fix: sort-by filter for db graphs

Also fixed a dsl-query sorting bug where nil property values where
incorrectly being treated as greater than non-nil values. Also
fixed a bug where blocks with an explicit :block/created-at weren't
being set for sqlite-build
Gabriel Horner 2024-06-05 16:57:51 -04:00
parent 29faedc4d0
commit 8f6f52d630
3 changed files with 54 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -109,8 +109,8 @@
(seq pvalue-tx-m)
(into (mapcat #(if (set? %) % [%]) (vals pvalue-tx-m)))
(conj (merge (dissoc m :build/properties)
(sqlite-util/block-with-timestamps new-block)
(conj (merge (sqlite-util/block-with-timestamps new-block)
(dissoc m :build/properties)
(when (seq properties)
(->block-properties (merge properties (db-property-build/build-properties-with-ref-values pvalue-tx-m))
page-uuids all-idents))

View File

@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
[frontend.db.model :as model]
[frontend.db.query-react :as query-react]
[frontend.db.utils :as db-utils]
[frontend.db.conn :as conn]
[datascript.core :as d]
[logseq.db.frontend.rules :as rules]
[frontend.template :as template]
[logseq.graph-parser.text :as text]
@ -370,7 +368,11 @@
order (if (contains? #{:asc :desc} order*)
comp (if (= order :desc) >= <=)]
comp (if (= order :desc)
;; Handle nil so that is always less than a value e.g. treated as a "" for a string.
;; Otherwise sort bugs occur that prevent non-nil values from being sorted
#(if (nil? %2) true (>= %1 %2))
#(if (nil? %1) true (<= %1 %2)))]
(reset! sort-by_
(fn sort-results [result property-val-fn]
;; first because there is one binding result in query-wrapper
@ -615,18 +617,20 @@ Some bindings in this fn:
;; Only modify result shapes that we know of
(if (map? (ffirst col))
(let [prop-uuid-names (->> (d/datoms (conn/get-db) :avet :block/type "property")
(map :e)
(db-utils/pull-many '[:block/uuid :block/name])
(map #(vector (:block/uuid %) (keyword (:block/name %))))
(into {}))]
(map (fn [blocks]
(mapv (fn [block]
(assoc block
(update-keys (:block/properties block) #(prop-uuid-names % %))))
(->> (db-property/properties block)
(map (fn [[k v]]
[(:block/original-name (db-utils/entity k))
(or (some->> (:db/id v)
(into {}))))
(defn get-db-property-value
@ -636,7 +640,14 @@ Some bindings in this fn:
(case prop
:created-at (:block/created-at m)
:updated-at (:block/updated-at m)
(get-in m [:block/properties-by-name prop])))
(get-in m [:block/properties-by-name (name prop)])))
(def db-block-attrs
"Like ldb/block-attrs but for query dsl an db graphs"
;; '*' needed as we need to pull user properties and don't know their names in advance
{:block/page [:db/id :block/name :block/original-name :block/journal-day]}
{:block/_parent ...}])
(defn query
"Runs a dsl query with query as a string. Primary use is from '{{query }}'"
@ -645,7 +656,9 @@ Some bindings in this fn:
([repo query-string query-opts]
(when (and (string? query-string) (not= "\"\"" query-string))
(let [{:keys [query rules sort-by blocks? sample]} (parse-query query-string)]
(when-let [query' (some-> query (query-wrapper {:blocks? blocks?}))]
(when-let [query' (some-> query (query-wrapper {:blocks? blocks?
:block-attrs (when (config/db-based-graph? repo)
(let [random-samples (if @sample
(fn [col]
(take @sample (shuffle col)))
@ -670,8 +683,10 @@ Some bindings in this fn:
[repo query-m query-opts]
(when (seq (:query query-m))
(let [query-string (template/resolve-dynamic-template! (pr-str (:query query-m)))
{:keys [query sort-by blocks? rules]} (parse query-string {:db-graph? (config/db-based-graph? repo)})]
(when-let [query' (some-> query (query-wrapper {:blocks? blocks?}))]
db-graph? (config/db-based-graph? repo)
{:keys [query sort-by blocks? rules]} (parse query-string {:db-graph? db-graph?})]
(when-let [query' (some-> query (query-wrapper {:blocks? blocks?
:block-attrs (when db-graph? db-block-attrs)}))]
(query-react/react-query repo
@ -681,7 +696,7 @@ Some bindings in this fn:
(when sort-by
(if (config/db-based-graph? repo)
(if db-graph?
(comp (fn [col] (sort-by col get-db-property-value)) sort-by-prep)
#(sort-by % (fn [m prop] (get-in m [:block/properties prop]))))})))))))

View File

@ -550,33 +550,34 @@ created-at:: 1608968448115
- 26-b4
created-at:: 1608968448116
(let [task-filter (if js/process.env.DB_GRAPH "(task todo done)" "(task later done)")]
(testing "sort-by user block property fruit"
(let [result (->> (dsl-query "(and (task now later done) (sort-by fruit))")
(let [result (->> (dsl-query (str "(and " task-filter " (sort-by fruit))"))
(map #(get-property-value % :fruit)))]
(is (= ["plum" "apple" nil]
"sort-by correctly defaults to desc"))
(let [result (->> (dsl-query "(and (task now later done) (sort-by fruit desc))")
(let [result (->> (dsl-query (str "(and " task-filter " (sort-by fruit desc))"))
(map #(get-property-value % :fruit)))]
(is (= ["plum" "apple" nil]
"sort-by desc"))
(let [result (->> (dsl-query "(and (task now later done) (sort-by fruit asc))")
(let [result (->> (dsl-query (str "(and " task-filter " (sort-by fruit asc))"))
(map #(get-property-value % :fruit)))]
(is (= ["apple" "plum" nil]
(is (= [nil "apple" "plum"]
"sort-by asc")))
(testing "sort-by hidden, built-in block property created-at"
(let [result (->> (dsl-query "(and (task now later done) (sort-by created-at desc))")
(let [result (->> (dsl-query (str "(and " task-filter " (sort-by created-at desc))"))
(map #(get-property-value % :created-at)))]
(is (= [1608968448115 1608968448114 1608968448113]
"sorted-by desc")
(let [result (->> (dsl-query "(and (todo now later done) (sort-by created-at asc))")
(let [result (->> (dsl-query (str "(and " task-filter " (sort-by created-at asc))"))
(map #(get-property-value % :created-at)))]
(is (= [1608968448113 1608968448114 1608968448115]
@ -585,9 +586,9 @@ created-at:: 1608968448116
(testing "user page property rating"
(is (= [10 8]
(->> (dsl-query "(and (page-property rating) (sort-by rating))")
(map #(get-property-value % :rating)))))))
(map #(get-property-value % :rating))))))))
(deftest simplify-query
(deftest ^:done simplify-query
(are [x y] (= (query-dsl/simplify-query x) y)
'(and [[foo]])