Fix sort-by not working for blocks

- Also add sort-by support for pages which fixes #5643
- Add sort-by tests
- Fix sample producing weird queries e.g. mixed block and page clauses
- Clean up last, hard to read test setup in query-dsl
Gabriel Horner 2022-09-19 14:16:44 -04:00
parent ed8d7bfb89
commit 91d6d14720
2 changed files with 89 additions and 145 deletions

View File

@ -38,11 +38,7 @@
;; project (block, TBD)
;; Sort by (field, asc/desc):
;; created_at
;; last_modified_at
;; (sort-by last_modified_at asc)
;; (sort-by created-at asc)
;; (between -7d +7d)
@ -151,13 +147,16 @@
(->> clauses
(map (fn [result]
(if (list? result)
(mapcat (fn [result]
;; rule like (task ?b #{"NOW"})
(list? result)
;; datalog clause like [[?b :block/uuid]]
(vector? result)
(let [result (if (vector? (ffirst result))
(apply concat result)
(cons 'and (seq result))))))
[(cons 'and (seq result))])))
(apply list fe)))
@ -320,33 +319,24 @@
(when-let [num (second e)]
(when (integer? num)
(reset! sample num)
{:query [['?p :block/uuid]]})))
;; blank b/c this post-process filter doesn't effect query
(defn- build-sort-by
[e sort-by_]
(let [[k order] (rest e)
order (if (and order (contains? #{:asc :desc}
(keyword (string/lower-case (name order)))))
(keyword (string/lower-case (name order)))
(let [[k order*] (map keyword (rest e))
order (if (contains? #{:asc :desc} order*)
k (-> (string/lower-case (name k))
(string/replace "_" "-"))
get-value (cond
(= k "created-at")
(= k "updated-at")
#(get-in % [:block/properties k]))
comp (if (= order :desc) >= <=)]
(reset! sort-by_
(fn [result]
(->> result
(sort-by get-value comp))))
(fn sort-results [result]
;; first because there is one binding result in query-wrapper
(sort-by #(-> % first (get-in [:block/properties k]))
;; blank b/c this post-process filter doesn't effect query
(defn- build-page
@ -392,7 +382,7 @@ Some bindings in this fn:
page-ref? (page-ref/page-ref? e)]
(when (or (and page-ref?
(not (contains? #{'page-property 'page-tags} (:current-filter env))))
(contains? #{'between 'property 'todo 'task 'priority 'sort-by 'page} fe)
(contains? #{'between 'property 'todo 'task 'priority 'page} fe)
(and (not page-ref?) (string? e)))
(reset! blocks? true))

View File

@ -235,10 +235,10 @@ prop-d:: nada"}])
(is (= 1
(count (dsl-query "(and (task todo) (sample 1))")))
"Correctly limits results")
(is (= 2
(count (dsl-query "(and (task todo) (sample blarg))")))
"Non-integer arg is ignored"))
"Correctly limits block results")
(is (= 1
(count (dsl-query "(and (page-property foo) (sample 1))")))
"Correctly limits page results"))
(deftest priority-queries
(load-test-files [{:file/path "pages/"
@ -447,76 +447,30 @@ tags: other
(map :block/content
(dsl-query "(and [[Parent page]] (not [[Child page]]))")))))
(defn- load-test-files-with-timestamps
(let [files [{:file/path "journals/"
:file/content "---
title: Dec 26th, 2020
- DONE 26-b1
(deftest between-queries
(load-test-files [{:file/path "journals/"
:file/content "- DONE 26-b1
created-at:: 1608968448113
last-modified-at:: 1608968448113
- LATER 26-b2-modified-later
created-at:: 1608968448114
last-modified-at:: 1608968448120
- DONE 26-b3
created-at:: 1608968448115
last-modified-at:: 1608968448115
{:file/path "journals/"
:file/content "---
title: Dec 27th, 2020
- NOW b1
created-at:: 1609052958714
last-modified-at:: 1609052958714
- LATER b2-modified-later
created-at:: 1609052959376
last-modified-at:: 1609052974285
- b3
created-at:: 1609052959954
last-modified-at:: 1609052959954
- b4
created-at:: 1609052961569
last-modified-at:: 1609052961569
- b5
created-at:: 1609052963089
last-modified-at:: 1609052963089"}
{:file/path "journals/"
:file/content "---
title: Dec 28th, 2020
- 28-b1
created-at:: 1609084800000
last-modified-at:: 1609084800000
- 28-b2-modified-later
created-at:: 1609084800001
last-modified-at:: 1609084800020
- 28-b3
created-at:: 1609084800002
last-modified-at:: 1609084800002"}]]
(load-test-files files)))
(deftest between-queries
- 26-b4
created-at:: 1608968448116
(are [x y] (= (count (dsl-query x)) y)
"(and (task now later done) (between [[Dec 26th, 2020]] tomorrow))"
;; between with journal pages
"(and (task now later done) (between [[Dec 27th, 2020]] [[Dec 28th, 2020]]))"
"(and (task now later done) (between [[Dec 26th, 2020]] [[Dec 27th, 2020]]))"
;; ;; between with created-at
;; "(and (task now later done) (between created-at [[Dec 26th, 2020]] tomorrow))"
;; 5
;; ;; between with last-modified-at
;; "(and (task now later done) (between last-modified-at [[Dec 26th, 2020]] tomorrow))"
;; 5
;; 3
(deftest custom-query-test
(load-test-files [{:file/path "pages/"
@ -533,63 +487,63 @@ last-modified-at:: 1609084800002"}]]
(map :block/content (custom-query {:query (list 'and '(task later) "b")})))
"Query with rule that can't be derived from the form itself"))
#_(deftest sort-by-queries
;; (testing "sort-by (created-at defaults to desc)"
;; (db/clear-query-state!)
;; (let [result (->> (dsl-query "(and (task now later done)
;; (sort-by created-at))")
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "created-at"])))]
;; (is (= result
;; '(1609052959376 1609052958714 1608968448115 1608968448114 1608968448113)))))
(deftest sort-by-queries
(load-test-files [{:file/path "journals/"
:file/content "rating:: 10"}
{:file/path "journals/"
:file/content "rating:: 8
- DONE 26-b1
created-at:: 1608968448113
fruit:: plum
- LATER 26-b2-modified-later
created-at:: 1608968448114
fruit:: apple
- DONE 26-b3 has no fruit to test sorting of absent property value
created-at:: 1608968448115
- 26-b4
created-at:: 1608968448116
;; (testing "sort-by (created-at desc)"
;; (db/clear-query-state!)
;; (let [result (->> (dsl-query "(and (todo now later done)
;; (sort-by created-at desc))")
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "created-at"])))]
;; (is (= result
;; '(1609052959376 1609052958714 1608968448115 1608968448114 1608968448113)))))
(testing "sort-by user block property fruit"
(let [result (->> (dsl-query "(and (task now later done) (sort-by fruit))")
(map #(get-in % [:block/properties :fruit])))]
(is (= ["plum" "apple" nil]
"sort-by correctly defaults to desc"))
;; (testing "sort-by (created-at asc)"
;; (db/clear-query-state!)
;; (let [result (->> (dsl-query "(and (todo now later done)
;; (sort-by created-at asc))")
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "created-at"])))]
;; (is (= result
;; '(1608968448113 1608968448114 1608968448115 1609052958714 1609052959376)))))
(let [result (->> (dsl-query "(and (task now later done) (sort-by fruit desc))")
(map #(get-in % [:block/properties :fruit])))]
(is (= ["plum" "apple" nil]
"sort-by desc"))
;; (testing "sort-by (last-modified-at defaults to desc)"
;; (db/clear-query-state!)
;; (let [result (->> (dsl-query "(and (todo now later done)
;; (sort-by last-modified-at))")
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "last-modified-at"])))]
;; (is (= result
;; '(1609052974285 1609052958714 1608968448120 1608968448115 1608968448113)))))
(let [result (->> (dsl-query "(and (task now later done) (sort-by fruit asc))")
(map #(get-in % [:block/properties :fruit])))]
(is (= ["apple" "plum" nil]
"sort-by asc")))
;; (testing "sort-by (last-modified-at desc)"
;; (db/clear-query-state!)
;; (let [result (->> (dsl-query "(and (todo now later done)
;; (sort-by last-modified-at desc))")
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "last-modified-at"])))]
;; (is (= result
;; '(1609052974285 1609052958714 1608968448120 1608968448115 1608968448113)))))
(testing "sort-by hidden, built-in block property created-at"
(let [result (->> (dsl-query "(and (task now later done) (sort-by created-at desc))")
(map #(get-in % [:block/properties :created-at])))]
(is (= [1608968448115 1608968448114 1608968448113]
"sorted-by desc")
;; (testing "sort-by (last-modified-at desc)"
;; (db/clear-query-state!)
;; (let [result (->> (dsl-query "(and (todo now later done)
;; (sort-by last-modified-at asc))")
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "last-modified-at"])))]
;; (is (= result
;; '(1608968448113 1608968448115 1608968448120 1609052958714 1609052974285)))))
(let [result (->> (dsl-query "(and (todo now later done) (sort-by created-at asc))")
(map #(get-in % [:block/properties :created-at])))]
(is (= [1608968448113 1608968448114 1608968448115]
"sorted-by asc")))
(testing "user page property rating"
(is (= [10 8]
(->> (dsl-query "(and (page-property rating) (sort-by rating))")
(map #(get-in % [:block/properties :rating])))))))
(require '[clojure.pprint :as pprint])
(query-dsl/query test-db "(task done)")