Split out graph fns and reuse them b/n gp-cli and electron

Also added test
Gabriel Horner 2023-05-15 09:38:17 -04:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent 402668bd69
commit 91beda09d5
14 changed files with 164 additions and 82 deletions

deps/common/nbb.edn vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
{:paths ["src"]
{:git/sha "60ed57aa04bca8d604f5ba6b28848bd887109347"}}}

deps/common/package.json vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"name": "@logseq/common",
"version": "1.0.0",
"private": true,
"devDependencies": {
"@logseq/nbb-logseq": "^1.2.173"
"scripts": {
"test": "yarn nbb-logseq -cp test -m nextjournal.test-runner"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
(ns logseq.common.graph
"This ns provides common fns for a graph directory and only runs in a node environment"
(:require ["fs" :as fs]
["path" :as node-path]
[clojure.string :as string]))
(def ^:private win32?
"Copy of electron.utils/win32? . Too basic to couple the two libraries"
(= (.-platform js/process) "win32"))
(defn- fix-win-path!
"Copy of electron.utils/fix-win-path!. Too basic to couple the two libraries"
(when (not-empty path)
(if win32?
(string/replace path "\\" "/")
(defn readdir
"Reads given directory recursively and returns all filenames. Also applies
some graph-specific filtering e.g. symbolic links and files starting with '.'
are removed"
(->> (tree-seq
(fn [[is-dir _fpath]]
(fn [[_is-dir dir]]
(let [files (fs/readdirSync dir #js {:withFileTypes true})]
(->> files
(remove #(.isSymbolicLink ^js %))
(remove #(string/starts-with? (.-name ^js %) "."))
(map #(do
[(.isDirectory %)
(node-path/join dir (.-name %))])))))
[true root-dir])
(filter (complement first))
(map second)
(map fix-win-path!)
(def ^:private allowed-formats
#{:org :markdown :md :edn :json :js :css :excalidraw :tldr})
(defn- get-ext
(-> (node-path/extname p)
(subs 1)
(defn ignored-path?
"Given a graph directory and path, returns truthy value on whether the path is
ignored. Useful for contexts like reading a graph's directory and file watcher
[dir path]
(when (string? path)
(some #(string/starts-with? path (str dir "/" %))
["." ".recycle" "node_modules" "logseq/bak" "version-files"])
(some #(string/includes? path (str "/" % "/"))
["." ".recycle" "node_modules" "logseq/bak" "version-files"])
(some #(string/ends-with? path %)
[".DS_Store" "logseq/graphs-txid.edn"])
;; hidden directory or file
(let [relpath (node-path/relative dir path)]
(or (re-find #"/\.[^.]+" relpath)
(re-find #"^\.[^.]+" relpath))))))
(defn get-files
"Given a graph's root dir, returns a list of all files that it recognizes"
(->> (readdir graph-dir)
(remove (partial ignored-path? graph-dir))
(filter #(contains? allowed-formats (get-ext %)))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
(ns logseq.common.graph-test
(:require [logseq.common.graph :as common-graph]
[cljs.test :refer [deftest is use-fixtures async]]
["fs" :as fs]
["path" :as node-path]))
;; Cleaning tmp/ before leaves last tmp/ after a test run for dev and debugging
#(async done
(if (fs/existsSync "tmp")
(fs/rm "tmp" #js {:recursive true} (fn [err]
(when err (js/console.log err))
(defn- create-logseq-graph
"Creates a minimal mock graph"
(fs/mkdirSync (node-path/join dir "logseq") #js {:recursive true})
(fs/mkdirSync (node-path/join dir "journals"))
(fs/mkdirSync (node-path/join dir "pages")))
(deftest get-files
(create-logseq-graph "tmp/test-graph")
;; Create files that are recognized
(fs/writeFileSync "tmp/test-graph/pages/foo.md" "")
(fs/writeFileSync "tmp/test-graph/journals/2023_05_09.md" "")
;; Create files that are ignored
(fs/mkdirSync (node-path/join "tmp/test-graph" "logseq" "bak"))
(fs/writeFileSync "tmp/test-graph/logseq/bak/baz.md" "")
(fs/writeFileSync "tmp/test-graph/logseq/.gitignore" "")
(is (= ["tmp/test-graph/journals/2023_05_09.md" "tmp/test-graph/pages/foo.md"]
(common-graph/get-files "tmp/test-graph"))))

deps/common/yarn.lock vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# yarn lockfile v1
version "1.2.173"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@logseq/nbb-logseq/-/nbb-logseq-1.2.173.tgz#27a52c350f06ac9c337d73687738f6ea8b2fc3f3"
integrity sha512-ABKPtVnSOiS4Zpk9+UTaGcs5H6EUmRADr9FJ0aEAVpa0WfAyvUbX/NgkQGMe1kKRv3EbIuLwaxfy+txr31OtAg==
import-meta-resolve "^2.1.0"
version "2.2.2"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/import-meta-resolve/-/import-meta-resolve-2.2.2.tgz#75237301e72d1f0fbd74dbc6cca9324b164c2cc9"
integrity sha512-f8KcQ1D80V7RnqVm+/lirO9zkOxjGxhaTC1IPrBGd3MEfNgmNG67tSUO9gTi2F3Blr2Az6g1vocaxzkVnWl9MA==

View File

@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
;; External deps should be kept in sync with https://github.com/logseq/nbb-logseq/blob/main/bb.edn
{com.andrewmcveigh/cljs-time {:git/url "https://github.com/logseq/cljs-time" ;; fork
:sha "5704fbf48d3478eedcf24d458c8964b3c2fd59a9"}
;; local dep
;; local deps
logseq/db {:local/root "../db"}
logseq/common {:local/root "../common"}
;; stubbed in nbb
com.lambdaisland/glogi {:mvn/version "1.1.144"}
;; built in to nbb

View File

@ -2,5 +2,7 @@
{:local/root "../db"}
{:local/root "../common"}
{:git/sha "60ed57aa04bca8d604f5ba6b28848bd887109347"}}}

View File

@ -3,38 +3,25 @@
(:require ["fs" :as fs]
["child_process" :as child-process]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[clojure.string :as string]
[logseq.common.graph :as common-graph]
[logseq.graph-parser :as graph-parser]
[logseq.graph-parser.config :as gp-config]
[logseq.graph-parser.util :as gp-util]
[logseq.db :as ldb]))
(defn slurp
(defn- slurp
"Return file contents like clojure.core/slurp"
(str (fs/readFileSync file)))
(defn sh
"Run shell cmd synchronously and print to inherited streams by default. Aims
to be similar to babashka.tasks/shell
TODO: Fail fast when process exits 1"
[cmd opts]
(child-process/spawnSync (first cmd)
(clj->js (rest cmd))
(clj->js (merge {:stdio "inherit"} opts))))
(defn build-graph-files
"Given a git graph directory, returns allowed file paths and their contents in
preparation for parsing"
(defn- build-graph-files
"Given a graph directory, return allowed file paths and their contents in preparation
for parsing"
;; -z needed to avoid quoting unusual paths that cause slurp failures.
;; See https://git-scm.com/docs/git-ls-files#_output for more
(let [files (->> (str (.-stdout (sh ["git" "ls-files" "-z"]
{:cwd dir :stdio nil})))
(#(string/split % (re-pattern "\0")))
(map #(hash-map :file/path (str dir "/" %)))
(mapv #(assoc % :file/content (slurp (:file/path %))) files)))
(->> (common-graph/get-files dir)
(map #(hash-map :file/path %))
(mapv #(assoc % :file/content (slurp (:file/path %))))))
(defn- read-config
"Reads repo-specific config from logseq/config.edn"

View File

@ -152,8 +152,8 @@
;; Counts assertions help check for no major regressions. These counts should
;; only increase over time as the docs graph rarely has deletions
(testing "Counts"
(is (= 306 (count files)) "Correct file count")
(is (= 69508 (count (d/datoms db :eavt))) "Correct datoms count")
(is (= 304 (count files)) "Correct file count")
(is (= 69502 (count (d/datoms db :eavt))) "Correct datoms count")
(is (= 5866

View File

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ body"
"Heading" 5648,
"Hiccup" 9,
"List" 22,
"Paragraph" 573,
"Paragraph" 571,
"Properties" 87,
"Property_Drawer" 423,
"Quote" 24,

View File

@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
[electron.utils :as utils]
[electron.logger :as logger]
["electron" :refer [app]]
[electron.window :as window]))
[electron.window :as window]
[logseq.common.graph :as common-graph]))
;; TODO: explore different solutions for different platforms
;; 1. https://github.com/Axosoft/nsfw
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@
[dir options]
(let [watcher-opts (clj->js
{:ignored (fn [path]
(utils/ignored-path? dir path))
(common-graph/ignored-path? dir path))
:ignoreInitial true
:ignorePermissionErrors true
:interval polling-interval

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
[electron.state :as state]
[electron.utils :as utils]
[electron.window :as win]
[logseq.common.graph :as common-graph]
[promesa.core :as p]))
(defmulti handle (fn [_window args] (keyword (first args))))
@ -38,28 +39,8 @@
(defmethod handle :mkdir-recur [_window [_ dir]]
(fs/mkdirSync dir #js {:recursive true}))
(defn- readdir
"Read directory recursively, return all filenames"
(->> (tree-seq
(fn [[is-dir _fpath]]
(fn [[_is-dir dir]]
(let [files (fs/readdirSync dir #js {:withFileTypes true})]
(->> files
(remove #(.isSymbolicLink ^js %))
(remove #(string/starts-with? (.-name ^js %) "."))
(map #(do
[(.isDirectory %)
(.join node-path dir (.-name %))])))))
[true root-dir])
(filter (complement first))
(map second)
(map utils/fix-win-path!)
(defmethod handle :readdir [_window [_ dir]]
(readdir dir))
(common-graph/readdir dir))
(defmethod handle :listdir [_window [_ dir flat?]]
(when (and dir (fs-extra/pathExistsSync dir))
@ -147,21 +128,10 @@
(defmethod handle :stat [_window [_ path]]
(fs/statSync path))
(defonce allowed-formats
#{:org :markdown :md :edn :json :js :css :excalidraw :tldr})
(defn get-ext
(-> (.extname node-path p)
(subs 1)
(defn- get-files
"Returns vec of file-objs"
(->> (readdir path)
(remove (partial utils/ignored-path? path))
(filter #(contains? allowed-formats (get-ext %)))
(->> (common-graph/get-files path)
(map (fn [path]
(let [stat (fs/statSync path)]
(when-not (.isDirectory stat)
@ -238,10 +208,10 @@
(defn- get-graphs
"Returns all graph names in the cache directory (strating with `logseq_local_`)"
"Returns all graph names in the cache directory (starting with `logseq_local_`)"
(let [dir (get-graphs-dir)]
(->> (readdir dir)
(->> (common-graph/readdir dir)
(remove #{dir})
(map #(node-path/basename % ".transit"))
(map graph-name->path))))

View File

@ -198,23 +198,6 @@
(cfgs/set-item! :settings/agent {:type type :test test})
(cfgs/set-item! :settings/agent {:type type :protocol type :host host :port port :test test})))
(defn ignored-path?
"Ignore given path from file-watcher notification"
[dir path]
(when (string? path)
(some #(string/starts-with? path (str dir "/" %))
["." ".recycle" "node_modules" "logseq/bak" "version-files"])
(some #(string/includes? path (str "/" % "/"))
["." ".recycle" "node_modules" "logseq/bak" "version-files"])
(some #(string/ends-with? path %)
[".DS_Store" "logseq/graphs-txid.edn"])
;; hidden directory or file
(let [relpath (node-path/relative dir path)]
(or (re-find #"/\.[^.]+" relpath)
(re-find #"^\.[^.]+" relpath))))))
(defn should-read-content?
"Skip reading content of file while using file-watcher"

View File

@ -97,8 +97,8 @@
;; Counts assertions help check for no major regressions. These counts should
;; only increase over time as the docs graph rarely has deletions
(testing "Counts"
(is (= 211 (count files)) "Correct file count")
(is (= 42304 (count (d/datoms db :eavt))) "Correct datoms count")
(is (= 212 (count files)) "Correct file count")
(is (= 42315 (count (d/datoms db :eavt))) "Correct datoms count")
(is (= 3600