enhance: generate any outline structure with :build/children

Already useful for testing and will be for more interesting generation
Gabriel Horner 2024-06-05 12:13:56 -04:00
parent 592e2a9b26
commit 916fef8336
3 changed files with 55 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -205,7 +205,12 @@
(def Page-blocks
{:closed true}
{:closed true
;; Define recursive :block schema
:registry {::block [:map
[:block/content :string]
[:build/children {:optional true} [:vector [:ref ::block]]]
[:build/properties {:optional true} User-properties]]}}
[:page [:and
[:block/original-name {:optional true} :string]
@ -215,10 +220,7 @@
:error/path [:block/original-name]}
(fn [m]
(or (:block/original-name m) (:build/journal m)))]]]
[:blocks {:optional true}
[:vector [:map
[:block/content :string]
[:build/properties {:optional true} User-properties]]]]])
[:blocks {:optional true} [:vector ::block]]])
(def Properties
@ -368,14 +370,37 @@
(println "Building additional pages from content refs:" (pr-str (mapv #(get-in % [:page :block/original-name]) new-pages-from-refs))))
(concat pages-and-blocks new-pages-from-refs)))
(defn- expand-build-children
"Expands any blocks with :build/children to return a flattened vec with
children having correct :block/parent. Also ensures all blocks have a :block/uuid"
([data] (expand-build-children data nil))
([data parent-id]
(fn [block]
(let [block' (cond-> block
(not (:block/uuid block))
(assoc :block/uuid (random-uuid))
(dissoc :build/children)
(assoc :block/parent {:db/id [:block/uuid parent-id]}))
children (:build/children block)
child-maps (when children (expand-build-children children (:block/uuid block')))]
(cons block' child-maps)))
(defn- pre-build-pages-and-blocks
"Pre builds :pages-and-blocks before any indexes like page-uuids are made"
(let [;; add uuids for page-uuids
ensure-uuids (fn [{:keys [page blocks]}]
(cond-> {:page (merge {:block/uuid (random-uuid)} page)}
(seq blocks)
(assoc :blocks (mapv #(merge {:block/uuid (random-uuid)} %) blocks))))
(let [ensure-page-uuids (fn [m]
(if (get-in m [:page :block/uuid])
(assoc-in m [:page :block/uuid] (random-uuid))))
expand-block-children (fn [m]
(if (:blocks m)
(update m :blocks expand-build-children)
expand-journal (fn [m]
(if-let [date-int (get-in m [:page :build/journal])]
(update m :page
@ -386,10 +411,12 @@
:block/original-name page-name
:block/type "journal"})))))
;; Order matters as some steps depend on previous step having prepared blocks or pages in a certain way
(->> pages-and-blocks
(map expand-journal)
(map expand-block-children)
(map ensure-uuids)
(map ensure-page-uuids)
(defn- build-blocks-tx*
@ -430,10 +457,16 @@
* :pages-and-blocks - This is a vector of maps containing a :page key and optionally a :blocks
key when defining a page's blocks. More about each key:
* :page - This is a datascript attribute map e.g. `{:block/name \"foo\"}` .
:block/original-name is required and :build/properties can be passed to define page properties
* :blocks - This is a vec of datascript attribute maps e.g. `{:block/content \"bar\"}`.
:block/content is required and :build/properties can be passed to define block properties
* :page - This is a datascript attribute map for pages with
:block/original-name required e.g. `{:block/original/name \"foo\"}`. Additional keys available:
* :build/journal - Define a journal pages as an integer e.g. 20240101 is Jan 1, 2024. :block/original-name
is not required if using this since it generates one
* :build/properties - Defines properties on a page
* :blocks - This is a vec of datascript attribute maps for blocks with
:block/content required. e.g. `{:block/content \"bar\"}`. Additional keys available:
* :build/children - A vec of blocks that are nested (indented) under the current block.
Allows for outlines to be expressed to whatever depth
* :build/properties - Defines properties on a block
* :properties - This is a map to configure properties where the keys are property name keywords
and the values are maps of datascript attributes e.g. `{:block/schema {:type :checkbox}}`.
Additional keys available:

View File

@ -17,16 +17,13 @@
(deftest resolve-input-for-page-and-block-inputs
(let [conn (d/create-conn db-schema/schema-for-db-based-graph)
parent-uuid (random-uuid)
_ (sqlite-build/create-blocks
[{:page {:block/original-name "page1"}
:blocks [{:block/content "parent"
:block/uuid parent-uuid}
{:block/content "child 1"
:block/parent {:db/id [:block/uuid parent-uuid]}}
{:block/content "child 2"
:block/parent {:db/id [:block/uuid parent-uuid]}}]}])]
[{:block/content "child 1"}
{:block/content "child 2"}]}]}])]
(is (= ["child 2" "child 1" "parent"]
(map :block/content
(custom-query @conn

View File

@ -21,18 +21,15 @@
;; needed in order for path-refs to be setup correctly with init data
_ (db-pipeline/add-listener conn)
_ (d/transact! conn (sqlite-create-graph/build-db-initial-data "{}"))
[parent-uuid child-uuid] (repeatedly 2 random-uuid)
_ (sqlite-build/create-blocks
[{:page {:block/original-name "bar"}}
{:page {:block/original-name "page1"}
:blocks [{:block/content "parent [[foo]]"
:block/uuid parent-uuid}
{:block/content "child [[baz]]"
:block/uuid child-uuid
:block/parent {:db/id [:block/uuid parent-uuid]}}
{:block/content "grandchild [[bing]]"
:block/parent {:db/id [:block/uuid child-uuid]}}]}])
[{:block/content "child [[baz]]"
[{:block/content "grandchild [[bing]]"}]}]}]}])
blocks (get-blocks @conn)
;; Update parent block to replace 'foo' with 'bar' ref
new-tag-id (ffirst (d/q '[:find ?b :where [?b :block/original-name "bar"]] @conn))