Merge branch 'whiteboards' into enhance/whiteboards-tests

Konstantinos Kaloutas 2022-09-05 12:41:01 +03:00
commit 8c3bc8ad29
13 changed files with 134 additions and 117 deletions

View File

@ -122,9 +122,10 @@ jobs:
- name: Set Build Environment Variables (only when workflow_dispath)
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' }}
# if scheduled, use default settings
run: |
echo "ENABLE_PLUGINS=${{ github.event.inputs.enable-plugins }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "ENABLE_FILE_SYNC_PRODUCTION=${{ github.event.inputs.enable-file-sync-production }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "ENABLE_PLUGINS=${{ github.event_name == 'schedule' || github.event.inputs.enable-plugins == 'true' }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "ENABLE_FILE_SYNC_PRODUCTION=${{ github.event_name == 'schedule' || github.event.inputs.enable-file-sync-production == 'true' }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Compile CLJS
run: yarn install && gulp build && yarn cljs:release-electron
@ -426,7 +427,8 @@ jobs:
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'schedule' || == 'true' }}
build-target: "${{ }}"
enable-file-sync-production: "${{ github.event.inputs.enable-file-sync-production == 'true' }}"
# if scheduled, use production mode
enable-file-sync-production: "${{ github.event_name == 'schedule' || github.event.inputs.enable-file-sync-production == 'true' }}"

View File

@ -8,16 +8,17 @@
;; Keep same as main/frontend.util.url
(def decode js/decodeURI)
(def decode-param js/decodeURIComponent)
(defn get-URL-decoded-params
"Get decoded URL parameters from parsed js/URL.
`nil` for non-existing keys."
[^js parsed-url keys]
`nil` for non-existing keys.
URL.searchParams are already decoded:"
[^js/URL parsed-url keys]
(let [params (.-searchParams parsed-url)]
(map (fn [key]
(when-let [value (.get params key)]
(decode-param value)))
(defn graph-identifier-error-handler
@ -59,7 +60,7 @@
(defn- x-callback-url-handler
"win - a window used for fallback (main window is prefered)"
[^js win parsed-url]
[^js win ^js/URL parsed-url]
(let [action (.-pathname parsed-url)]
(= action "/quickCapture")

View File

@ -237,8 +237,8 @@
["Upload an asset" [[:editor/click-hidden-file-input :id]] "Upload file types like image, pdf, docx, etc.)"]
["Upload an image" [[:editor/click-hidden-file-input :id]]])]
;; ["Upload an image" [[:editor/click-hidden-file-input :id]]]

View File

@ -4247,7 +4247,7 @@
:settings "Ayarlar"
:settings-of-plugins "Eklenti ayarları"
:plugins "Eklentiler"
:themes "Temelar"
:themes "Temalar"
:developer-mode-alert "Eklenti sistemini etkinleştirmek için uygulamayı yeniden başlatmanız gerekir. Şimdi yeniden başlatmak istiyor musunuz?"
:relaunch-confirm-to-work "Çalışması için uygulama yeniden başlatılmalı. Şimdi yeniden başlatmak istiyor musunuz?"
:import "İçeri aktar"

View File

@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
;; - logseq/version-files
;; downloaded version-files
;; files included by `get-ignored-files` will not be synchronized.
;; files in these `get-monitored-dirs` dirs will be synchronized.
;; sync strategy:
;; - when toggle file-sync on,
@ -153,23 +152,22 @@
;;; ### configs in config.edn
;; - :file-sync/ignore-files
;; - :file-sync/monitor-dirs
(defn- get-ignored-files
(into #{#"logseq/graphs-txid.edn$"
;; path starts with `.` in the root directory, e.g. .gitignore
;; path includes `/.`, e.g. .git, .DS_store
;; Emacs/Vim backup files end with `~` by default
(map re-pattern)
(:file-sync/ignore-files (state/get-config))))
(defn- get-monitor-dirs
(into #{#"^assets/" #"^journals/" #"^logseq/" #"^pages/" #"^draws/" #"^whiteboards/"}
(map #(re-pattern (str "^" % "/")))
(:file-sync/monitor-dirs (state/get-config))))
;;; ### configs ends
(def ws-addr config/WS-URL)
@ -354,9 +352,6 @@
"\" (updated? " updated? ", renamed? " (.renamed? coll) ", deleted? " deleted?
", txid " txid ", checksum " checksum ")]")))
(defn- contains-path? [regexps path]
(reduce #(when (re-find %2 path) (reduced true)) false regexps))
(defn- assert-filetxns
(every? true?
@ -441,16 +436,16 @@
(map list ts))))
(defn- filter-filetxns-by-config
"return transducer.
filter filetxns by `get-ignored-files` and `get-monitored-dirs`"
(let [ignored-files (get-ignored-files)
monitored-dirs (get-monitor-dirs)]
#(let [path (relative-path %)]
(and (contains-path? monitored-dirs path)
(not (contains-path? ignored-files path)))))))
(defn- contains-path? [regexps path]
(reduce #(when (re-find %2 path) (reduced true)) false regexps))
(defn ignored?
"Whether file is ignored when syncing."
(contains-path? (relative-path path))
(defn- diffs->partitioned-filetxns
@ -465,7 +460,7 @@
(map diff->filetxns)
(remove ignored?)
(partition-filetxns n)))
@ -1549,15 +1544,15 @@
[type {:keys [dir path _content stat] :as _payload}]
(when-let [current-graph (state/get-current-repo)]
(when (string/ends-with? current-graph dir)
(when-not (some-> (state/get-file-sync-state current-graph)
(when (or (:mtime stat) (= type "unlink"))
(let [path (remove-dir-prefix dir path)
files-meta (and (not= "unlink" type)
(<! (<get-local-files-meta rsapi "" dir [path])))
checksum (and (coll? files-meta) (some-> files-meta first :etag))]
(>! local-changes-chan (->FileChangeEvent type dir path stat checksum)))))))))
(let [sync-state (state/get-file-sync-state current-graph)]
(when (and sync-state (not (sync-state--stopped? sync-state)))
(when (or (:mtime stat) (= type "unlink"))
(let [path (remove-dir-prefix dir path)
files-meta (and (not= "unlink" type)
(<! (<get-local-files-meta rsapi "" dir [path])))
checksum (and (coll? files-meta) (some-> files-meta first :etag))]
(>! local-changes-chan (->FileChangeEvent type dir path stat checksum))))))))))
(defn local-changes-revised-chan-builder
"return chan"
@ -1981,7 +1976,9 @@
add-history? (update :history add-history-items paths now))))
(defn sync-state--stopped?
"Graph syncing is stopped"
{:pre [(s/valid? ::sync-state sync-state)]}
(= ::stop (:state sync-state)))
;;; ### remote->local syncer & local->remote syncer
@ -2172,8 +2169,7 @@
(or (string/starts-with? (.-dir e) base-path)
(string/starts-with? (str "file://" (.-dir e)) base-path)) ; valid path prefix
(not (contains-path? (get-ignored-files) (relative-path e))) ;not ignored
(contains-path? (get-monitor-dirs) (relative-path e)) ; dir is monitored
(not (ignored? e)) ;not ignored
;; download files will also trigger file-change-events, ignore them
(let [r (not (contains? (:recent-remote->local-files @*sync-state)
(<! (<file-change-event=>recent-remote->local-file-item e))))]
@ -2220,10 +2216,9 @@
(if (empty? es)
(go {:succ true})
(let [type (.-type ^FileChangeEvent (first es))
ignored-files (get-ignored-files)
es->paths-xf (comp
(map #(relative-path %))
(filter #(not (contains-path? ignored-files %))))]
(remove ignored?))]
(let [es* (<! (<filter-checksum-not-consistent es))
_ (when (not= (count es*) (count es))
@ -2295,18 +2290,13 @@
(let [remote-all-files-meta remote-all-files-meta-or-exp
local-all-files-meta (<! local-all-files-meta-c)
diff-local-files (diff-file-metadata-sets local-all-files-meta remote-all-files-meta)
monitored-dirs (get-monitor-dirs)
ignored-files (get-ignored-files)
;; convert to FileChangeEvent
(map #(->FileChangeEvent "change" base-path (.get-normalized-path ^FileMetadata %)
{:size (:size %)} (:etag %)))
;; filter ignore-files & monitored-dirs
(filter #(let [path (relative-path %)]
(and (not (contains-path? ignored-files path))
(contains-path? monitored-dirs path)))))
(remove ignored?))
@ -2724,10 +2714,13 @@
;; stop previous sync
(<! (<sync-stop))
(when-some [sm (sync-manager-singleton current-user-uuid graph-uuid
(config/get-repo-dir repo) repo
txid *sync-state)]
(when (and repo (not (config/demo-graph? repo)))
(when (and user-uuid graph-uuid txid
(not (config/demo-graph? repo)))
(when-some [sm (sync-manager-singleton current-user-uuid graph-uuid
(config/get-repo-dir repo) repo
txid *sync-state)]
;; 1. if remote graph has been deleted, clear graphs-txid.edn
;; 2. if graphs-txid.edn's content isn't [user-uuid graph-uuid txid], clear it
(if (not= 3 (count @graphs-txid))

View File

@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
(def refresh-file-sync-component (atom false))
(defn get-current-graph-uuid [] (second @sync/graphs-txid))
(defn enable-sync?
(or (state/enable-sync?)
@ -58,7 +61,7 @@
(defn <delete-graph
(when (= graph-uuid @sync/graphs-txid)
(when (= graph-uuid (get-current-graph-uuid))
(<! (sync/<sync-stop)))
(let [r (<! (sync/<delete-graph sync/remoteapi graph-uuid))]
(if (instance? ExceptionInfo r)
@ -159,7 +162,6 @@
(defn get-current-graph-uuid [] (second @sync/graphs-txid))
(def *wait-syncing-graph (atom nil))

View File

@ -1071,11 +1071,6 @@
(:me @state))
(defn deprecated-logged?
"Whether the user has logged in."
(defn set-db-restoring!
(set-state! :db/restoring? value))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
(ns frontend.fs.sync-test
(:require [frontend.fs.sync :as sync]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest are]]))
(deftest ignored?
(are [x y] (= y (sync/ignored? x))
".git" true
".gitignore" true
".DS_store" true
"foo/.DS_store" true
"logseq/graphs-txid.edn" true
"logseq/version-files/" true
"logseq/bak/" true
"node_modules/test" true
"foo/node_modules/" true
"backup~" true
"foo/backup~" true
"foo/" true
"pages/" false
"journals/" false

View File

@ -272,16 +272,8 @@
;; :media "[[quick capture]] **{time}**: {url}"}
;; File sync options
;; In addition to those directories created by Logseq,
;; files specified in the `:file-sync/monitor-dirs` directories will be synchronized too.
;; Directories created by Logseq include:
;; ["assets" "journals" "logseq" "pages" "draws"].
:file-sync/monitor-dirs []
;; Ignore these files when syncing, regexp is supported.
:file-sync/ignore-files [".DS_Store$"]
;; :file-sync/ignore-files []
;; dwim (do what I mean) for Enter key when editing.
;; Context-awareness of Enter key makes editing more easily

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import { TLApp, TLEvents, TLTool } from '@tldraw/core'
import type { TLReactEventMap } from '@tldraw/react'
import Vec from '@tldraw/vec'
import { type Shape, LogseqPortalShape } from '../../shapes'
import { CreatingState, IdleState } from './states'
@ -16,15 +15,7 @@ export class LogseqPortalTool extends TLTool<
Shape = LogseqPortalShape
private pinchCamera(point: number[], delta: number[], zoom: number) {
const { camera } =
const nextPoint = Vec.sub(camera.point, Vec.div(delta, camera.zoom))
const p0 = Vec.sub(Vec.div(point, camera.zoom), nextPoint)
const p1 = Vec.sub(Vec.div(point, zoom), nextPoint), Vec.sub(p1, p0))), zoom)
onPinch: TLEvents<Shape>['pinch'] = info => {
this.pinchCamera(info.point, [0, 0], info.offset[0]), [0, 0], info.offset[0])

View File

@ -82,22 +82,30 @@ export class TLViewport {
return Vec.mul(Vec.add(point, camera.point), camera.zoom)
zoomIn = (): this => {
const { camera, bounds } = this
const zoom: number = Math.min(TLViewport.maxZoom, camera.zoom / ZOOM_UPDATE_FACTOR)
const center = [bounds.width / 2, bounds.height / 2]
const p0 = Vec.sub(Vec.div(center, camera.zoom), center)
const p1 = Vec.sub(Vec.div(center, zoom), center)
return this.update({ point: Vec.toFixed(Vec.add(camera.point, Vec.sub(p1, p0))), zoom })
pinchCamera = (point: number[], delta: number[], zoom: number): this => {
const { camera } = this
zoom = Math.max(TLViewport.minZoom, Math.min(TLViewport.maxZoom, zoom));
const nextPoint = Vec.sub(camera.point, Vec.div(delta, camera.zoom))
const p0 = Vec.sub(Vec.div(point, camera.zoom), nextPoint)
const p1 = Vec.sub(Vec.div(point, zoom), nextPoint)
return this.update({ point: Vec.toFixed(Vec.add(nextPoint, Vec.sub(p1, p0))), zoom })
zoomOut = (): this => {
const { camera, bounds } = this
const zoom: number = Math.max(TLViewport.minZoom, camera.zoom * ZOOM_UPDATE_FACTOR)
setZoom = (zoom: number) => {
const { bounds } = this
const center = [bounds.width / 2, bounds.height / 2]
const p0 = Vec.sub(Vec.div(center, camera.zoom), center)
const p1 = Vec.sub(Vec.div(center, zoom), center)
return this.update({ point: Vec.toFixed(Vec.add(camera.point, Vec.sub(p1, p0))), zoom })
this.pinchCamera(center, [0, 0], zoom)
zoomIn = () => {
const { camera } = this
this.setZoom(camera.zoom / ZOOM_UPDATE_FACTOR)
zoomOut = () => {
const { camera, bounds } = this
this.setZoom(camera.zoom * ZOOM_UPDATE_FACTOR)
resetZoom = (): this => {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import { Vec } from '@tldraw/vec'
import type { TLEventMap, TLEventInfo, TLEvents } from '../../../../types'
import type { TLShape } from '../../../shapes'
import type { TLApp } from '../../../TLApp'
@ -26,21 +25,13 @@ export class PinchingState<
private prevDelta: number[] = [0, 0]
private pinchCamera(point: number[], delta: number[], zoom: number) {
const { camera } =
const nextPoint = Vec.sub(camera.point, Vec.div(delta, camera.zoom))
const p0 = Vec.sub(Vec.div(point, camera.zoom), nextPoint)
const p1 = Vec.sub(Vec.div(point, zoom), nextPoint), Vec.sub(p1, p0))), zoom)
onEnter = (info: GestureInfo<S, K>) => {
this.prevDelta =
this.origin =
onPinch: TLEvents<S>['pinch'] = info => {
this.pinchCamera(info.point, [0, 0], info.offset[0]), [0, 0], info.offset[0])
onPinchEnd: TLEvents<S>['pinch'] = () => {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import { Vec } from '@tldraw/vec'
import type { TLEventMap, TLEventInfo, TLEvents } from '../../../../types'
import type { TLShape } from '../../../shapes'
import type { TLApp } from '../../../TLApp'
@ -22,16 +21,14 @@ export class PinchingState<
> extends TLToolState<S, K, R, P> {
static id = 'pinching'
private pinchCamera(point: number[], delta: number[], zoom: number) {
onPinch: TLEvents<S>['pinch'] = (info, event: any) => {
const { camera } =
const nextPoint = Vec.sub(camera.point, Vec.div(delta, camera.zoom))
const p0 = Vec.sub(Vec.div(point, camera.zoom), nextPoint)
const p1 = Vec.sub(Vec.div(point, zoom), nextPoint), Vec.sub(p1, p0))), zoom)
onPinch: TLEvents<S>['pinch'] = info => {
this.pinchCamera(info.point, [0, 0], info.offset[0])
// Normalize the value of deltaZ from raw WheelEvent
const deltaZ = normalizeWheel(event)[2] * 0.01
if (deltaZ === 0) return;
const zoom = camera.zoom - deltaZ * camera.zoom;, [0, 0], zoom)
onPinchEnd: TLEvents<S>['pinch'] = () => {
@ -42,3 +39,26 @@ export class PinchingState<
// Adapted from
function normalizeWheel(event: WheelEvent) {
const MAX_ZOOM_STEP = 10
const { deltaY, deltaX } = event
let deltaZ = 0
if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
const signY = Math.sign(event.deltaY)
const absDeltaY = Math.abs(event.deltaY)
let dy = deltaY
if (absDeltaY > MAX_ZOOM_STEP) {
dy = MAX_ZOOM_STEP * signY
deltaZ = dy
return [deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ]