enhance: import properties of existing pages

including property pages. part of LOG-2985
Gabriel Horner 2024-02-20 23:02:44 -05:00
parent ddefb677f2
commit 9591c51997
2 changed files with 52 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -121,17 +121,7 @@
(prn "Import detected property value change it can't fix" {:old prev-type :new prop-type :property prop})))
(do (swap! property-schemas assoc prop schema)
(defn- infer-property-schemas
[props refs options]
(->> props
(keep (fn [[prop val]]
;; TODO: Also remove all skipped properties
(when-not (get db-property/built-in-properties prop)
(infer-property-schema val prop refs options)])))
(into {})))
(defn- update-block-refs
"Updates the attributes of a block ref as this is where a new page is defined. Also
@ -291,13 +281,39 @@
(defn- update-page-properties [{:block/keys [properties] :as block} db page-names-to-uuids refs options]
(if (seq properties)
(let [property-changes (atom {})
options' (assoc options :property-changes property-changes)
_schemas (infer-property-schemas properties refs options')]
(update-in block [:block/properties]
#(update-properties % db page-names-to-uuids (:block/properties-text-values block) options')))
(let [dissoced-props (into ignored-built-in-properties
;; TODO: Add import support for these dissoced built-in properties
[:title :id :created-at :updated-at
:card-last-interval :card-repeats :card-last-reviewed :card-next-schedule
:card-ease-factor :card-last-score])
properties' (apply dissoc properties dissoced-props)
options' (assoc options :property-changes (atom {}))]
(doseq [[prop val] properties']
;; Only infer user properties
(when-not (get db-property/built-in-properties prop)
(infer-property-schema val prop refs options')))
(assoc-in block [:block/properties]
(update-properties properties' db page-names-to-uuids (:block/properties-text-values block) options')))
(defn- build-new-page
[m new-property-schemas tag-classes page-names-to-uuids page-tags-uuid]
(-> (merge {:block/journal? false} m)
;; Fix pages missing :block/original-name. Shouldn't happen
((fn [m']
(if-not (:block/original-name m')
(assoc m' :block/original-name (:block/name m'))
(merge (when-let [schema (get new-property-schemas (keyword (:block/name m)))]
{:block/type "property"
:block/schema schema}))
;; TODO: org-mode content needs to be handled
(assoc :block/format :markdown)
(dissoc :block/properties-text-values :block/properties-order :block/invalid-properties
(update-page-tags tag-classes page-names-to-uuids page-tags-uuid)))
(defn- build-pages-tx
"Given all the pages and blocks parsed from a file, return all non-whiteboard pages to be transacted"
[conn pages blocks tag-classes {:keys [page-tags-uuid property-schemas] :as options}]
@ -308,28 +324,18 @@
new-pages (remove #(contains? existing-page-names (:block/name %)) all-pages)
page-names-to-uuids (into {}
(map (juxt :block/name :block/uuid) (concat new-pages existing-pages)))
previous-property-schemas @property-schemas
new-pages' (mapv #(update-page-properties % @conn page-names-to-uuids new-pages options) new-pages)
new-property-schemas (apply dissoc @property-schemas (keys previous-property-schemas))
pages-tx (->> new-pages'
(map #(-> (merge {:block/journal? false} %)
;; Fix pages missing :block/original-name. Shouldn't happen
((fn [m]
(if-not (:block/original-name m)
(assoc m :block/original-name (:block/name m))
(merge (when-let [schema (get new-property-schemas (keyword (:block/name %)))]
{:block/type "property"
:block/schema schema}))
;; TODO: org-mode content needs to be handled
(assoc :block/format :markdown)
(dissoc :block/properties-text-values :block/properties-order :block/invalid-properties
(update-page-tags tag-classes page-names-to-uuids page-tags-uuid)))
(concat (keep #(when-let [schema (get new-property-schemas (keyword %))]
{:block/name % :block/type "property" :block/schema schema})
old-property-schemas @property-schemas
;; update-page-properties must come before building tx to detect new-property-schemas
all-pages' (mapv #(update-page-properties % @conn page-names-to-uuids all-pages options) all-pages)
new-property-schemas (apply dissoc @property-schemas (keys old-property-schemas))
pages-tx (keep #(if (existing-page-names (:block/name %))
(let [schema (get new-property-schemas (keyword (:block/name %)))]
(when (or schema (seq (:block/properties %)))
(cond-> (select-keys % [:block/name :block/properties])
(assoc :block/type "property" :block/schema schema))))
(build-new-page % new-property-schemas tag-classes page-names-to-uuids page-tags-uuid))
{:pages pages-tx
:page-names-to-uuids page-names-to-uuids}))

View File

@ -432,12 +432,14 @@
[{:keys [query-params]}]
(if (state/sub :graph/importing)
(let [{:keys [total current-idx current-page]} (state/sub :graph/importing-state)
left-label [:div.flex.flex-row.font-bold
(t :importing)
[:span.mr-1 ": "]
[:div.text-ellipsis-wrapper {:style {:max-width 300}}
left-label (if (and current-idx total (= current-idx total))
[:div.flex.flex-row.font-bold "Loading UI ..."]
(t :importing)
[:span.mr-1 ": "]
[:div.text-ellipsis-wrapper {:style {:max-width 300}}
width (js/Math.round (* (.toFixed (/ current-idx total) 2) 100))
process (when (and total current-idx)
(str current-idx "/" total))]