perf: whiteboard

Tienson Qin 2024-04-24 18:08:12 +08:00
parent 13edd74c2c
commit 92cb360a2f
1 changed files with 12 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -126,16 +126,17 @@
(mapv (fn [b] (pu/get-block-property-value b
(remove nil?)))
deleted-shapes-tx (mapv (fn [id] [:db/retractEntity [:block/uuid (uuid id)]]) deleted-ids)
upserted-blocks (->> (map #(shape->block % (:db/id page-entity)) upsert-shapes)
(remove (fn [b]
(= (:nonce
(db/entity [:block/uuid (:block/uuid b)])
upserted-blocks (->> upsert-shapes
(remove (fn [shape]
(when-let [id (if (uuid? (:id shape)) (:id shape) (uuid (:id shape)))]
(let [block (db/entity [:block/uuid id])]
(= (:nonce shape)
(map #(shape->block % (:db/id page-entity)))
(map sqlite-util/block-with-timestamps))
page-name (or (:block/original-name page-entity) (str page-uuid))
page-block (build-page-block page-entity page-name tl-page assets shapes-index)]
(when (or (seq upserted-blocks)
@ -143,7 +144,7 @@
(not= (:block/properties page-block)
(:block/properties page-entity)))
{:page-block page-block
:upserted-blocks (map sqlite-util/block-with-timestamps upserted-blocks)
:upserted-blocks upserted-blocks
:delete-blocks deleted-shapes-tx
:deleted-shapes deleted-shapes
:new-shapes created-shapes