Add image upload

Tienson Qin 2020-05-04 23:08:53 +08:00
parent 4d67fa284b
commit 8c137d91b0
4 changed files with 65 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -29,7 +29,9 @@
["Link" link-steps]
;; same as link
["Image Link" link-steps]
["Upload a file" nil]
["Upload an image" [[:editor/click-hidden-file-input :id]]]
;; TODO:
;; ["Upload a file" nil]
;; Allow user to modify or extend, should specify how to extend.
(:config @state/state))
@ -69,6 +71,10 @@
(defmethod handle-step :editor/show-input [[_ option]]
(state/set-editor-show-input option))
(defmethod handle-step :editor/click-hidden-file-input [[_ input-id]]
(when-let [input-file (gdom/getElement "upload-file")]
(.click input-file)))
(defmethod handle-step :default [[type & _args]]
(prn "No handler for step: " type))

View File

@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
(def *matched-commands (atom nil))
(defonce *slash-caret-pos (atom nil))
(defn- append-command!
(defn- insert-command!
[id command-output]
;; replace string
(string? command-output)
(handler/append-command! command-output)
(handler/insert-command! id command-output (:pos @*slash-caret-pos))
;; steps
(vector? command-output)
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
(map first matched)
(fn [chosen]
(append-command! id (get (into {} matched) chosen)))
(insert-command! id (get (into {} matched) chosen)))
{:style {:top (+ top 20)
:left left
:width 400}}))))
@ -193,14 +193,17 @@
(defn get-matched-commands
(let [edit-content (gobj/get input "value")
last-command (commands/get-command-input edit-content)]
pos (:pos (util/get-caret-pos input))
last-command (subs edit-content
(:pos @*slash-caret-pos)
(and (= \/ (last edit-content))
(>= (count edit-content) 2)
(contains? #{" " "\r" "\n" "\t"} (nth edit-content (- (count edit-content) 2))))
(= edit-content "/"))
(and (= \/ (nth edit-content (dec pos)))
;; (or
;; (and
;; (>= (count edit-content) 2)
;; (contains? #{" " "\r" "\n" "\t"} (nth edit-content (- (count edit-content) 2))))
;; (= edit-content "/"))
(and last-command
(commands/get-matched-commands last-command)))))
@ -247,18 +250,19 @@
;; /
{191 (fn [state e]
(when-let [matched-commands (seq (get-matched-commands input))]
(reset! *show-commands true)
(reset! *slash-caret-pos (util/get-caret-pos input))))}
(fn [e key-code]
(when (not= key-code 191)
(when (not= key-code 191) ; not /
(let [matched-commands (get-matched-commands input)]
(if (seq matched-commands)
(if (= key-code 9) ;tab
(util/stop e)
(append-command! input-id (last (first matched-commands))))
(insert-command! input-id (last (first matched-commands))))
(reset! *matched-commands matched-commands)
(reset! *show-commands true)))
@ -310,4 +314,29 @@
(when-let [editor (gdom/getElement id)]
(.focus editor))
(handler/editor-set-new-value! new-value)))
(state/set-editor-show-input nil))))]))
(state/set-editor-show-input nil))))
{:id "upload-file"
:type "file"
:on-change (fn [e]
(let [files (.-files (.-target e))]
(fn [file file-name file-type]
file file-name file-type
(fn [signed-url]
;; insert into the text
(let [pos (:pos @*slash-caret-pos)
current-pos (:pos (util/get-caret-pos (gdom/getElement id)))
new-value (string/trimr
(util/format "%s [[%s][%s]] %s"
(subs value 0 (max 0 (dec (dec pos))))
(subs value current-pos)))]
(when-let [editor (gdom/getElement id)]
(.focus editor))
(handler/editor-set-new-value! new-value))))))))
:hidden true}]]))

View File

@ -559,7 +559,6 @@
(fn [{:keys [signed-url]}]
(if signed-url
(prn "Get a singed url: " signed-url)
(url-handler signed-url))
(prn "Something error, can't get a valid signed url.")))
(fn [error]
@ -621,7 +620,7 @@
(when-let [edit-content (state/get-edit-content)]
(when (= \/ (last edit-content))
(let [new-value (subs edit-content 0 (dec (count edit-content)))]
(state/set-edit-content! new-value)))))
(state/set-edit-content! new-value)))))
(defn append-edit-content!
@ -632,14 +631,21 @@
(when-let [current-input (gdom/getElement input-id)]
(util/move-cursor-to-end current-input))))))
(defn append-command!
(defn insert-command!
[id value current-slash-pos]
(when-let [edit-content (state/get-edit-content)]
(let [new-value (util/replace-last "/" edit-content (str append-value))]
(let [input (gdom/getElement id)
current-pos (:pos (util/get-caret-pos input))
prefix (util/replace-last "/"
(subs edit-content 0 current-pos)
(str value))
new-value (str
(subs edit-content current-pos))]
(state/set-edit-content! new-value)
(when-let [input-id (state/get-edit-input-id)]
(when-let [current-input (gdom/getElement input-id)]
(util/move-cursor-to-end current-input))))))
(util/move-cursor-to input (count prefix)))))))
(defn editor-set-new-value!
@ -648,18 +654,6 @@
(when-let [current-input (gdom/getElement input-id)]
(util/move-cursor-to-end current-input))))
(defn insert-image!
;; (let [content (state/get-edit-content)
;; image (str "<img src=\"" image-url "\" />")
;; new-content (str content "\n" "#+BEGIN_EXPORT html\n" image "\n#+END_EXPORT\n")
;; ;; node @state/edit-node
;; ]
;; (state/set-edit-content! new-content)
;; (set! (.-value node) new-content)
;; (util/move-cursor-to-end node))
(defn search
(swap! state/state assoc :search/result (search/search q)))

View File

@ -432,3 +432,7 @@
(let [{:keys [pos]} (get-caret-pos input)]
(set! (.-selectionStart input) (+ pos n))
(set! (.-selectionEnd input) (+ pos n))))
(defn move-cursor-to [input n]
(set! (.-selectionStart input) n)
(set! (.-selectionEnd input) n))