enhance: unify page/block editor

Tienson Qin 2024-08-27 14:01:12 +08:00
parent 190cb36a07
commit 8e8e97c7a6
10 changed files with 78 additions and 71 deletions

View File

@ -54,8 +54,6 @@
:hide? true}}
:logseq.property/built-in? {:schema {:type :checkbox
:hide? true}}
:logseq.property/hide-properties? {:schema {:type :checkbox
:hide? true}}
:logseq.property/query-table {:schema {:type :checkbox
:hide? true}}
;; query-properties is a coll of property db-idents and keywords where keywords are special frontend keywords

View File

@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ i.ti {
/** endregion **/
/* region FIXME: override elements (?) */
h1.title, h1.title input {
h1.title, h1.title input, .ls-page-title-container {
@apply font-medium;
color: var(--lx-gray-12, var(--ls-title-text-color, hsl(var(--foreground))));

View File

@ -1912,7 +1912,7 @@
order-list-idx (:own-order-list-index config)
collapsable? (editor-handler/collapsable? uuid {:semantic? true})
link? (boolean (:original-block config))]
{:class (util/classnames [{:is-order-list order-list?
:bullet-closed collapsed?
:bullet-hidden (:hide-bullet? config)}])}
@ -2381,12 +2381,12 @@
(rum/defc tags
"Tags without inline tags"
[config block hover?]
[config block hover? edit?]
(when (:block/raw-title block)
(let [tags' (->>
(:block/tags block)
(remove (fn [t] (ldb/inline-tag? (:block/raw-title block) t))))
block-tags (if (and (not hover?) (= [:logseq.class/Task] (map :db/ident tags')))
block-tags (if (and (not hover?) (not edit?) (= [:logseq.class/Task] (map :db/ident tags')))
(remove (fn [t] (= (:db/ident t) :logseq.class/Task)) tags')
(when (seq block-tags)
@ -2419,7 +2419,7 @@
(property-component/property-key-cp block property opts)
[:div.select-none ":"]]
(pv/property-value block property v opts)]))]
(for [pid properties]
(when-let [property (db/entity pid)]
(pv/property-value block property (get block pid) (assoc opts :show-tooltip? true))))]))))
@ -2585,11 +2585,12 @@
(rum/react *refs-count))
table? (:table? config)]
{:on-mouse-over #(reset! *hover? true)
{:class (when (:page-title? config) "ls-page-title-container")
:on-mouse-over #(reset! *hover? true)
:on-mouse-leave #(reset! *hover? false)}
(when (and db-based? (not table?)) (block-positioned-properties config block :block-left))
(if (and edit? editor-box)
{:id editor-id}
@ -2635,16 +2636,16 @@
(when-not (or (:block-ref? config) (:table? config))
(when (and db-based? (seq (:block/tags block)))
(tags config block @*hover?))])
(when (and db-based? (seq (:block/tags block)))
(tags (assoc config :block/uuid (:block/uuid block)) block @*hover? edit?)))
(when-not (:table? config)
(when-not (or (:table? config) (:page-title? config))
(block-refs-count block refs-count *hide-block-refs?))]
(when (and (not (:table? config))
(not hide-block-refs?)
(> refs-count 0))
(> refs-count 0)
(not (:page-title? config)))
(when-let [refs-cp (state/get-component :block/linked-references)]
(refs-cp uuid)))]]))
@ -3081,7 +3082,8 @@
(block-mouse-over e *control-show? block-id doc-mode?))
:on-mouse-leave (fn [e]
(block-mouse-leave e *control-show? block-id doc-mode?))}
(when (and (not slide?) (not in-whiteboard?) (not table?))
(when (and (not slide?) (not in-whiteboard?) (not table?)
(not (:page-title? config)))
(let [edit? (or editing?
(= uuid (:block/uuid (state/get-edit-block))))]
(block-control config block
@ -3103,10 +3105,10 @@
(= (:block/uuid block) (:embed-id config)))
(block-content-or-editor config block
{:edit-input-id edit-input-id
:block-id block-id
:edit? editing?
:hide-block-refs-count? hide-block-refs-count?}))])
{:edit-input-id edit-input-id
:block-id block-id
:edit? editing?
:hide-block-refs-count? hide-block-refs-count?}))])
(when (and @*show-right-menu? (not in-whiteboard?) (not table?))
(block-right-menu config block editing?))]
@ -3115,7 +3117,7 @@
(block-positioned-properties config block :block-below))
(when (and db-based? (not collapsed?) (not table?))
[:div {:style {:padding-left 45}}
[:div (when-not (:page-title? config) {:style {:padding-left 45}})
(db-properties-cp config block edit-input-id {:in-block-container? true})])
(when-not (or (:hide-children? config) in-whiteboard? table?)

View File

@ -24,9 +24,8 @@
(let [edit-input-id-prefix (str "edit-block-" (:block/uuid page))
configure-opts {:selected? false
:page-configure? configure?}
has-viewable-properties? (outliner-property/block-has-viewable-properties? page)
hide-properties? (:logseq.property/hide-properties? page)]
(when (or configure? (and (not hide-properties?) has-viewable-properties?))
has-viewable-properties? (outliner-property/block-has-viewable-properties? page)]
(when (or configure? has-viewable-properties?)
{:class (util/classnames [{:no-properties (not has-viewable-properties?)}])}
(if configure?

View File

@ -594,20 +594,27 @@
(defn- open-editor-popup!
[id content opts]
(let [{:keys [left top rect]} (cursor/get-caret-pos (state/get-input))
pos [(+ left (:left rect) -20) (+ top (:top rect) 20)]
(let [input (state/get-input)
line-height (or (when input
(some-> (.-lineHeight (js/window.getComputedStyle input))
(- 4)))
{:keys [left top rect]} (cursor/get-caret-pos input)
pos [(+ left (:left rect) -20) (+ top (:top rect) line-height)]
{:keys [root-props content-props]} opts]
(prn :debug :line-height)
pos content
{:id (keyword :editor.commands id)
:align :start
:root-props (merge {:onOpenChange #(when-not % (state/clear-editor-action!))} root-props)
:content-props (merge {:onOpenAutoFocus #(.preventDefault %)
:onCloseAutoFocus #(.preventDefault %)
:data-editor-popup-ref (name id)} content-props)
:force-popover? true}
(dissoc opts :root-props :content-props)))))
pos content
{:id (keyword :editor.commands id)
:align :start
:root-props (merge {:onOpenChange #(when-not % (state/clear-editor-action!))} root-props)
:content-props (merge {:onOpenAutoFocus #(.preventDefault %)
:onCloseAutoFocus #(.preventDefault %)
:data-editor-popup-ref (name id)} content-props)
:force-popover? true}
(dissoc opts :root-props :content-props)))))
(rum/defc shui-editor-popups
[id format action _data]

View File

@ -505,7 +505,7 @@
(plugins/hook-ui-items :pagebar)])))
;; A page is just a logical block
(rum/defcs ^:large-vars/cleanup-todo page-inner < rum/reactive db-mixins/query
(rum/defcs ^:large-vars/cleanup-todo page-inner < rum/reactive db-mixins/query mixins/container-id
(rum/local false ::all-collapsed?)
(rum/local false ::control-show?)
(rum/local nil ::current-page)
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@
(when (and (not sidebar?) (not block?))
(when (or (mobile-util/native-platform?) (util/mobile?))
(when (and (or (mobile-util/native-platform?) (util/mobile?)) (not db-based?))
{:style {:margin-left -15}
:on-mouse-over (fn [e]
@ -568,23 +568,31 @@
(page-mouse-leave e *control-show?))}
(page-blocks-collapse-control title *control-show? *all-collapsed?)])
(when (and (not whiteboard?) (ldb/page? page))
(page-title-cp page {:journal? journal?
:fmt-journal? fmt-journal?
:preview? preview?
:*hover? (::hover-title? state)
:*show-page-info? (::show-page-info? state)}))
(if db-based?
{:class (when-not whiteboard-page? "title")
:on-pointer-down (fn [e]
(when (util/right-click? e)
(state/set-state! :page-title/context {:page (:block/title page)
:page-entity page})))
:on-click (fn [e]
(when-not (= (.-nodeName (.-target e)) "INPUT")
(when (gobj/get e "shiftKey")
(.preventDefault e)
(:db/id page)
(component-block/block-container {:page-title? true
:hide-children? true
:container-id (:container-id state)} page)]
(page-title-cp page {:journal? journal?
:fmt-journal? fmt-journal?
:preview? preview?
:*hover? (::hover-title? state)
:*show-page-info? (::show-page-info? state)})))
(and db-based? (not block?))
(db-page/page-info page
(if (and (ldb/class? page) sidebar?)
(atom true)
(::show-page-info? state)))
(and (not db-based?) (not block?))
(when (and db-based? (ldb/class? page))
(objects/class-objects page)])

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
[frontend.handler.notification :as notification]
[frontend.handler.page :as page-handler]
[frontend.handler.common.developer :as dev-common-handler]
[frontend.handler.route :as route-handler]
[frontend.state :as state]
[logseq.shui.ui :as shui]
[promesa.core :as p]
@ -67,7 +68,13 @@
(when (not block?)
[(when-not config/publishing?
[(when (not= (state/get-current-page) (str (:block/uuid page)))
{:title (t :page/go-to-page)
:options {:on-click
(fn []
(route-handler/redirect-to-page! (:block/uuid page)))}})
(when-not config/publishing?
{:title (if favorited?
(t :page/unfavorite)
(t :page/add-to-favorites))
@ -126,7 +133,7 @@
{:title (t :page/open-with-default-app)
:options {:on-click #(js/window.apis.openPath file-fpath)}}]))
(when (or (state/get-current-page) whiteboard?)
(when page
{:title (t :export-page)
:options {:on-click #(shui/dialog-open!
(fn []
@ -154,11 +161,6 @@
:options {:on-click #(commands/exec-plugin-simple-command!
pid (assoc cmd :page page-name) action)}}))
(when (and db-based? (not whiteboard?))
{:title (t :page/toggle-properties)
:options {:on-click (fn []
(page-handler/toggle-properties! page))}})
(when (and db-based? (= (:block/type page) "page"))
{:title (t :page/convert-to-tag)
:options {:on-click (fn []

View File

@ -867,7 +867,7 @@
(remove (fn [property]
(let [id (if (vector? property) (first property) property)]
(when-not page? (= id :block/tags))
(= id :block/tags)
(when-let [ent (db/entity id)]
;; built-in
@ -875,8 +875,7 @@
;; TODO: Use ldb/built-in? when intermittent lazy loading issue fixed
(get db-property/built-in-properties (:db/ident ent)))
;; other position
(when-not (or (and (:sidebar? opts) (= (:id opts) (str (:block/uuid block))))
(ldb/page? block))
(when-not (and (:sidebar? opts) (= (:id opts) (str (:block/uuid block))))
(outliner-property/property-with-other-position? ent)))))))
{:keys [all-classes classes-properties]} (outliner-property/get-block-classes-properties (db/get-db) (:db/id block))

View File

@ -503,14 +503,6 @@
(url-util/get-logseq-graph-page-url nil (state/get-current-repo) (str page-uuid)))
(notification/show! "No page found to copy" :warning))))
(defn toggle-properties!
(let [e (db/entity (:db/id page-entity))]
(property-handler/set-block-property! (state/get-current-repo)
(:block/uuid page-entity)
(not (:logseq.property/hide-properties? e)))))
(defn convert-to-tag!
(let [class (db-class/build-new-class (db/get-db)

View File

@ -147,13 +147,13 @@
:page/make-private "Make it private"
:page/delete "Delete page"
:page/add-to-favorites "Add to Favorites"
:page/go-to-page "Go to this page"
:page/unfavorite "Unfavorite page"
:block/name "Page name"
:page/copy-page-url "Copy page URL"
:page/illegal-page-name "Illegal page name!"
:page/page-already-exists "Page “{1}” already exists!"
:page/whiteboard-to-journal-error "Whiteboard pages cannot be renamed to journal titles!"
:page/toggle-properties "Toggle properties"
:page/convert-to-tag "Convert to Tag"
:file/name "File name"
:file/last-modified-at "Last modified at"