starts with a number can't be selected
(when pre-block? " pre-block")
(when (and card? (not review-cards?)) " shadow-md")
(when selected? " selected")
(when order-list? " is-order-list")
(when (string/blank? content) " is-blank"))
:blockid (str uuid)
:haschild (str (boolean has-child?))}
(assoc :originalblockid (str (:block/uuid original-block)))
(assoc :originalblockid (str (:block/uuid original-block)))
(assoc :level level)
(assoc :level level)
(not slide?)
(merge attrs)
(not slide?)
(merge attrs)
(or reference? embed?)
(assoc :data-transclude true)
(or reference? embed?)
(assoc :data-transclude true)
(assoc :data-embed true)
(assoc :data-embed true)
(assoc :data-query true))
(assoc :data-query true))
(when (and ref? breadcrumb-show?)
(breadcrumb config repo uuid {:show-page? false
:indent? true
:navigating-block *navigating-block}))
(when (and ref? breadcrumb-show?)
(breadcrumb config repo uuid {:show-page? false
:indent? true
:navigating-block *navigating-block}))
;; only render this for the first block in each container
(when top?
(dnd-separator-wrapper block block-id slide? true false))
(when top?
(dnd-separator-wrapper block block-id slide? true false))
{:class (if (and heading? (seq (:block/title block))) "items-baseline" "")
:on-touch-start (fn [event uuid] (block-handler/on-touch-start event uuid))
:on-touch-move (fn [event]
(block-handler/on-touch-move event block uuid edit? *show-left-menu? *show-right-menu?))
:on-touch-end (fn [event]
(block-handler/on-touch-end event block uuid *show-left-menu? *show-right-menu?))
:on-touch-cancel (fn [_e]
(block-handler/on-touch-cancel *show-left-menu? *show-right-menu?))
:on-mouse-over (fn [e]
(block-mouse-over e *control-show? block-id doc-mode?))
:on-mouse-leave (fn [e]
(block-mouse-leave e *control-show? block-id doc-mode?))}
(when (not slide?)
(block-control config block uuid block-id collapsed? *control-show? edit?))
{:class (if (and heading? (seq (:block/title block))) "items-baseline" "")
:on-touch-start (fn [event uuid] (block-handler/on-touch-start event uuid))
:on-touch-move (fn [event]
(block-handler/on-touch-move event block uuid edit? *show-left-menu? *show-right-menu?))
:on-touch-end (fn [event]
(block-handler/on-touch-end event block uuid *show-left-menu? *show-right-menu?))
:on-touch-cancel (fn [_e]
(block-handler/on-touch-cancel *show-left-menu? *show-right-menu?))
:on-mouse-over (fn [e]
(block-mouse-over e *control-show? block-id doc-mode?))
:on-mouse-leave (fn [e]
(block-mouse-leave e *control-show? block-id doc-mode?))}
(when (not slide?)
(block-control config block uuid block-id collapsed? *control-show? edit?))
(when @*show-left-menu?
(block-left-menu config block))
(when @*show-left-menu?
(block-left-menu config block))
(if whiteboard-block?
(block-reference {} (str uuid) nil)
(if whiteboard-block?
(block-reference {} (str uuid) nil)
;; Not embed self
(let [block (merge block (block/parse-title-and-body uuid (:block/format block) pre-block? content))
hide-block-refs-count? (and (:embed? config)
(= (:block/uuid block) (:embed-id config)))]
(block-content-or-editor config block edit-input-id block-id edit? hide-block-refs-count? selected?))
(when (and (config/db-based-graph? repo) (not collapsed?))
(db-properties-cp config
{:selected? selected?
:in-block-container? true}))])
(let [block (merge block (block/parse-title-and-body uuid (:block/format block) pre-block? content))
hide-block-refs-count? (and (:embed? config)
(= (:block/uuid block) (:embed-id config)))]
(block-content-or-editor config block edit-input-id block-id edit? hide-block-refs-count? selected?))
(when (and (config/db-based-graph? repo) (not collapsed?))
(db-properties-cp config
{:selected? selected?
:in-block-container? true}))])
(when @*show-right-menu?
(block-right-menu config block edit?))]
(when @*show-right-menu?
(block-right-menu config block edit?))]
(when-not (:hide-children? config)
(let [children (db/sort-by-left (:block/_parent block) block)
config' (-> (update config :level inc)
(dissoc :original-block))]
(block-children config' block children collapsed?)))
(when-not (:hide-children? config)
(let [children (db/sort-by-left (:block/_parent block) block)
config' (-> (update config :level inc)
(dissoc :original-block))]
(block-children config' block children collapsed?)))
(dnd-separator-wrapper block block-id slide? false false)]))]))
(dnd-separator-wrapper block block-id slide? false false)]))
(defn- block-changed?
[old-block new-block]
@ -3384,7 +3369,7 @@
[config col]
(map #(markup-element-cp config %) col))
(rum/defcs block-item <
(rum/defc block-item-inner <
{:should-update (fn [old-state new-state]
(let [config-compare-keys [:show-cloze? :hide-children? :own-order-list-type :own-order-list-index :original-block]
b1 (second (:rum/args old-state))
@ -3395,7 +3380,7 @@
(not= (select-keys (first (:rum/args old-state)) config-compare-keys)
(select-keys (first (:rum/args new-state)) config-compare-keys)))]
(boolean result)))}
[state config item {:keys [top? bottom?]}]
[config item {:keys [top? bottom?]}]
(let [original-block item
linked-block (:block/link item)
item (or linked-block item)
@ -3414,19 +3399,54 @@
(when linked-block
(str "-" (:block/uuid original-block)))))))
(defn- get-hidden-atom
[sub-id *ref]
(rum/derived-atom [(:ui/main-container-scroll-top @state/state)] [::lazy-display sub-id]
(fn [top]
(boolean (hide-block? @*ref)))))
(rum/defcs block-item < rum/reactive
{:init (fn [state]
(let [id (random-uuid)
*ref (atom nil)
*hidden? (get-hidden-atom id *ref)]
(assoc state ::sub-id id ::ref *ref ::hidden? *hidden?)))
:should-update (fn [old-state new-state]
(let [args-1 (:rum/args old-state)
args-2 (:rum/args new-state)]
(not= [(first args-1) (last args-1)]
[(first args-2) (last args-2)])))
:did-mount (fn [state]
(let [hide? (hide-block? @(::ref state))]
(reset! (::hidden? state) hide?)
[state config item opts]
(let [*hidden? (::hidden? state)
hidden? (rum/react *hidden?)
*ref (::ref state)]
[:div {:ref (fn [r] (when-not @*ref (reset! *ref r)))
:key (str "item-"
(:blocks-container-id config)
(:block/uuid item))}
(if hidden?
[:div {:style {:height 24}}]
(block-item-inner config item opts))]))
(defn- block-list
[config blocks]
(for [[idx item] (medley/indexed blocks)]
(let [top? (zero? idx)
bottom? (= (count blocks) (inc idx))]
(block-item (assoc config :idx idx) item {:top? top?
:bottom? bottom?})
(block-item (assoc config :top? top?) item
{:top? top?
:bottom? bottom?})
(str "blocks-" (:blocks-container-id config)
(:block/uuid item))))))
(rum/defcs blocks-container <
(rum/defcs blocks-container < rum/static
{:init (fn [state] (assoc state ::init-blocks-container-id (atom nil)))}
[state blocks config]
(let [*init-blocks-container-id (::init-blocks-container-id state)
@ -3438,10 +3458,9 @@
config (assoc config :blocks-container-id blocks-container-id)
doc-mode? (:document/mode? config)]
(when (seq blocks)
(let [config (assoc config :start-time (util/time-ms))]
{:class (when doc-mode? "document-mode")}
(block-list config blocks)]))))
(block-list config blocks)])))
(rum/defcs breadcrumb-with-container < rum/reactive db-mixins/query
{:init (fn [state]

View File

@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
(ui/icon "circle-plus")]]]])
(rum/defcs page-blocks-cp < rum/reactive db-mixins/query
(rum/local nil ::ref)
{:will-mount (fn [state]
(let [page-e (second (:rum/args state))
page-name (:block/name page-e)]
@ -150,12 +149,11 @@
(not block?)
(empty? (:block/_parent block)))
(empty? (:block/_parent block)))
(dummy-block page-name)
(let [*ref (::ref state)
document-mode? (state/sub :document/mode?)
(let [document-mode? (state/sub :document/mode?)
hiccup-config (merge
{:id (if block? (str block-id) page-name)
:db/id (:db/id block)
@ -165,7 +163,7 @@
config (common-handler/config-with-document-mode hiccup-config)
blocks (if block? [block] (db/sort-by-left (:block/_parent block) block))]
[:div {:ref #(reset! *ref %)}
(page-blocks-inner page-name block blocks config sidebar? whiteboard? block-id)
(when-not config/publishing?
(let [args (if block-id
@ -506,15 +504,14 @@
page-name (util/page-name-sanity-lc path-page-name)
block-id (parse-uuid page-name)
block? (boolean block-id)
db-id (if block?
(let [entity (db/entity [:block/uuid block-id])]
(:db/id entity))
(when-not (db/entity repo [:block/name page-name])
(let [m (block/page-name->map path-page-name true)]
(db/transact! repo [m])))
(:db/id (db/entity [:block/name page-name]))))
page (db/sub-block db-id)
page (if block?
(let [entity (db/entity [:block/uuid block-id])]
(when-not (db/entity repo [:block/name page-name])
(let [m (block/page-name->map path-page-name true)]
(db/transact! repo [m])))
(db/entity [:block/name page-name])))
block-id (:block/uuid page)
block? (some? (:block/page page))
journal? (db/journal-page? page-name)
@ -600,10 +597,7 @@
{:selected? false}))])
;; blocks
(let [page (if block?
(db/entity repo [:block/uuid block-id])
_ (and block? page (reset! *current-block-page (:block/name (:block/page page))))
(let [_ (and block? page (reset! *current-block-page (:block/name (:block/page page))))
_ (when (and block? (not page))
(route-handler/redirect-to-page! @*current-block-page))]
(page-blocks-cp repo page {:sidebar? sidebar? :whiteboard? whiteboard?}))]])

View File

@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
;; remember scroll positions of visited paths
:ui/paths-scroll-positions (atom {})
:ui/main-container-scroll-top (atom nil)
:ui/shortcut-tooltip? (if (false? (storage/get :ui/shortcut-tooltip?))
@ -120,11 +121,11 @@
:editor/in-composition? false
:editor/content (atom {})
:editor/block (atom nil)
:editor/block-dom-id nil
:editor/block-dom-id (atom nil)
:editor/set-timestamp-block nil ;; click rendered block timestamp-cp to set timestamp
:editor/last-input-time (atom {})
:editor/document-mode? document-mode?
:editor/args nil
:editor/args (atom nil)
:editor/on-paste? (atom false)
:editor/last-key-code (atom nil)
:editor/block-op-type nil ;; :cut, :copy
@ -1301,7 +1302,7 @@ Similar to re-frame subscriptions"
(defn get-editing-block-dom-id
(:editor/block-dom-id @state))
@(:editor/block-dom-id @state))
(defn set-root-component!
@ -1353,7 +1354,8 @@ Similar to re-frame subscriptions"
(defn save-main-container-position!
(set-state! :ui/main-container-scroll-top value))
(when (not= value @(:ui/main-container-scroll-top @state))
(set-state! :ui/main-container-scroll-top value)))
(defn get-saved-scroll-position
@ -1860,7 +1862,7 @@ Similar to re-frame subscriptions"
(defn get-editor-args
(:editor/args @state))
@(:editor/args @state))
(defn set-page-blocks-cp!
@ -1907,13 +1909,15 @@ Similar to re-frame subscriptions"
:block.temp/container (gobj/get container "id"))
content (string/trim (or content ""))]
(swap! state
(fn [state]
(-> state
:editor/editing? {edit-input-id true}
:editor/set-timestamp-block nil
:cursor-range cursor-range))))
"swap! state"
(swap! state
(fn [state]
(-> state
:editor/editing? {edit-input-id true}
:editor/set-timestamp-block nil
:cursor-range cursor-range)))))
(set-state! :editor/block block)
(set-state! :editor/content content :path-in-sub-atom edit-input-id)
(set-state! :editor/last-key-code nil)